Harmful honey by heating — learn the TRUTH!
Harmful honey when it is heated or not so devil as he is painted.
Often faced with the opinion that the heated honey loses all its useful properties that it is harmful and even dangerous for health. The Internet is full of horror stories about the substance Hydroxymethylfurfural, which is released when heated honey and is a carcinogen.
The same as our ancestors in Russia were drinking traditional drinks with a hot honey and irreparable harm to the body... excerpts from the article, which does not operate an allegation, and refers to research: "Where in the med appears hydroxymethylfurfural?Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) is formed during heating of carbohydrate compounds in acid medium. Specifically, honey is the main source of hydroxymethylfurfural is fructose. Because honey has acidic environment (pH 3.5), there is a partial decomposition of fructose with the formation of hydroxymethylfurfural, which is considerably accelerated by heating.GOST reglementary the presence in honey of hydroxymethylfurfural not more than 25 mg/kg. In the standard EU maximum content of hydroxymethylfurfural is set at 40 mg/kg of honey. In areas with a hot climate, even in fresh honey has a fairly high content of hydroxymethylfurfural, so for this honey in the UN standard it is limited, especially 80 mg/kg. Theoretically, the content of hydroxymethylfurfural in fresh honey close to zero, if the bees are not fed foods containing hydroxymethylfurfural, for example, an overheated honey, invert syrup, etc.
Here's what information contains in materials of the Institute of research of honey (Bremen, Germany): "In confectionery and jams contains hydroxymethylfurfural in quantities dozens of times, and in many cases much more than the permissible standard for standard for honey. Up to the present time has not been revealed from this any harm to the human body“. We give an opinion amtn academician, Professor I. P. Chepurnoy: "So dangerous hydroxymethylfurfural contained in honey, to human health? Of course not. There are food products in which its content is dozens of times more, but it is not even defined. For example, varanam coffee hydroxymethylfurfural content can reach 2000 mg/kg In beverages allowed — 100 mg/ l and Sosa-Соlа and RER-Соlа, the content of hydroxymethylfurfural can reach 300-350 mg/ l...“. In 1975 the Institute of nutrition studies have been conducted that have shown that daily intake of hydroxymethylfurfural in the diet in an amount of 2 mg per 1 kg of weight, does not provide the person any danger. Thus, it is clear that the number of hydroxymethylfurfural, which can enter the human body even with an overheated honey is completely safe for his health.Those urges consumers not to heat the honey and not even eat it with hot tea or milk, we highly recommend you to read the article O. N. Malenkova in the 2nd issue of the journal "beekeeping" for 2002 "the Healing properties of heated honey." Below is a small excerpt from the article: "There is a perception that when heated honey is it destroys all of its healing components and special benefit this honey brings. However, it is not so. When heated honey enzymes and some vitamins are destroyed, releasing mobile metal ions, activating the human body the action of many biological catalysts. If eating heated honey, the ions of potassium, sodium, copper, zinc, magnesium, manganese, iron and other elements enter into the reaction,ensure the normal activity of cells, and are also included in the enzymes that regulate various chemical reactions".
Indeed, if we turn to the recipes of traditional medicine for thousands of years used by different peoples of the world, it is clear that most of the honey used in them is in hot form and even be boiled with other components of the drugs. It is difficult to assume that the benefits from the use of such drugs used by mankind throughout its civilized history is ephemeral, and people for thousands of years was just kidding myself.Thus, the healing potential of honey from the heat doesn't disappear. So feel free to drink Sbitnev, feast of honey cakes and gingerbread cookies, enjoy hot Linden tea with honey and stay healthy!" published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/wall-37554300_845
Often faced with the opinion that the heated honey loses all its useful properties that it is harmful and even dangerous for health. The Internet is full of horror stories about the substance Hydroxymethylfurfural, which is released when heated honey and is a carcinogen.

The same as our ancestors in Russia were drinking traditional drinks with a hot honey and irreparable harm to the body... excerpts from the article, which does not operate an allegation, and refers to research: "Where in the med appears hydroxymethylfurfural?Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) is formed during heating of carbohydrate compounds in acid medium. Specifically, honey is the main source of hydroxymethylfurfural is fructose. Because honey has acidic environment (pH 3.5), there is a partial decomposition of fructose with the formation of hydroxymethylfurfural, which is considerably accelerated by heating.GOST reglementary the presence in honey of hydroxymethylfurfural not more than 25 mg/kg. In the standard EU maximum content of hydroxymethylfurfural is set at 40 mg/kg of honey. In areas with a hot climate, even in fresh honey has a fairly high content of hydroxymethylfurfural, so for this honey in the UN standard it is limited, especially 80 mg/kg. Theoretically, the content of hydroxymethylfurfural in fresh honey close to zero, if the bees are not fed foods containing hydroxymethylfurfural, for example, an overheated honey, invert syrup, etc.

Here's what information contains in materials of the Institute of research of honey (Bremen, Germany): "In confectionery and jams contains hydroxymethylfurfural in quantities dozens of times, and in many cases much more than the permissible standard for standard for honey. Up to the present time has not been revealed from this any harm to the human body“. We give an opinion amtn academician, Professor I. P. Chepurnoy: "So dangerous hydroxymethylfurfural contained in honey, to human health? Of course not. There are food products in which its content is dozens of times more, but it is not even defined. For example, varanam coffee hydroxymethylfurfural content can reach 2000 mg/kg In beverages allowed — 100 mg/ l and Sosa-Соlа and RER-Соlа, the content of hydroxymethylfurfural can reach 300-350 mg/ l...“. In 1975 the Institute of nutrition studies have been conducted that have shown that daily intake of hydroxymethylfurfural in the diet in an amount of 2 mg per 1 kg of weight, does not provide the person any danger. Thus, it is clear that the number of hydroxymethylfurfural, which can enter the human body even with an overheated honey is completely safe for his health.Those urges consumers not to heat the honey and not even eat it with hot tea or milk, we highly recommend you to read the article O. N. Malenkova in the 2nd issue of the journal "beekeeping" for 2002 "the Healing properties of heated honey." Below is a small excerpt from the article: "There is a perception that when heated honey is it destroys all of its healing components and special benefit this honey brings. However, it is not so. When heated honey enzymes and some vitamins are destroyed, releasing mobile metal ions, activating the human body the action of many biological catalysts. If eating heated honey, the ions of potassium, sodium, copper, zinc, magnesium, manganese, iron and other elements enter into the reaction,ensure the normal activity of cells, and are also included in the enzymes that regulate various chemical reactions".

Indeed, if we turn to the recipes of traditional medicine for thousands of years used by different peoples of the world, it is clear that most of the honey used in them is in hot form and even be boiled with other components of the drugs. It is difficult to assume that the benefits from the use of such drugs used by mankind throughout its civilized history is ephemeral, and people for thousands of years was just kidding myself.Thus, the healing potential of honey from the heat doesn't disappear. So feel free to drink Sbitnev, feast of honey cakes and gingerbread cookies, enjoy hot Linden tea with honey and stay healthy!" published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/wall-37554300_845