Did you know that Facebook is watching you, even when not in use?

It is no secret that Facebook collects huge amounts of data about their users, including remote and unfinished posts, as well as information about Internet activity of people outside the social network.
But here is another less known fact was that the company followed, not only for those who constantly uses the website, but for those who do not have an account on Facebook.
The website found out why it happens and what to do to stop "Big Brother" constantly watching us.

First and foremost, to create effective advertising that will be shown only to those users whose characteristics meet the requirements of advertisers. This is called targeted, that is focused on a group of people with certain interests. Monitoring Internet activity allows the company to draw a conclusion about his preferences in order to show him first of all those ads which are most likely to interest him.

Much more than we think, including what we pointed out. For example, preferences in advertising, addresses and phone numbers, education level and income, cost, area and year of construction of the house. These data can be obtained by analyzing our activity on the Internet, including those outside Facebook, and also from the information that is shared in the network of our friends. Moreover, the deletion of an account will not erase your information from the database — they will remain there virtually forever.

According to a study published by the Belgian data protection Agency, the company tracks the pages visited by users, even if they have logged out of your Facebook account, deleted it or never recorded in this social network.
How is this possible? The researchers argue that Facebook keeps track of our actions in the browser by using cookies on our computers. This happens when we visit a business page or fans page celebrities, view which available and without a social network account.
On the other site tracking is through social plugins such as the Like button is integrated on virtually all popular resources. But that's not all: according to researchers, tracking is performed even when there occurs no interaction with the services of Facebook.

If you are a Facebook user, then you will get instruction from a specialist on data analysis Beukes Vicky (Vicky Boykis):
- Try not to publish too much personal information.
- Do not post pictures of your kids, especially if they are not in that age to give their permission for publication.
- Get out of your social network account when finished to use it, and best of all, use separate browsers for Facebook and all the rest.
- Use ad blockers.
- Do not install Facebook messenger on your smartphone, use a mobile website.

Tips from Business Insider will be equally useful for all Internet users, including those who do not use social media:
- On the device iPhone or iPad , select "Settings > Privacy > Is" and then enable "to Limit the tracking of advertising."
- On the device the Android , select "Settings > Google > Ads", then disable the "Personalize advertising in applications".
- In the browser Chrome (or any other you use — the settings in all browsers are similar), open the menu "Settings > Show advanced settings > privacy" and tick the option "Send do not track the outgoing traffic."

While there is no law that would oblige all the organizations to comply with this prohibition. But the company Facebook among some other have signed an agreement under which it must respect the reluctance of users to be "under observation".
Photos on the preview dolphfynlow / ©DEPOSITPHOTOS.COM, Balefire9 / ©DEPOSITPHOTOS.COM
Materials businessinsider.com, veekaybee.github.io thenextweb.com
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