Nikolai Kozlov: to Develop children is one thing. And to raise another
To develop children is one thing. And to bring up another. Tell me, you are my children – raising?
To be honest, first and foremost we are his children grow. We feed them, walk, we treat them when they get sick, and teach what they are supposed to know. But with regard to education, even a small interest in this: "what? The school gave a good, educational games buy. What else does he need? Will grow no worse than others!" When we meet, we are more interested to talk about cooking/rags (if female) and sports/politics (men). Yes? Or about education?
Nikolai Ivanovich Kozlov
Passionate about education, not all. When children behave well, they want us not to educate, but to love. I want them to admire, I want to play with them, I want to support them in their endeavors. When children behave normally, we do not education, and their business.
In the evening the worse for wear, sat around the telly, then had a fight, now he's mad and she's mad – that day passed, the child all the time under my feet interfere... Where is the education?
If children are not nurtured, they grow up ill-mannered. Your ill-mannered daughter will marry the young man, who can hardly be called adults not taught to be responsible for yourself and at least your socks to clean the place, he likes to spend time playing computer games and scrapped work, he is unscrupulous and unrestrained... Its just not brought up: would you accept that?
Even the she-bear brings her cubs,our children need nurturing even more. The child must understand that the road transport under any game to run not at the table need porridge eaten with a spoon, not your hands, and to resolve disputed issues in the game first, need requests, not just brawl. In the end, the little child should be taught to pee in the potty and not haphazardly.
And this is — education. And later, when our children grow up, they need to learn independence, responsibility, respect to yourself and to the people, to teach gratitude and love.
Itself it comes: it comes only with education.
©Magdalena Berny
Children need to educate. Definitely need! We need that ourselves, it should be in our country, it is necessary by the children.
What we want to see our children?
Well-mannered child — still better than rude.
Ill-mannered children are the children of the wild, living their want and perceive all others as something they can use or need to fight.
On the contrary, elementary educated the child is already being adequate and more beneficial than harmful. Yes, he's still a child, but the child brought up.
Well-mannered child — it is an educational goal. It's good but not enough. And what is the task before the advanced parents, to those who can and want more?
As a rule, good parents want children to grow up healthy physically and mentally, smart (fluent, quick and accurate thinking), honest (respectful of others, caring not only about themselves), happy, creative and disciplined, ready to meet life's difficulties and is able to do in life large life projects.
Right. But – inaudible. Want clearer and more specific? Please!
If this book I'm writing for the advanced parents, who are those people at work and in business? I know it is primarily leaders. And if I write for leaders talking to leaders, it's easy for me to talk to them in one language, because I the head with thirty years of experience.
And then I can simply say: our task is to educate the child of the adult person we would love to have his job.
If you can dream and can imagine the perfect employee, then your child like him?
Just to clarify: the ideal employee is not stupid by "what would you like". Sorry. The perfect employee is a dream. It's not just people thinking, disciplined and responsible, this person is creative and initiative. Right? But more than that, the perfect employee by nature — the leader and head. A person who can be entrusted to an independent and challenging projects in the confidence that he will take over and do everything.
Try – right?
A full-time Manager's task is not only to choose but also to educate employees. And if you are able to educate employees — you also know how to raise children. And you understand their goals – child education in human thinking and responsible, independent and disciplined, creative, highly motivated, leader by nature.
If you are this undecided, parenting becomes easy. In this case, you have no separation of family and work: the distinguished employees at work you belong to, as beloved children, and to his children as to adults, and responsible employees.
The more confident parents are willing to invest in their children, set goals more serious.
Their goal is to raise a child who will leave them behind.Ahead of primarily in terms of culture: your child will be the person more educated than you, he will have a broader knowledge and deeper knowledge in areas critical to its future.
And what's next? What is the major task for the best, most advanced parents?
One of the biggest and the main tasks are:
To raise a child so that he set himself the task of raising your child to be healthy, caring, creative, happy — and the child of his child has set itself the task the same!!
Children brought up you should continue the idea of parenting according to your rules. Then grandchildren, great grandchildren, etc. the System itself needs to reproduce itself. Otherwise, the project "Child" — a project short, only one life. This project "Child" needs to grow into the project of "Dynasty". published
Author: Nikolai Kozlov, an excerpt from the book "Simple correct childhood"
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.psychologos.ru/articles/view/prostoe_pravilnoe_detstvo_dvoe_zn__kniga_dlya_umnyh_i_schastlivyh_roditeley_n.i._kozlov
To be honest, first and foremost we are his children grow. We feed them, walk, we treat them when they get sick, and teach what they are supposed to know. But with regard to education, even a small interest in this: "what? The school gave a good, educational games buy. What else does he need? Will grow no worse than others!" When we meet, we are more interested to talk about cooking/rags (if female) and sports/politics (men). Yes? Or about education?

