Drugs for the treatment and purification of the liver

The load on the liver is enormous. It passes through everything that enters the body, whether it be alcohol, drugs, saturated fats and carbohydrate food. Performing the function of a natural filter, the liver works constantly, not knowing the rest.
The load on the liver is enormous. It passes through everything that enters the body, whether it be alcohol, drugs, saturated fats and carbohydrate food. Performing the function of a natural filter, the liver works constantly, not knowing the rest. Given the fact that modern man eats and drinks, what he breathes and how to rest, this body increasingly susceptible to parasites, pathogenic bacteria and various toxins. To avoid problems and help the liver, doctors recommended periodic cleaning with the help of medications.
How to understand that the liver is "asking" for help?
If the time to recognize the signals sent by the liver, you can save yourself from many serious health problems. To understand that "filter" is clogged with toxins, it is possible by the following symptoms:
- bloating, regular overgrowth;
- periodic acute abdominal pain (right side);
- mouth in the morning, pronounced bitterness;
- white of the eye has a yellow tinge;
- constant feeling of fatigue, heaviness in body, lethargy.
If all these signs, you must consult a gastroenterologist or a therapist and begin a preventive cleaning of the liver. The procedure should be done in spring or autumn, but not more than 2 times a year.
Liver cleansing medicines
Help the liver get rid of toxins and to recover you can use the following tools:
1) Kars, hepel, Antrel, Essentiale Forte, Holenzim (hepatoprotectors).
2) Sorbitol, herbal liver (supplements).
3) I (complex preparations: bring the bile which contribute to the protection and restoration).
4) Allahol, I (a diuretic).
Drugs can cause allergies. They are not intended for children under 3 years. The use of drugs it is necessary to discuss with your doctor. All requirements of the manufacturer about the method, dosage and timing of intake is important to comply strictly with. When alcohol intoxication is strictly forbidden to drink products of this line. Cleaning the liver of toxins in this case is possible only after the termination of the binge.
Receiving funds does not guarantee the health of the liver at all times. After preventive measures are to be adhered to daily routine and diet, more fresh air, it is desirable to do morning exercises or engage in light sports. It is recommended the use of herbal and teas no artificial colors and flavors.
Cleanse the liver folk remedies
In piggy popular recipes a large number of generations tips for cleansing the body. An important step is the proper preparation of the body for the upcoming manipulations.
Training should last from 5 to 7 days and consists in refusal from meat, fat, dairy, salt, fried and smoked foods in favor of natural cereals, steamed vegetables, salads, fresh juices. Such a diet will significantly reduce the negative impact on agencies, will prepare the liver for the upcoming cleaning.
Before use of folk recipes, it is necessary to consult a doctor. To self-medicate, as one and the same formula can be helpful to one and harmful to another organism. Remember that each person is unique and needs individual selection of medicines and folk methods.