Master class: How not to eat after 6
In one book I read the amazing words that addiction of any kind arises from the fact that we lack a sense of fun. Emptiness, a black hole in the soul that we are trying to fill with dependencies (e.g., food) occurs due to the inability to calm himself, to please, on time remembering something positive and good. In reality, we ourselves are enough to console himself and to restore. We, as nature intended.
That book described the story of the pilot. During the air battle a shell struck a fuel tank in his plane, and poisonous liquid flooded the cabin. The pilot held it for a few hours, suffered multiple burns, but survived. After he said that in the most terrible moments in his subconscious suddenly revived the memory of the lullaby that his mother sang to him before bedtime. The words themselves came back to mind and he sang them to calm down, do not lose my mind, hope that you get out and on the plane and later at the hospital, where for many days I wavered between life and death.
I tried to consciously look for ways to calm down and get away from unnecessary eating in the evenings – here are three, which in my case turned out to be the most effective.
How to escape from the extra food in the evenings1. Look at the evening food and morning eyes, I noticed that late in the evening (usually when perenervnichala tired) I really want the food, which in the morning causes almost disgust or at least bewilderment. Let's say I'm one of those people who hardly ever am craving cookies, chocolate, cakes, candy, ice cream, macaroni and cheese, all the flour or sweets in large quantities. Yes, for any price!
And then I slightly expanded the time frame — was to imagine that my morning starts right after dinner (remember at Strugatsky "Monday begins on Saturday"?). Dawn is slowly gaining strength, its just not visible to the naked eye. I remember what feelings I have or that the food in the morning – I want to eat her? It helps a lot. I feel physically really sick, because I just had dinner, and hunger is psychological. So, the food will make it worse,you need to lift your mood by other means.
My two main meals a day – Breakfast and lunch.
In the morning on an empty stomach I try to eat sprouts, for Breakfast or after Breakfast, take vitamins,up to three hours a day, drink most of the water for a day at this time, the metabolism works best.
After three hours of the day , I deliberately "go" food, turn their attention from the taste to the other senses: the colors, landscapes, twilight (as they give the whole a shade of smoky blue glass), sounds, music, face, touch. At this time I prefer a leisurely conversation, an evening walk, the sunset, books, music, lamps burning on the table, candles – they satisfy hunger and psychological stress.
2. Tune in comfort, not to fightAfter a hard, stressful day, it is important to set yourself up not to fight with your evening gluttony ("not a morsel, not a crumb after six!"), but for comfort and sense of security, a feeling of home.
"I try to choose people, job, house, clothes, food, travel, circumstances so that I was comfortable."
I never understood (and deep down even slightly despised) this approach – what narrow-mindedness! Is it possible to achieve perfection, to conquer the top? On the contrary, it is necessary to sacrifice comfort for the sake of goals. And only when I became older I understood the wisdom of that attitude.
Comfort starts with small things – I'm comfortable or cramped in this Shoe, I sit how I want or in a fixed, awkward position, because, in my opinion, look better from the side? I'll fast all day, causing terrible discomfort to your body, because I am shy to chat, have on people, or I'll little by little to create comfort – a small tasty bit of food throughout the day, to the evening was not a brutal appetite, five-minute, albeit nothing special, conversations with lovely colleagues, neighbors, to avoid starvation on communication, which again is want to eat cake or fried potatoes in the morning?
One of the best definitions of addiction that I came across: "I can stop whenever I want" (it can be food, alcohol, sex, toxic relationships, gambling, drugs, etc.). That is, I myself don't own addiction controls me, I'm not free, not free to dispose of his life. I'm not comfortable, but I obey, sacrifice their comfort for the sake of a quick, fleeting pleasure. And then the addiction dictates to me how I should be treated, and not I show, explain to the world how to treat me.
Comfort protects us from addiction, provides the freedom to be who we are, to say what we think, that is, to be natural, true to his nature. Preferring to act out of a sense of comfort, we choose to enjoy life instead of forever elusive perfection, in advance doomed to failure. Besides, perfectionism is imperceptibly but surely, like an eraser, erases our identity, adjusting to the iron standard.
3. Remember the episode when joy was more important than foodMentally select an episode from the past, when you had Breakfast, lunch, dinner or just snacking on the go, and can be used to cook together with someone who you very-very happy or supported, struck the imagination captured by the story, surprised, and then the food, although delicious, has receded into the background. And the first was conversations, glances, laughter, moments of happiness. Gather strength and then return to the present and look at your brutal psychological hunger this evening those happy and calm eyes. Well, take it easy?
Another option: we all have role models, men or women, with whom we are pleased to be on hand to ask about something important, to trust mystery, to share my soul, or just chat over a Cup of coffee or on a walk (run?). My list is constantly changing, now there, for example, there is an incredibly natural Emmanuelle Alt, and Halle Barry, bill Murray, Julie Delpy (and a couple of others, but I prefer to keep secret).
Imagine that now he or she appears next and you will prepare together something delicious, and you will be incredibly easy and fun with this person. Imagine in detail what you offer to prepare, how to go for groceries, what you want to say, where to go after dinner? Now get down from that cloud of fantasy and do the same, but only yourself. I liked the statement, I do not remember whose: "In fact, we are never alone, because even in solitude we are alone with the world".
