10 above, which caught the majority of buyers
Customers in the store like the hero of the film "the Truman Show". Daily they are followed by an army of marketers and studying their buying behavior to come up with more sophisticated techniques.
Today,the Website talks about 10 traps that snare salespeople. And in the comments we waiting for the magic ways that help you not to pick up anything extra at the supermarket.
10. Appearance
To emphasize the freshness of products and to make foods more appetizing and appealing food photographers put droplets of water. This technique is also successfully used by the sellers of vegetables and greens in the markets. Looking at all this, we spatium salivating and tempted by an unplanned purchase.
9. Noads slogans
"I'm sorry, but we can't sell you this" — so says Volkswagen. Is that someone stopped it? On the contrary, more attention, higher sales.
8. Overvaluation
This admission comes nearly every buyer. It works like this. For example, first displayed goods with high price, but in the end low. And it is on items with lower price is a big margin. Overvaluation has been successfully used in restaurants. The same mineral water in the shop, station buffet and restaurant is different. Confidence in the quality of goods in the restaurant is above, so its price is 2-3 times. It's like a quality index.
Here sellers offer the same amount of monthly payments for cars of different value. And if there is no difference, then why buy a cheap car?
7. Pricing lure
Expensive — it depends what to compare. Product-lure works best on comparison and helps the buyer to make decisions quickly.
6. About discounts
In stores often hang crossed-out price tags, and next to them the new prices. This price tag can be hung even if the actual reduction in price was not. "Old price" make 20% more expensive just to show that earlier the price was higher. And who remembers what the price was before? About the discount is and when we offer, for example, to make tea and coffee for just $ 100. Even if each of the products individually costs 50 rubles, psychologically it seems to us that we make a better deal.
5. Reducing the size
This favorite method of of big brands and supermarkets allows them to maintain a stable profit without raising prices.
4. The Effect Of Gruene
Architect Victor Gruen developed a plan for the world's first shopping Mall closed. To him they were a detached single-storey building linked by walkways. The architect has combined shops under one roof and created a supermarket maze. Turned out perfect, safe world where it's always warm, light, comfortable, no Windows and hours. At the Mall people fall into a state of confusion and light trance, forgetting why they came, and seemed to lose the ability to make sound decisions. As a result, make impulse purchases and spend more than planned.
3. Large truck
The buyer will spend 40% more if you take the cart, not the cart. Provided that it is not purchased for a big family or a week. The Essentials — bread and milk are at the end of a trading hall, or even at different angles. So rather just load a buyer on the way to a couple of unnecessary goods. The route many supermarkets are built in a counterclockwise direction, which also leads to unplanned purchases.
2. Anthropomorphism
Anthropomorphism is when objects invested with human qualities, such as talking with technology when she's not working, give the names of the cars, talking to the animals as people. Cartoons "Cars", "Minions" and Pixar's lamp — all good examples of anthropomorphism. If the trademark uses the talismans of animals for food packaging — buyers feel sympathy and empathize with these characters. Anthropomorphism increases trust to the company and the product and, as a result, increases sales.
1. The cunning layout of products
The top shelf is less well-known brands, the middle — the "Golden shelves" — are transformed into popular brands, bottom under unknown companies and products for children. Rent the "Golden shelves" worth a lot of money, and it is clear that it is included in the price we pay for the goods. Not to get caught on the hook, follow a simple rule: before you take the goods with a Central shelf, compare prices and quality of goods on the upper and lower shelves.
Successful to you of purchases!
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