Nikolai Ivanovich Kozlov
Passionate about education, not all. When children behave well, they want us not to educate, but to love. I want them to admire, I want to play with them, I want to support them in their endeavors. When children behave normally, we do not education, and their business.
In the evening the worse for wear, sat around the telly, then had a fight, now he's mad and she's mad – that day passed, the child all the time under my feet interfere... Where is the education?
If children are not nurtured, they grow up ill-mannered. Your ill-mannered daughter will marry the young man, who can hardly be called adults not taught to be responsible for yourself and at least your socks to clean the place, he likes to spend time playing computer games and scrapped work, he is unscrupulous and unrestrained... Its just not brought up: would you accept that?
Even the she-bear brings her cubs,our children need nurturing even more. The child must understand that the road transport under any game to run not at the table need porridge eaten with a spoon, not your hands, and to resolve disputed issues in the game first, need requests, not just brawl. In the end, the little child should be taught to pee in the potty and not haphazardly.
And this is — education. And later, when our children grow up, they need to learn independence, responsibility, respect to yourself and to the people, to teach gratitude and love.
Itself it comes: it comes only with education.
©Magdalena Berny
Children need to educate. Definitely need! We need that ourselves, it should be in our country, it is necessary by the children.
What we want to see our children?
Well-mannered child — still better than rude.
Ill-mannered children are the children of the wild, living their want and perceive all others as something they can use or need to fight.
On the contrary, elementary educated the child is already being adequate and more beneficial than harmful. Yes, he's still a child, but the child brought up.
Well-mannered child — it is an educational goal. It's good but not enough. And what is the task before the advanced parents, to those who can and want more?
As a rule, good parents want children to grow up healthy physically and mentally, smart (fluent, quick and accurate thinking), honest (respectful of others, caring not only about themselves), happy, creative and disciplined, ready to meet life's difficulties and is able to do in life large life projects.
Right. But – inaudible. Want clearer and more specific? Please!
If this book I'm writing for the advanced parents, who are those people at work and in business? I know it is primarily leaders. And if I write for leaders talking to leaders, it's easy for me to talk to them in one language, because I the head with thirty years of experience.
And then I can simply say: our task is to educate the child of the adult person we would love to have his job.
If you can dream and can imagine the perfect employee, then your child like him?
Just to clarify: the ideal employee is not stupid by "what would you like". Sorry. The perfect employee is a dream. It's not just people thinking, disciplined and responsible, this person is creative and initiative. Right? But more than that, the perfect employee by nature — the leader and head. A person who can be entrusted to an independent and challenging projects in the confidence that he will take over and do everything.
Try – right?
A full-time Manager's task is not only to choose but also to educate employees. And if you are able to educate employees — you also know how to raise children. And you understand their goals – child education in human thinking and responsible, independent and disciplined, creative, highly motivated, leader by nature.
If you are this undecided, parenting becomes easy. In this case, you have no separation of family and work: the distinguished employees at work you belong to, as beloved children, and to his children as to adults, and responsible employees.
The more confident parents are willing to invest in their children, set goals more serious.
Their goal is to raise a child who will leave them behind.Ahead of primarily in terms of culture: your child will be the person more educated than you, he will have a broader knowledge and deeper knowledge in areas critical to its future.

And what's next? What is the major task for the best, most advanced parents?
One of the biggest and the main tasks are:
To raise a child so that he set himself the task of raising your child to be healthy, caring, creative, happy — and the child of his child has set itself the task the same!!
Children brought up you should continue the idea of parenting according to your rules. Then grandchildren, great grandchildren, etc. the System itself needs to reproduce itself. Otherwise, the project "Child" — a project short, only one life. This project "Child" needs to grow into the project of "Dynasty". published
Author: Nikolai Kozlov, an excerpt from the book "Simple correct childhood"
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.psychologos.ru/articles/view/prostoe_pravilnoe_detstvo_dvoe_zn__kniga_dlya_umnyh_i_schastlivyh_roditeley_n.i._kozlov