A wise parable: Love and Time
Once a long time ago the Earth was an island where all lived human values.
But once they noticed, as the island started to go under water. All the values sat on their ships and sailed away. On the island there was only Love. She waited until the last, but when the wait has become nothing, she also wanted to swim away from the island.
Then she called Wealth and asked for him on the ship, but the Richness answered:
— On my ship's many jewels and gold, you have no place here.
When floated past the ship of Sadness, she tried to get to her, but she replied:
— Sorry, Love, I'm so sad that I have to always be alone.
Then Love saw the ship Pride and asked for help her, but she said that Love will break the harmony on her ship.
Next floated Joy, but she was so busy with fun that not even heard the calls of Love. Then Love was in despair. But suddenly she heard a voice somewhere behind:
— Let's go Love, I'll take you with me.
Love turned around and saw an old man. He brought her land and, when the elder sailed, Love realized, because she forgot to ask his name. Then she turned to learning:
— Tell us, the Knowledge of the one who saved me? Who was this elder?
Knowledge looked at Love:
— It was Time.
Time? — asked Love. But why would it save me?
Knowledge looked at Love, then in the distance where floated the elder:
— Because only Time knows how important in life is Love.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: zonahelp.ru/lyubovnye-otnosheniya/eto-interesno/lyubov-i-vremya.html
But once they noticed, as the island started to go under water. All the values sat on their ships and sailed away. On the island there was only Love. She waited until the last, but when the wait has become nothing, she also wanted to swim away from the island.

Then she called Wealth and asked for him on the ship, but the Richness answered:
— On my ship's many jewels and gold, you have no place here.
When floated past the ship of Sadness, she tried to get to her, but she replied:
— Sorry, Love, I'm so sad that I have to always be alone.
Then Love saw the ship Pride and asked for help her, but she said that Love will break the harmony on her ship.
Next floated Joy, but she was so busy with fun that not even heard the calls of Love. Then Love was in despair. But suddenly she heard a voice somewhere behind:
— Let's go Love, I'll take you with me.
Love turned around and saw an old man. He brought her land and, when the elder sailed, Love realized, because she forgot to ask his name. Then she turned to learning:
— Tell us, the Knowledge of the one who saved me? Who was this elder?
Knowledge looked at Love:
— It was Time.
Time? — asked Love. But why would it save me?
Knowledge looked at Love, then in the distance where floated the elder:
— Because only Time knows how important in life is Love.

P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: zonahelp.ru/lyubovnye-otnosheniya/eto-interesno/lyubov-i-vremya.html
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