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Who comes of cancer — psychosomatic causes of cancer

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Why do people develop cancer. In recent years, accumulated enough evidence from scientists and psychologists that the cancer has psychosomatic causes. And now we learn about them. I found excellent material on the Internet. I want you to meet him. Read and draw conclusions.

Very often oncological diseases precedes the feeling that you are not wanted, not demanded neither at work nor in the family. And people who during illness to fight this sensation and set specific goals beyond their illness, often breaking the disease live rich and long enough, says Alexander DANILIN, psychotherapist IPA No. 23, host of "Silver threads" on "Radio of Russia". He spoke about psychosomatic causes of cancer and possible overcome the disease.

— It all starts with the feeling that you ceased to be the salt of the earth?

— I as a therapist can speak about psychosomatic problems, that is, how emotion can cause a particular somatic reaction. Of course, any illness, even a cold elemental that changes our life plans, sometimes significantly, sometimes not, and some anxiety the person experiences. But it has consequences, and psychosomatics all forms of oncological diseases is considered as the primary manifestation of the unwillingness of people to live. The reluctance of the inner, the hidden, the unconscious.It is clear that cancer is not a suicide, but there are many forms of human behavior which, in fact, is slow suicide. For example, binge drinking or Smoking. Adolescents who begin to secretly smoke, may not know, but any adult smoker knows that with high probability can lead to cancers, however, many continue to smoke.

— Maybe now something has changed, but 10 years ago when I regularly visited onkotsentre, oncologists smoked very much. Came to the center from all doors pulmonary compartment the smoke came clubs.

– I am also a smoker, although I understand that risk. How to explain the non-doctors who are confronted daily with the consequences of this habit? This, I think, there is the ambition of the doctor. Like, I'm a doctor, will be able to overcome this disease in itself, all is impossible, but I can. And in my Smoking is undoubtedly there is an element of such ambitions. On the other hand, Smoking is an pseudomedical, the ability to withdraw. This is a separate issue, I would now like to talk about emotional experiences.

With cancer I'm faced in the nineties of the last century, when almost all my wife's parents died from different types of tumors. As you remember, then life in the country has changed dramatically. I noticed that many people then were afraid (don't despair, namely fear), and began to understand that my father-in-law, mother-in-law somewhere in the depths of the soul did not want to live in a new world, which they were proposed.

For most people very important in their life, identity. This is especially important in our age, on average. We understand that life is not over, but begins to move toward the sunset, and at this time the person particularly important to understand who he is, what has been achieved, whether to signify her status with the words: "I am a famous doctor" or "I'm a famous journalist," etc. the Word "known" is of great importance for many – even if they hide it, want people to is adjective meaning the extent of their influence existed.

Any existential problem can only be expressed by metaphor. For this situation, I seem to be the most appropriate the words of Christ: "You are the salt of the earth." They told me from the first reading of the gospel sunk into the soul. I believe that cancer overtakes a person who begins to feel that he is no longer the salt of the earth.

We all know that salt gives food taste. But before the era of refrigerators, it also helped food to survive is another way of preserving food just wasn't there. Therefore, in all cultures, salt was a symbol of caring. Exchanging, salt, people stressed their closeness and ability to hold each other. So, when a person feels that his work, the fruits of his labor are not wanted or is no-one to store, very often he has a tumor.

For example, my grandmother was the Keeper of a big family – I, and second cousin and third cousin-sisters kept in touch. She always felt like a Keeper, and indeed after her death, the family split up, with many distant relatives lost connection. That is, for feeling salt of the earth optional wide fame or demand, but at least at the level of the family, the closest people – parents, husband, wife, children, grandchildren or friends need it all. And I don't think it is appropriate to talk about pride. Cancer overtakes and proud and humble people, humble. I prefer the metaphor "salt of the earth".

And human creative profession writer, artist, composer, very important to understand (even if he pretends that he doesn't care) that it will read, watch, listen for a long time. Artists (in the broad sense of the word) who believe in it, and often live long, but those who hope that the written book, painting, music immediately bring glory often get sick and die relatively early.

Of course, some good feedback is needed at least from someone: wife, husband, children, those who have connections. But often in reality, especially today, everyone is so occupied with their own Affairs that they even "once" to say another good word about that even though he retired, we remember and appreciate his "role in history" — a contribution to science or art or caring for the family.

Not everyone can change with life

The feeling that you ceased to be the salt, appears in different situations: someone is associated with retirement, someone with a work slowdown, a creative crisis. In the 1990-ies, when Yeltsin actually closed KGB – there were large cuts, some departments eliminated, outside the system, outside the office was a large number of "black colonels" (they can be colonels, and even majors, but that's not the point). Take care of them, offered to open their firms or take in already opened substituents, in General, satisfied with them, as far as I know, quite well.

But there is a huge difference between the life of Colonel or Lieutenant Colonel in the engineering Department of the KGB and the life of the Director or the Deputy Director of the company. The life of the Director or the Deputy Director of the firm is a constant bustle, bustle, organization, sale-resale, in General, all the delights of our so-called business. But not everyone can. In principle not all. Don't know if I can. And these people suddenly began to disintegrate into the substance abuse and cancer patients – or they were drunk, or they have a tumor.

Of course, not all sick, but many did it flash, I do the oncologists talked about this. The situation is clear. These people, almost unique in the country, if not lived under communism, then just under socialism. From the beginning the service was quite predictable career, relatively brief turn on an apartment, a car, tickets to good health – in General, quite clear and favorable rules of the game. They received slightly more ordinary Soviet officials, but thanks to preferential supply system were spared from the everyday hustle and bustle, which we all spend much of the time.

