In this family, a very wise woman!

Who in childhood did not mess around with mom in the kitchen trying to grab a piece of the pie quickly? The website wants to reveal to the reader a secret, thanks to which the head of the family will always be happy!

As a kid I always laughed at my mom and sister, who could never accurately calculate how much filling you need to prepare for the pie. She always stayed and not gone, I had to eat it. Not that I was not happy about it :)

Married and noticed my wife... also is always excessive toppings! Again I had to stand guard around the plates to eat, not yet finished pies. I blamed the notorious women's eye, the reluctance of all hundred times to measure, the wrong distribution of the products... Until I heard my wife telling our daughter:

— Sonia, toppings always do more. Dad loves it there, always with a spoon ready!
