20+ errors in combination products, because of which their usefulness is reduced by half
Useful minerals and vitamins in food are not always friendly and can even block absorption of each other (and sometimes, on the contrary, to strengthen). To minimize undesired combinations, you should not pitch in a complex and multi-component meals, and to introduce, for example, the rule is not to mix at every meal more than 5-7 ingredients.
We in the Website have collected the most important recommendations of scientists about what should and should not combine. It's not everything, but the most important thing to pay attention to. Under each infographic has a link to the study.
The study of "Interaction of iron and calcium"
Research: Effect of zinc supplements on the intestinal absorption of calcium / Phytate and zinc bioavailability
Study: Bone mineral content in patients with calcium urolithiasis/ Effect of zinc supplements on the intestinal absorption of calcium
Study: British Nutrition Foundation "Selenium and health"
Study: Iodine metabolism in response to goitrogen induced altered thyroid status under conditions of moderate and high intake of iodine
See also
20 products that will bring maximum benefit if you eat them together
20 products that can and can't eat on an empty stomach
10 foods that can and can't eat before bed
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-kuhnya/10-produktov-kotorye-mozhno-i-nelzya-est-pered-snom-1377915/
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