And suddenly they willingly returned to the vanity. For many it was unbearable. It is not in pride, not in a morbid vanity. I have many of them talked, someone, of course, was pride, but not all. The problem is not a mad vanity, that they did not come to this world, could not understand the relationship in it. Something had to change, to become a new person – a member of the consumer society. Few were able to cope with this problem.

This is one example. My dad was a real believer of the Soviet man. Engineer, non-partisan, he had no benefits and lived only on wages, but sincerely believed that the Soviet government is the best in the world. Disinterested, completely devoid of pride, always comes honestly and I this taught.

And here in the mid-1980s, when I was living separately, he read just published in the "Friendship of peoples", "Children of the Arbat" Rybakov, called me last night and asked me – 25-year-old son: "Sasha, did that really happen? True what he writes?".

He died of cancer. A world where truth has been turned 180 degrees, demanded a completely different person, a person of some other faith. What is Christianity, the Pope, unlike me, knew not, and treated it with humor. Such healthy Soviet engineer. By the way, a non-partisan, but believed in communism, in the Soviet power. I think he is also faced with the necessity be quite different, because his scheme of life – 120 rubles – at the end of the 1980s did not give to live and, as you know, gave it to live honestly, in harmony with one's conscience.

For all the differences of destinies and from the "black colonels", and from the Pope was needed for a rebirth. For example, I've been ontopsychology, narcology, psychotherapy — but in all of these areas apply my education, my experience. Never had the need to change everything radically, be different.

Most of those who came to my group Ecopsychology (now we are in Moscow IPA No. 23 we plan to continue this practice), for various reasons, we were facing an existential need to literally become other, to get along in this world (not in the material sense, but in spiritual or psychological), but did not find the strength for that. And for me as a therapist (I'm not an oncologist) is important in the treatment of cancer – the goal that puts a man for the future beyond their illness.

It is clear that we are all mortal, what is more, it is necessary for our development work. If we learned that we are immortal (I'm talking about the earthly life), stopped immediately. What's the rush, if we have an unlimited supply of time? A book or a Symphony then write, someday, as I lie down on the couch.

Death required that we act. We have an uncertain, but certainly a short period of time so we have time to become the salt of the earth. So the important thing in cancer treatment is to install some sort of problem.

Initially goals may be two: care about other people or creativity that this care inevitably involves. Any creativity makes sense when a person creates for others, to give them beauty, open them something new about the world.

I think if there was a real Dorian gray, with his life in the portrait, he would have died from cancer. Because such work is fruitless. Creativity to the detriment of the people, for example, the creation of bombs, other weapons of mass destruction, is also often detrimental to health. At least, among our, among the American makers of the bombs, many died of cancer and I think that they are not only sick from the radiation.

The more awareness, the less pain

For sure, lots of what I say will seem heresy. Although all believe that the brain, soul, body – integral structure, and directs the whole body the nervous system. Life confirms a psychosomatic "heresy" — I have repeatedly seen people who have found a purpose and strength to fight the feeling of total uselessness, had climbed.

For example, a 58-year-old woman scholar, grandmother of three grandchildren. She had a traditional female tumor, she sat at home, no longer anything to do. I managed to convince her that, first, it is not necessary to wait until the kids call they work from morning to night, can itself dial the number, talk, get to know how they're doing. Secondly, not only they but also she is responsible for ensuring that her grandchildren have grown worthy people.

If working from morning to night no children of time and effort to take her grandchildren to museums, the more she must use her remaining time to run around with them as much as possible to museums, to talk about our many favorite paintings to explain why he loves these paintings. She listened to my advice, it's been 10 years, now she is raising grandchildren.

I was still in my the girl, who at age 14 was diagnosed with an inoperable tumor. Parents put her in a home, surrounded with care, everyone around her jumped, and I began to say disgusting for parents thing: "You're killing yourself. You wanted to be an artist? So don't sit at home and go in a circle".

Naturally, because of illness she changed her figure, but I was relentless: "Dream of love? Try no matter what to look like to like boys". Thank God, her parents have supported me, and she lived long enough, died at the age of 28. She lived a full life, I just don't want to go into details, that was not so recognizable.

Young men, I often forced to write his memoirs. Said: "you Have your attitude to life, to today's events. Now your children are not interested, but by the age of 30 they want to know who they are, where". People have written memoirs, published at his own expense.

Of course, sooner or later we all die. The question is, to live their lives in complete helplessness, disappointment in all or until the last minute to live interesting, feel their necessity someone.

There is no such age and this disease when a person can not take a clever book or the New Testament and think about the meaning of life, about specific employment, specific work at this stage of life. If I reflect and find meaning, I, as a rule, live longer. If I don't want to think a head, soul or spirit, I'm starting to think the body.

Everything that people have thought, feared and overcome, wanted to Express, but not expressed, is expressed in muscle clamps, pains and diseases. And even in dreams. We do not have the habit of analyzing their own dreams, think about what they tell us about what troubles we do not want to realize.

The more human life awareness (any language, which do you prefer – psychoanalytic, existential, Christian), the less pain and the easier death. A disease is always a kind of metaphor that we tried to hide from themselves.

Author: Oksana Kondratiuk

Source: www.all-yoga.ru/blogs/archives/743#more-743