Dizzying facts about our world, which you haven't heard
Seventy seven million one hundred eighty seven thousand three hundred thirty seven
Nineteen million nine hundred fifty five thousand nine hundred ten
Eighty-three percent below older brothers his younger brothers.
In Pakistan is late to the lesson, the student as punishment needs eight hours to read the Koran.
Fifty five million three hundred seven thousand three hundred four
The world's first computer weighed thirty tons.
When cats snore and turn belly up, then they show that they fully trust their owner.
Eighty million eight hundred four thousand two hundred
The largest sunflower grown man, was seven and a half meters in height.
The national anthem of Japan only four lines.
Fifty million eight hundred forty three thousand ninety five
via factroom.ru
Nineteen million nine hundred fifty five thousand nine hundred ten
Eighty-three percent below older brothers his younger brothers.
In Pakistan is late to the lesson, the student as punishment needs eight hours to read the Koran.
Fifty five million three hundred seven thousand three hundred four
The world's first computer weighed thirty tons.
When cats snore and turn belly up, then they show that they fully trust their owner.
Eighty million eight hundred four thousand two hundred
The largest sunflower grown man, was seven and a half meters in height.
The national anthem of Japan only four lines.
Fifty million eight hundred forty three thousand ninety five
via factroom.ru
As my "cunning" student himself deceived
I was sick from a neglected bathtub. But it was enough to learn THIS…