18 things only women understand
Fifty one million five hundred seventy eight thousand one hundred thirty five
For men women the world sometimes seems too incomprehensible, and all the difficulties or pleasures of life experienced by girls is largely far-fetched and pointless.
Site once again decided to show what the beautiful half of humanity is confronted almost every day.
When it seems like the perfect jeans is finally found, they have usually found only one drawback
Why jeans manufacturers and have not learned to make cloth thicker in the places where they wear out most quickly?
If you go to bed at night with a wet head in the morning be ready to see in the mirror something similar
After a walk in the new shoes then another week you have to walk in flip flops
Glasses always get stuck in my hair. Always! Eighty nine million nine hundred fifty six thousand nine hundred seven
One more difficult test for hair
To go to bed with makeup is not the best idea
When something goes wrong
Each know the feeling when you put on lip gloss, and the windy
This is what happens to hair after spreading the tail in the end of the day
The beginning of the end
The moment when all life stopped
But if the purse Wake up the shadows your whole life will sparkle with new colors
Girls everywhere leave traces
At the same time they end only in a parallel Universe
The girls are very hard to stay beautiful throughout the day
But they can justly reward yourself for all the experienced difficulties
Photos on the preview claudiaaldrete / Instagram
See also
18 situations that you will understand every woman
20 comics about how hard to be a girl
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-psihologiya/20-komiksov-o-tom-kak-trudno-byt-devochkoj-916860/
For men women the world sometimes seems too incomprehensible, and all the difficulties or pleasures of life experienced by girls is largely far-fetched and pointless.
Site once again decided to show what the beautiful half of humanity is confronted almost every day.
When it seems like the perfect jeans is finally found, they have usually found only one drawback
Why jeans manufacturers and have not learned to make cloth thicker in the places where they wear out most quickly?
If you go to bed at night with a wet head in the morning be ready to see in the mirror something similar

After a walk in the new shoes then another week you have to walk in flip flops

Glasses always get stuck in my hair. Always! Eighty nine million nine hundred fifty six thousand nine hundred seven
One more difficult test for hair

To go to bed with makeup is not the best idea
When something goes wrong

Each know the feeling when you put on lip gloss, and the windy

This is what happens to hair after spreading the tail in the end of the day

The beginning of the end

The moment when all life stopped
But if the purse Wake up the shadows your whole life will sparkle with new colors
Girls everywhere leave traces


At the same time they end only in a parallel Universe

The girls are very hard to stay beautiful throughout the day

But they can justly reward yourself for all the experienced difficulties

Photos on the preview claudiaaldrete / Instagram
See also
18 situations that you will understand every woman
20 comics about how hard to be a girl
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-psihologiya/20-komiksov-o-tom-kak-trudno-byt-devochkoj-916860/
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