Resourceful dad invented a super cool way to motivate a child to read
Modern children are not very fond of reading books. It is understandable, because today almost every child has a smartphone or tablet that has lots of interesting games. But reading is still necessary for intelligence development, so the Website offers the reader acquainted with the wonderful technique from a very smart father.
Amazonaws.commemo son for four years, and I'm teaching him to read, since I was his age, already knew all the letters and could read pretty well. But boy is the learning is not interesting, he likes to play on the tablet. And recently I took and printed out so many cards with words of varying difficulty, telling my son that we have today, "pay day." If he read correctly one card, you get thirty seconds for the game on the tablet.
The son agreed, took a few cards, read them, got his minute of the game. I got a clock and a minute later the tablet away. Son in tears, but I asked him to try and make treasured minutes. Gave him thirty cards and said that if he read them all, you'll be able to play for a half an hour, not a minute. The son tried hard, read all the hard words correctly, and even with expression.
It lasted all day: want son to play — I take it and slip him a card with the words saying that time must be earned. Imagine the day he read two hundred words! Earlier I such was not possible to do, not enough son of motivation and perseverance. And I made a conclusion that all of these primers is complete garbage. Cards son learned to read and learned a lot of new words.
via factroom.ru

Amazonaws.commemo son for four years, and I'm teaching him to read, since I was his age, already knew all the letters and could read pretty well. But boy is the learning is not interesting, he likes to play on the tablet. And recently I took and printed out so many cards with words of varying difficulty, telling my son that we have today, "pay day." If he read correctly one card, you get thirty seconds for the game on the tablet.
The son agreed, took a few cards, read them, got his minute of the game. I got a clock and a minute later the tablet away. Son in tears, but I asked him to try and make treasured minutes. Gave him thirty cards and said that if he read them all, you'll be able to play for a half an hour, not a minute. The son tried hard, read all the hard words correctly, and even with expression.
It lasted all day: want son to play — I take it and slip him a card with the words saying that time must be earned. Imagine the day he read two hundred words! Earlier I such was not possible to do, not enough son of motivation and perseverance. And I made a conclusion that all of these primers is complete garbage. Cards son learned to read and learned a lot of new words.
via factroom.ru
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