How dangerous is honey?

Honey is a natural delicacy that is advised to both children and the elderly. His. therapeutics They are recognized as both folk and traditional medicine, and beekeepers praise the product, claiming comprehensive benefits for the body and soul.

But nutritionists pay attention that even such a useful product as honey can be harmful. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account its features in order to receive the greatest benefit and not to harm yourself.


With a cold, each of us at least once was treated with honey. But how useful is this product? We recall its mythical benefits every time we stumble upon the rows of cans of this amber delicacy on the market.


Here the first danger awaits: to quickly package honey in the right containers, unscrupulous implementers heat it to a liquid state. If you heat honey to 45 degrees, it changes its structure and almost completely loses its useful properties.

Heated to 60 degrees, honey turns into a dangerous product, forming a substance oxymethyl furfurol - a real poison. You can also not add honey to hot drinks or pastries. Guidelines for amateurs cureThe drink should be warm but not hot.

By the way, a familiar doctor advises excellent anti-inflammatoryIt can be made from honey and bay leaf. To do this, take 2 bay leaves, 1 tbsp. l. baking soda, pour a glass of hot water and boil over a slow heat for 15 minutes. Cool and add 1 tbsp of honey. Consume a spoonful of warm tincture about 20 minutes before each meal.

Those who eat honey, replacing them with sugar, you should take into account the huge calorie content of viscous sweetness. Excessive consumption of honey can provoke obesity and even diabetes.


Honey is also harmful for tooth enamel: frequent absorption of the product provokes caries. However, this fate can be avoided if you rinse your mouth with water after a meal.

For children under 3 years of age, honey is generally prohibited due to possible allergies. There are cases when acquaintance with the delicacy at an early age caused disgust for the product for the rest of his life. For older children, the daily dose of honey is 2-3 teaspoons. An adult should not eat more than 3 tablespoons of honey per day.


Even 1 teaspoon of honey on an empty stomach increases immunity and activates digestive processes in the body. But it is forgotten that the effect lasts only 30 minutes. If a person does not eat breakfast, then this will affect blood levels and worsen their health for the whole day. And in vain production of gastric juice will harm the pancreas.


If you take into account all the above, you can take the maximum benefit from honey. This product is rich in calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron and a large number of other essential microelements and vitamins. In competent doses, honey can show a number of useful properties.

But honey damage It can be tangible. Therefore, you should take into account the characteristics of your own body, as well as the properties and versatility of the product, so that amber delicacy brings pleasure and benefit. The main thing is to be able to choose the right honey or buy from reliable beekeepers.

What are the harmful properties of honey you have noticed on yourself?


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