9 tips that may one day save your life

When the phrase "survival tips", many imagine of Robinson on the island, or bear Grylls, left alone with nature. But the city also need to know something, not to get into trouble.
The website has collected tips that are worth remembering not to get lost in a difficult situation.
The keys for self-defense

On the Internet you can see this counsel: to defend against a street attack, you have to hold the keys between your fingers like brass knuckles. Actually you can't do that: you can damage your fingers. And to position the keys so you need some time, and you may not be.
Better clamp the key in his hand like a knife, so much more effective. Or shrink the keys in his hand, to weigh it down.
If the taxi driver behaves strangely

Before planting, make a note of the number. If you find that the driver behaves suspiciously, call any friend (or pretend to call) and during the conversation, tell the caller that you go in a taxi, and give the machine number.
Don't underestimate ticks

In Europe, Asia and America, ticks can carry Lyme disease, and in Eurasia and tick-borne encephalitis. Both infections are very dangerous. So if the tick has bitten you, go to the doctor and find out you caught it.
By the way, to pick up the tick it is possible and in a normal Park, so be alert. And to pull out the stuck tick, grasp it with tweezers close to the head and gently twist. About other ways to get rid of it, read here.
If a man tells you he won't hurt you, cheerleaders

Pay special attention to the strange unbidden promises. If your companion neither from that nor from this starts to say that he will not touch you, it leads to the suspicion that touch he wants. Unconditional promises are very alarming.
The money "just in case"

Hide a note under a case or phone cover. Sometimes you don't have any cash and they urgently need, for example to pay the taxi driver. If you pull out of a pocket purse or do you leave somewhere in a bag, this advice may also be useful.
The effect of the crowd

If you or your friend became ill in a public place, not asking for help all at once, find the nearest passer-by and refer specifically to it. Otherwise, the liability of the "clears", that is, people will think someone is already helping you, and everyone will pass you by.
If you are unable to open the window of a sinking car

If the machine is sinking, you need without waiting for it to dive under the water, open a window to get through it. But what if for some reason the window doesn't open? This can happen if the body contorted. In this case secure inside something heavy to break the glass at any time. Will fit the lock on the steering wheel or pedals, fire extinguisher, some tools.
Read more about what to do if the car is sinking, please click here.
A simple rule of safety on the stairs, which many people forget

Never keep your hands in your pockets while climbing or descending the stairs. If suddenly you fall, hands cool to help you. Well, if fall is already inevitable, brace, protect the head.
If you think that something is wrong, don't hesitate and don't be afraid to be rude

Feel free to give up the company of a man who strange to you. If you are afraid to go into one Elevator with a suspicious neighbor and feel that something goes wrong, don't go against your instincts, just not to hurt him.
If he does not understand the word "no", tell him loudly and clearly: "Sorry, but we are with you along the way!"
See also
To know these 15 facts may one day save your life
Guide to first aid
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