Man and "the tempter": the anecdote from the life
All the store — not a very good position to be in. But some have no hope and still trying to find love wherever you can. The website offers the reader a funny story about a man who tried to "glue" Intrusive lady.
On 14 February I popped into a shop in the yard for food. In front of me in the queue stood a couple in rather shabby clothes and buys alcohol. At the first glance on them once it became clear that last night they "culturally" rested now and eager to continue the Banquet.
Then the lady turned on the regime hysterical and began yelling at the man, pronouncing him for all transgressions. He sluggishly from her waved. I stood back, not really delving into their showdown. Suddenly this Madame evil whisper said: "Yes, what I better can't find anyone, or what?" and turned to me.
— A young man, and you do not would like to spend the evening in the company of a beautiful lady?
Well, I think, arrived. To get involved in their dismantling I did not want, probably the same or get the eye from men, if they agree, or in the forehead from his wife for refusing. So how can neprihotlivye and meaner grumble under his breath the word "no".
— And what is just "no"? After all, today's Valentine's day, Valentine's Day! charming tried to smile at me in response to this "temptress".
You know, I'll probably prefer to spend the evening alone with a good glass of brandy, remembering all my "lovers", not having the opportunity to pick my brain... I replied tactfully.
Here the man looked at me the look of a beaten dog and quietly said,
Is... And I can better come with you?
His wife with the words, "Oh, what a parasite!" grabbed the guy by the hand and pulled him to the exit. Many predators such force does not drag away their victims, like this lady dragged her blessed. The more I have them in the store never seen, ate it, probably the guy, the female praying mantis...
via factroom.ru

On 14 February I popped into a shop in the yard for food. In front of me in the queue stood a couple in rather shabby clothes and buys alcohol. At the first glance on them once it became clear that last night they "culturally" rested now and eager to continue the Banquet.
Then the lady turned on the regime hysterical and began yelling at the man, pronouncing him for all transgressions. He sluggishly from her waved. I stood back, not really delving into their showdown. Suddenly this Madame evil whisper said: "Yes, what I better can't find anyone, or what?" and turned to me.
— A young man, and you do not would like to spend the evening in the company of a beautiful lady?
Well, I think, arrived. To get involved in their dismantling I did not want, probably the same or get the eye from men, if they agree, or in the forehead from his wife for refusing. So how can neprihotlivye and meaner grumble under his breath the word "no".
— And what is just "no"? After all, today's Valentine's day, Valentine's Day! charming tried to smile at me in response to this "temptress".
You know, I'll probably prefer to spend the evening alone with a good glass of brandy, remembering all my "lovers", not having the opportunity to pick my brain... I replied tactfully.
Here the man looked at me the look of a beaten dog and quietly said,
Is... And I can better come with you?
His wife with the words, "Oh, what a parasite!" grabbed the guy by the hand and pulled him to the exit. Many predators such force does not drag away their victims, like this lady dragged her blessed. The more I have them in the store never seen, ate it, probably the guy, the female praying mantis...
via factroom.ru