"You, man, are insane!"

A man is driving a brand new car around the city, and suddenly a car breaks down near the local madhouse. The man comes out and sees that for some reason the fastening bolts flew off on one of the wheels. Late evening, the street is deserted, there is no one to wait for help. The man begins to look around confusedly, scratching the back of his head and wondering how he can get to some repair shop.
Suddenly, on the second floor of the mental hospital, a window opens and the swollen face of some old man appears in it.
- Hey man, I know what you have to do! the old man shouts.
- Come on, lie! I'll figure it out myself, the poor man replies.
- He'll come up with it, yeah! You look at him... Man, take one bolt off the other wheels and put them in the place of the fallen ones. You're gonna make it to the station!
- Oh! And how did I not think of it myself? - Shining with a smile, says the man. I didn’t know that you, mentally ill, could be so smart!
- You're insane, man! I work here! Plumber!
via factroom.ru