Education at any cost

Education at any cost. Or why would a man love (antitheses)child Education — the main task of the adult. It is difficult, but ease, no one promised. And if a person decided to have children, so we have to prepare for parenting. Education at any cost.
Is it possible to raise a child with violence and humiliation? You can, some do.
How to invest an unreasonable child information that the person is a subordinate, unfree being, if a child is not to introduce him to cruelty and humiliation?!
If the child is not to frighten, not to hit, not to make his presence family squabbles, not to demonstrate dissections drunk, as otherwise he learns what "real life adult"? He will be immune from tantrums, despair or loneliness if they are not feeling it? Did not get it.
Your experience of the child no. The child have nothing to compare bland, banal love and care. He misses you. To raise a child without violence and humiliation, not even on the basis of humane educational goals. Abuse, mockery, accusations of deliberate fault, humiliation a small man so that he early learned to "own skin" what it is.
There is nothing terrible in the fact that by nature man has a sensitive and vulnerable soul. He is fine living without cruelty, humiliation and guilt. He would have lived without them all my life, but what about education?! Who, besides parents, it is better to show the back of psychological well-being?! Who can hurt sharper than loved ones? No one, of course.
Inoculation of cruelty will celebrate the child's soul and will teach the adult truth. The child sooner or later will realize that the world is cruel. He will cease to deceive ourselves and to love the world. And who needs his love? The suppression of love is one of the objectives of education in cruelty, because the attachment to goodness, truthfulness and sincerity make a person refined and unprotected. A thick coat, raised on humiliation — cruelty, save human remorse, injections whistleblowers and kicks chelovekovedenija.
The person will be adapted to real life. Isn't that the result of timely education?
Humiliation is an effective and simple method. Had not known since childhood humiliation, risks to preserve their dignity, humanity, self-discipline and responsibility. Not humiliated from childhood a person can be so self-sufficient that would be naked before the cruel truth of life. This is wrong.
Children need to humiliate, beat and scare until, while frightened, they will not be afraid... to love educators. To frighten and humiliate not difficult. This is much easier than to love and respect. Education does not happen much, so the more cruelty and humiliation, the more educated will educate.
Of course, any method has its risks. Man, accustomed to humiliation, will soon want to humiliate myself. But why ask what he wants? For the prevention of free-thinking need to "educate" him all his life: to humiliate, to kick, to lie, to be cruel. It is available and inexpensive, and the fruits of "education" will not keep you waiting.
Raised this way people get used to the humiliation of the cruel, will be cruel and will soon learn to educate yourself. Thus, the process of education will be endless. And children will be irreversible "politely". What more could you want to vospitatel? They should just be glad Their work is not in vain. Not that there is education? Education at any cost.
© Catherine Narkevich
source: psyfactor.org
Source: /users/1077
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