Exercise for getting rid of the accumulated negativity
All that you are not accepted as is (without trying to resist, to retain, to ignore, suppress, or change), accumulates in the form of emotional burden, good or bad, depending on the experience of emotions. If you want to get rid of negative goods, you need to let him go and accept things as they are. Otherwise he stays and the chain reaction of the accumulation of negativity will continue.
In that moment, when you let something be as it is, it ceases to bother you and give you adverse effect.
Offer you the easiest and most effective way to erase the negative emotional. An unexpected after effect of this exercise may be relief from depression, chronic fatigue, complexes, disease, bad past, bad habits, etc.
This exercise is carried out in a quiet environment alone, nothing should distract you.
You will need a sheet of paper, a pen and some free time:
1. You need to take a leaf and a pen.
2. On top of the sheet of paper to write the problem or the situation that is currently worrying. Very clearly and specifically define the problem or situation, for example: "I urgently need money, with a salary delay!" or "I'm 99, and I'm not married yet!"
3. Just below write: "What this issue seems to me RIGHT NOW?"
4. Then write the answers. Each answer on a new line.
The answers should not be copied from the previous note to clarify the "right now". But they can be repeated. You know the difference? Answers # 1 and # 2 may be the same, but that's no reason to just mindlessly copy them. EVERY TIME you ask yourself the question: "What is this problem it seems to me RIGHT NOW?" and give the answer that is right NOW, not last time. Then AGAIN I ask myself this question again and again write the answer.
The question "What is this problem it seems to me RIGHT NOW?" (basic study) you can drill down to:
"What I think about this problem RIGHT NOW?" (study of mind)
"What I feel about this issue right now?" (exploring emotions)
"How do I treat this problem right now?" (study of emotions and positions)
You can alternate these questions, instead of asking the same (basic), if so it will be easier. Then record them all in a column under the formulated problem.
The phrase "right now" can be replaced by the word "now".
Here the essence is important, not the wording.
And record the answers.
Write as the answer came. For example, the question arose: "They are all bastards, jerks, assholes, that I will make them!!!"
And write. You can reduce if you don't have time to write.
For example, the following response could look like this: "Okay, they'll regret it." And so on. Just write all the answers that come to mind when you ask yourself the question.
Usually after a few minutes (sometimes seconds) or getting ridiculous, there is energy in the body, or this situation just becomes ABSOLUTELY not important, that is, ceases to be a problem for you.
Despite its apparent simplicity, the exercise gives quick changes and results! It is created.
While exercise can "turn on" unpleasant images and emotions, sometimes discomfort or mild pain. which quickly will if you continue this exercise with the same problem!
A common phenomenon when performing exercises – the yawn. It's okay! Can also appear as drowsiness or befuddle. Also a frequent phenomenon. Especially if you touch a very important, difficult and serious problem.
Exercise also provides a quick change of ATTITUDE to the problem.
At run time, can appear strange thoughts and strange feelings. At some point, the exercise will seem very stupid. Just keep it moving.
The exercise is performed until the disappearance of the attention on the problem (in other words, this situation is no longer perceived as important, serious, etc.)
At this point, the exercise you finish. After that, the situation in the physical world may just disappear or be resolved without your participation!
IMPORTANT POINT: when you work with the problem, and work is not going smoothly, felt considerable drowsiness or confusion, strong unpleasant emotions (or all together), then after each recorded response direct attention to the room. This is very important! Never lose contact with the moment of "here and now"!!!
During the exercise, one should expect the emergence of a wide variety of emotions. It must be so, let him go.You may have to go through the whole range of negative emotions such as apathy, grief, sympathy, horror, fear, anxiety, resentment, hatred, rage, hostility, anger, irritation, antagonism. They can manifest themselves intensively or superficially, but will be required. Then you just get bored, and you will feel boredom for the exercise, and the situation. If you continue a little more, go into a range of positive emotions, extroversion happens, and that should finish. Extraversion means that your accumulated negativity in this situation is exhausted. Do not end up to this point – you don't want to go with excited mentality!
After finishing work with a specific problem, a written sheet you can burn it or throw it away.
On what basis to select problems for study? Work with what is bothering you at the moment the most. Can take advantage of a list of possible topics:
With this exercise you can erase all the accumulated years of emotional negativity. If you have enough exposure and intentions.
Bad habits, if they are pretty strong, need to be considered comprehensively. For example, if you smoke and want to quit, but the pull is too great, break the topic of "Smoking" part:
1. Cigarette (as such).2. Smoking (in General as such).3. The fact that you smoke.4. The sensations of Smoking.5. The effects of Smoking on your body.6. The effects of Smoking on your life.7. Every smoker that influence/affect your life.8. Your decision to smoke.9. Throwing to smoke.10. There may be other things that known only to you.It should be understood that this exercise is merely erases the negative, and not necessarily discourage the craving for Smoking. Moreover, if you smoke, in your life there are other factors that motivate you to do it, go through them. After this exercise it will be easier to reconsider the problem of Smoking and make a new conscious choice.
Likewise, handled of the disease. But if you need medical assistance will receive it. Exercise will not replace the urgent need for medical intervention.
Once again a very important point: when performing exercises do NOT LOSE CONTACT WITH the MOMENT of "HERE AND NOW"!
Author: Irina Fedorova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: arcanes.ru/publ/razvitie/psytechniki/izbavljaemsja_ot_negativa/10-1-0-50
In that moment, when you let something be as it is, it ceases to bother you and give you adverse effect.

