12 photos, high in which people recognize themselves

In this world everything is designed for people of average height. Tall people constantly have to bend, Crouch and adjust. However, they never complain and always find a way out, even if sometimes it looks ridiculous.
The website has collected 12 amusing photographs in which myself know anyone who literally head and shoulders above the others.
The simplest things require effort

Often have to squat

And bend

It is difficult to relax in the shower

In the plane

Any room facing the danger

You may not be able to ride a roller coaster

Feet never sleep on the bed

The full-length mirror, seriously?

Wedding photos are fun

But you can always find a creative solution

The main thing — not to lose a good mood!

Photos on the preview ilovestephenking/reddit.com, Kujojo/reddit.com
See also
14 situations that will understand all people are tall
13 situations that will understand only girl of small stature
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