22 useful features of Facebook, which are not known to most users

A California resident Robert Scoble (Robert Scoble) posted on his Facebook page a list of 22 unexpected ways to use the social network, which are not known to most users.
The website invites you to look at them. And maybe start to apply now.
Enough to share THREE posts of other people on interesting to you theme, and from now on you will see more such records. If it was pictures of children of your friends — you'll be seeing more baby pics if it was an academic publication in your feed will increase their number.

Write FIVE original posts on the same topic. You will see more posts on this topic in your subscriptions. I remember when I wrote about the earthquake in NAPA, my tape for 30 seconds filled only with news about the earthquake. Open access to their records as much as possible. Should allow to subscribe to the page even those who are not included in the list of your friends. Publish something for public access and you will see how your post will gain unprecedented number of hits. However, if you want to share something only for members of the family, you will still be able to do it after you change the settings, because each post has its own privacy setting.

Regularly update information in your profile. Do not forget to open access to it, because most people are not so easy to find you. You will find that you will be immediately added to the many colleagues and friends.

Divide all members into two lists: "best friends" and "acquaintances." This mark next to their name will allow you to improve the content of your tape. Remember, "best friends" to you would be to do a few times more alert.

Remove everyone who says nothing and never comments on other people's records. You will find that your posts suddenly started to get much larger coverage. Why is this happening? First, Facebook shows your posts to only a few friends to test their reaction. The less they react, the less people will see your recording in the future. If you have friends who never like it, don't repost and comments, they prevent you to bring your posts to others. Do not forget to put likes and write comments, and share other people's records. So you teach Facebook to show you what you are interested in. Hide ribbon that you don't want to see. For example, I hide almost all selfies, quotes, memes, things that make me dumber. It's funny, but now Facebook shows me much less these posts. (Each post is a button "Hide post" in the drop-down list on the right side.)

Unsubscribe from too "noisy" people. Even if it's your friends or family members. If you put them in a list (you follow item No. 5 above, isn't it?), you can still see what they write, selecting the desired list. But your home page will look much better. Check the calendar of events at least once a month. Always refuse events which are not going to participate, and accept invitations for the rest. This helps make the event the virus and spread it among your friends.

Check ALL your settings on Facebook once a monthto ensure they are not lost. This is especially important for mobile applications. I believe if you delete the app and then re-install it, all settings will return to default values. Hearken to the value of each setting. Turn on all the security settings you can find. You may think this is unimportant only as long as your page one is not hacked. By the way, do the same for mail and other social networks too.

Before to make new friends, make sure your page has at least 10 posts that are open for reading. And that they tell something about you and your Hobbies. If it's just selfies, don't be surprised that people will not accept your offer of friendship.

Don't let people write messages on your timeline without your permission. As a rule, these posts are terrible. Add at least 400 friends. People with fewer friends are hard to move on Facebook. If you are going to add someone who has more than 5000 friends, you must have a minimum of 50 common friendsto not be taken for fraud. For the rest, is usually sufficient at least 5 mutual friends that you were not considered a spammer. In addition, it will remind the person where he knows you. You don't see much of what you write, your friends. If you want to see more information from specific people, VISIT THEIR PROFILES at least once a week and browse the contents. Or, better yet, put them in a separate list and view the list. The lists show everything. Your home page shows you only the most popular materials from them (actually not really, the Facebook algorithms take into account several different factors to decide what to show you).

Turn on location, if you are using Facebook through a mobile application. This will allow not only to find friends nearby, but to read some news feed about the place where you are. Write on Facebook only using his own tool/ app/ website. Those who post entries via Twitter, as a rule, bad move on Facebook. Participate in the discussion of both your and other people's posts. It's important for people to see that you are involved in a conversation and give a feedback, and not just post. In addition, it will help you to learn from others, encourage them to comment, which will allow your posts to obtain more coverage.

You can reorganize the menu on the left. On the web version of Facebook, you can click the small icons next to each menu item and rearrange them in a convenient manner. I put on the top of the list, so to them it was easier to reach. Treat Facebook as a conduct to food intake. You wouldn't have given me the pasta without the sauce, isn't it? So to place the children's photos is to give another pasta without the sauce. You have interests in addition to children, isn't it? The same applies to those who post only selfies. Or only animals. Or just memes. Are you serious? This is exactly what you want to know about you? Well, in that case, I will not remain your friend. Make sure you make your friends smarter, and show that you have a diverse set of interests.

Source facebook.com
Photos on the preview eurosaurus
According to the materials of Robert Scoble
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