The perfect remedy for an evening of gluttony, in my opinion, is to realize that a positive attitude is more important than any food. If everything goes wrong, you are exhausted, or feel like rolling a huge wave of fear or depression, an urgent need to create a positive attitude like a cake and then enjoy eating! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: smart-cookie.ru/weight-loss/kak-ne-est-posle-shesti/
That book described the story of the pilot. During the air battle a shell struck a fuel tank in his plane, and poisonous liquid flooded the cabin. The pilot held it for a few hours, suffered multiple burns, but survived. After he said that in the most terrible moments in his subconscious suddenly revived the memory of the lullaby that his mother sang to him before bedtime. The words themselves came back to mind and he sang them to calm down, do not lose my mind, hope that you get out and on the plane and later at the hospital, where for many days I wavered between life and death.
I tried to consciously look for ways to calm down and get away from unnecessary eating in the evenings – here are three, which in my case turned out to be the most effective.

How to escape from the extra food in the evenings1. Look at the evening food and morning eyes, I noticed that late in the evening (usually when perenervnichala tired) I really want the food, which in the morning causes almost disgust or at least bewilderment. Let's say I'm one of those people who hardly ever am craving cookies, chocolate, cakes, candy, ice cream, macaroni and cheese, all the flour or sweets in large quantities. Yes, for any price!
And then I slightly expanded the time frame — was to imagine that my morning starts right after dinner (remember at Strugatsky "Monday begins on Saturday"?). Dawn is slowly gaining strength, its just not visible to the naked eye. I remember what feelings I have or that the food in the morning – I want to eat her? It helps a lot. I feel physically really sick, because I just had dinner, and hunger is psychological. So, the food will make it worse,you need to lift your mood by other means.
My two main meals a day – Breakfast and lunch.
In the morning on an empty stomach I try to eat sprouts, for Breakfast or after Breakfast, take vitamins,up to three hours a day, drink most of the water for a day at this time, the metabolism works best.
After three hours of the day , I deliberately "go" food, turn their attention from the taste to the other senses: the colors, landscapes, twilight (as they give the whole a shade of smoky blue glass), sounds, music, face, touch. At this time I prefer a leisurely conversation, an evening walk, the sunset, books, music, lamps burning on the table, candles – they satisfy hunger and psychological stress.
2. Tune in comfort, not to fightAfter a hard, stressful day, it is important to set yourself up not to fight with your evening gluttony ("not a morsel, not a crumb after six!"), but for comfort and sense of security, a feeling of home.
"I try to choose people, job, house, clothes, food, travel, circumstances so that I was comfortable."
I never understood (and deep down even slightly despised) this approach – what narrow-mindedness! Is it possible to achieve perfection, to conquer the top? On the contrary, it is necessary to sacrifice comfort for the sake of goals. And only when I became older I understood the wisdom of that attitude.
Comfort starts with small things – I'm comfortable or cramped in this Shoe, I sit how I want or in a fixed, awkward position, because, in my opinion, look better from the side? I'll fast all day, causing terrible discomfort to your body, because I am shy to chat, have on people, or I'll little by little to create comfort – a small tasty bit of food throughout the day, to the evening was not a brutal appetite, five-minute, albeit nothing special, conversations with lovely colleagues, neighbors, to avoid starvation on communication, which again is want to eat cake or fried potatoes in the morning?
One of the best definitions of addiction that I came across: "I can stop whenever I want" (it can be food, alcohol, sex, toxic relationships, gambling, drugs, etc.). That is, I myself don't own addiction controls me, I'm not free, not free to dispose of his life. I'm not comfortable, but I obey, sacrifice their comfort for the sake of a quick, fleeting pleasure. And then the addiction dictates to me how I should be treated, and not I show, explain to the world how to treat me.
Comfort protects us from addiction, provides the freedom to be who we are, to say what we think, that is, to be natural, true to his nature. Preferring to act out of a sense of comfort, we choose to enjoy life instead of forever elusive perfection, in advance doomed to failure. Besides, perfectionism is imperceptibly but surely, like an eraser, erases our identity, adjusting to the iron standard.

3. Remember the episode when joy was more important than foodMentally select an episode from the past, when you had Breakfast, lunch, dinner or just snacking on the go, and can be used to cook together with someone who you very-very happy or supported, struck the imagination captured by the story, surprised, and then the food, although delicious, has receded into the background. And the first was conversations, glances, laughter, moments of happiness. Gather strength and then return to the present and look at your brutal psychological hunger this evening those happy and calm eyes. Well, take it easy?
Another option: we all have role models, men or women, with whom we are pleased to be on hand to ask about something important, to trust mystery, to share my soul, or just chat over a Cup of coffee or on a walk (run?). My list is constantly changing, now there, for example, there is an incredibly natural Emmanuelle Alt, and Halle Barry, bill Murray, Julie Delpy (and a couple of others, but I prefer to keep secret).
Imagine that now he or she appears next and you will prepare together something delicious, and you will be incredibly easy and fun with this person. Imagine in detail what you offer to prepare, how to go for groceries, what you want to say, where to go after dinner? Now get down from that cloud of fantasy and do the same, but only yourself. I liked the statement, I do not remember whose: "In fact, we are never alone, because even in solitude we are alone with the world".
The perfect remedy for an evening of gluttony, in my opinion, is to realize that a positive attitude is more important than any food. If everything goes wrong, you are exhausted, or feel like rolling a huge wave of fear or depression, an urgent need to create a positive attitude like a cake and then enjoy eating! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: smart-cookie.ru/weight-loss/kak-ne-est-posle-shesti/
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