You're not worth that to worry about you...
"You're not worth that to worry about you..." I have to Say: behind these infant processes.
But about all under the order.
The desire for reparations is a sign of development. And it's a sign of transition to a more advanced evolutionary stage of object relations (depressive phase).
Recall that the evolution of the psyche, Melanie Klein "measured" evolution of object relations. So. Reparation can actually make and other maniacal character, transforming into a mechanism of protection.Protection from what? From musicalnote suffering from the awareness of the destruction or loss of the object.
And then the person does not grieve about this, and devalues. For example, in a situation of loss of a warm, meaningful relationship, the man says to himself: "all this Garbage was, and not a relationship. Not very much was necessary. Other (other object) find".
That is a defense mechanism: manic reparation. And how would it be? It would be necessary to otherevery: go to complex feelings and authorisati. Where it is possible to take care of or correct.
Where nothing can be done is to accept and authorisati.And then let go.
Where does this devalues the position-manic reparation?
Of the early, infant stages.
Namely, as is the case with baby says Robert Hinshelwood: "In the early stages of development the infant uses the Almighty mechanisms, ensuring the security of the Ego. Later, when he was first coming to the depressive position, it canbegin to experience a favorite object, like irreparably damaged, reflecting the extreme violence of his most powerful fantasies. The desire to put in order so significantly damaged object so painful, because the task is experienced as extremely difficult. The result does not remain other exit, except how the whole situation to deem insignificant, and the task of rebuilding the object to be treated casually, as if it could be done magically".
And what in the adult?
Later in life even ordinary stress can cause the dismissive idea that the object does not worth to worry about him.
But the contempt and belittling of the significance is manic-protect musicalnote suffering, help people feel less helpless and less dependent on significant good objects, which appear to him to be corrupted and cause such a heavy sense of responsibility.
Ultimately, the contempt more like damage the object and cause painful feeling. The circle is closed. But the fragile psyche of otherwise...can't. published
Author: Kanskiy Xenia
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind - together we change the world! ©
Source: www.gestaltism.ru/ty-ne-stoish-togo-chto-by-o-tebe-bespokoitsya/
But about all under the order.
The desire for reparations is a sign of development. And it's a sign of transition to a more advanced evolutionary stage of object relations (depressive phase).
Recall that the evolution of the psyche, Melanie Klein "measured" evolution of object relations. So. Reparation can actually make and other maniacal character, transforming into a mechanism of protection.Protection from what? From musicalnote suffering from the awareness of the destruction or loss of the object.

And then the person does not grieve about this, and devalues. For example, in a situation of loss of a warm, meaningful relationship, the man says to himself: "all this Garbage was, and not a relationship. Not very much was necessary. Other (other object) find".
That is a defense mechanism: manic reparation. And how would it be? It would be necessary to otherevery: go to complex feelings and authorisati. Where it is possible to take care of or correct.
Where nothing can be done is to accept and authorisati.And then let go.
Where does this devalues the position-manic reparation?
Of the early, infant stages.
Namely, as is the case with baby says Robert Hinshelwood: "In the early stages of development the infant uses the Almighty mechanisms, ensuring the security of the Ego. Later, when he was first coming to the depressive position, it canbegin to experience a favorite object, like irreparably damaged, reflecting the extreme violence of his most powerful fantasies. The desire to put in order so significantly damaged object so painful, because the task is experienced as extremely difficult. The result does not remain other exit, except how the whole situation to deem insignificant, and the task of rebuilding the object to be treated casually, as if it could be done magically".

And what in the adult?
Later in life even ordinary stress can cause the dismissive idea that the object does not worth to worry about him.
But the contempt and belittling of the significance is manic-protect musicalnote suffering, help people feel less helpless and less dependent on significant good objects, which appear to him to be corrupted and cause such a heavy sense of responsibility.
Ultimately, the contempt more like damage the object and cause painful feeling. The circle is closed. But the fragile psyche of otherwise...can't. published
Author: Kanskiy Xenia
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind - together we change the world! ©
Source: www.gestaltism.ru/ty-ne-stoish-togo-chto-by-o-tebe-bespokoitsya/
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