Offer you the easiest and most effective way to erase the negative emotional. An unexpected after effect of this exercise may be relief from depression, chronic fatigue, complexes, disease, bad past, bad habits, etc.
This exercise is carried out in a quiet environment alone, nothing should distract you.
You will need a sheet of paper, a pen and some free time:
1. You need to take a leaf and a pen.
2. On top of the sheet of paper to write the problem or the situation that is currently worrying. Very clearly and specifically define the problem or situation, for example: "I urgently need money, with a salary delay!" or "I'm 99, and I'm not married yet!"
3. Just below write: "What this issue seems to me RIGHT NOW?"
4. Then write the answers. Each answer on a new line.
The answers should not be copied from the previous note to clarify the "right now". But they can be repeated. You know the difference? Answers # 1 and # 2 may be the same, but that's no reason to just mindlessly copy them. EVERY TIME you ask yourself the question: "What is this problem it seems to me RIGHT NOW?" and give the answer that is right NOW, not last time. Then AGAIN I ask myself this question again and again write the answer.
The question "What is this problem it seems to me RIGHT NOW?" (basic study) you can drill down to:
"What I think about this problem RIGHT NOW?" (study of mind)
"What I feel about this issue right now?" (exploring emotions)
"How do I treat this problem right now?" (study of emotions and positions)
You can alternate these questions, instead of asking the same (basic), if so it will be easier. Then record them all in a column under the formulated problem.
The phrase "right now" can be replaced by the word "now".
Here the essence is important, not the wording.
And record the answers.
Write as the answer came. For example, the question arose: "They are all bastards, jerks, assholes, that I will make them!!!"
And write. You can reduce if you don't have time to write.
For example, the following response could look like this: "Okay, they'll regret it." And so on. Just write all the answers that come to mind when you ask yourself the question.
Usually after a few minutes (sometimes seconds) or getting ridiculous, there is energy in the body, or this situation just becomes ABSOLUTELY not important, that is, ceases to be a problem for you.
Despite its apparent simplicity, the exercise gives quick changes and results! It is created.
While exercise can "turn on" unpleasant images and emotions, sometimes discomfort or mild pain. which quickly will if you continue this exercise with the same problem!
A common phenomenon when performing exercises – the yawn. It's okay! Can also appear as drowsiness or befuddle. Also a frequent phenomenon. Especially if you touch a very important, difficult and serious problem.
Exercise also provides a quick change of ATTITUDE to the problem.
At run time, can appear strange thoughts and strange feelings. At some point, the exercise will seem very stupid. Just keep it moving.

The exercise is performed until the disappearance of the attention on the problem (in other words, this situation is no longer perceived as important, serious, etc.)
At this point, the exercise you finish. After that, the situation in the physical world may just disappear or be resolved without your participation!
IMPORTANT POINT: when you work with the problem, and work is not going smoothly, felt considerable drowsiness or confusion, strong unpleasant emotions (or all together), then after each recorded response direct attention to the room. This is very important! Never lose contact with the moment of "here and now"!!!
During the exercise, one should expect the emergence of a wide variety of emotions. It must be so, let him go.You may have to go through the whole range of negative emotions such as apathy, grief, sympathy, horror, fear, anxiety, resentment, hatred, rage, hostility, anger, irritation, antagonism. They can manifest themselves intensively or superficially, but will be required. Then you just get bored, and you will feel boredom for the exercise, and the situation. If you continue a little more, go into a range of positive emotions, extroversion happens, and that should finish. Extraversion means that your accumulated negativity in this situation is exhausted. Do not end up to this point – you don't want to go with excited mentality!
After finishing work with a specific problem, a written sheet you can burn it or throw it away.
On what basis to select problems for study? Work with what is bothering you at the moment the most. Can take advantage of a list of possible topics:
- your age
- your complexes
- close people (individually) and people who have/had an impact on you
- you as a person
- your very valuable and very important material things
- your character negative traits (each separately)
- your body
- your mind
- your emotions
- your condition: physical, mental, spiritual (being worked at any time when the condition is not optimal)
- your disease (two thirds of the diseases can be healed by this exercise)
- your inability
- your fears
- pain
- your habits, including harmful
- your past
- your real
- money
- your job
- your income
- religion, practices, techniques
- material objects
- God
With this exercise you can erase all the accumulated years of emotional negativity. If you have enough exposure and intentions.
Bad habits, if they are pretty strong, need to be considered comprehensively. For example, if you smoke and want to quit, but the pull is too great, break the topic of "Smoking" part:
1. Cigarette (as such).2. Smoking (in General as such).3. The fact that you smoke.4. The sensations of Smoking.5. The effects of Smoking on your body.6. The effects of Smoking on your life.7. Every smoker that influence/affect your life.8. Your decision to smoke.9. Throwing to smoke.10. There may be other things that known only to you.It should be understood that this exercise is merely erases the negative, and not necessarily discourage the craving for Smoking. Moreover, if you smoke, in your life there are other factors that motivate you to do it, go through them. After this exercise it will be easier to reconsider the problem of Smoking and make a new conscious choice.
Likewise, handled of the disease. But if you need medical assistance will receive it. Exercise will not replace the urgent need for medical intervention.
Once again a very important point: when performing exercises do NOT LOSE CONTACT WITH the MOMENT of "HERE AND NOW"!
Author: Irina Fedorova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: arcanes.ru/publ/razvitie/psytechniki/izbavljaemsja_ot_negativa/10-1-0-50