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"Liberation of consciousness" and 4 exercises, brain training

Better developed than the human brain, the higher the capacity, the more effectively he makes decisions and acts, the better educated should the relationship with surrounding people, objects and phenomena of the world.

Career, training, education, personal life, financial well-being, self-realization – all these and many other aspects of our life directly depends on how well developed our brain.

Is it possible to develop it, it's not muscle and not the ability? Of course, this possibility exists, especially the fact that scientists for decades saying that one uses his brain, even five percent, but not as much as possible, is undeniable and adds to the motivation. And for training and development there are special exercises and courses.

Consider a few exercises:

  • The activity "Two minutes of concentration";

  • Exercise "Noise";

  • Exercise "brain Training";

  • Exercise "Liberation of consciousness";

  • Exercise "Pulse".

Each of them can be your great helper in the development of brain and intellectual abilities.

The activity "Two minutes of concentration"Educational exercise, based on the concentration, which is a crucial quality for intellectual and physical labor.

For exercise, prepare a watch with a second hand and put them in front of him. Now relax and prepare to focus on the second hand.

When you are ready, begin to observe how it moves.

Within two minutes try to capture everything coming into consciousness of thought on the movement arrows – this will help you disconnect and focus only on yourself and the arrow hours.

If you involuntarily reflect on something and the attention will dissipate, just get some rest and begin the exercise all over again.

Initially to stay focused can be quite difficult, but as you practice focus it will become easier.From two minutes to a few days or weeks you have to go to ten. So you learn at any point you want to focus on what is important to you.

Exercise "Noise"This exercise will teach you not to pay attention to external stimuli and not to make unnecessary actions while doing something. In addition, such exercises for the brain is an excellent prevention of absent-mindedness, overstrain and fussiness.

It has a maximum effect, you should relax, take a comfortable position and to provide such conditions that there is no distraction.

So, for the job you'll need watch with a second hand, a TV (that TV!) and the place where you will sit, for example, a chair or stool. Place the watch in front of you, turn on the TV loudly and find some entertainment. As soon as you are ready, begin to focus on the movement of the clock hands, trying not to take coming from the TV information and is not distracted by it. Concentrate on the arrow you need two minutes.

Observing the movement of the arrow, while simultaneously moving in the mind of even numbers from 2 to 10 and then back again, and so on.

Your task is to evenly distribute the attention between all the tasks at hand. If the attention wanders or you lose count, start the exercise again.

After you cope with the first part of the task, complicate it – on the clock send only one third of the attention, the second third in a sequence of numbers and the third reading of children's rhymes, for example: "Our Tanja loudly cries, has dropped into the river ball hush, Tanya, do not cry, do not drown in the river ball," etc. Or you can choose no verse and a song, etc. When that job is easy, think of something else, and then another. In fact, to continue this brain training is endless. Over time you will notice that in your daily lives, you can make the desired action more effectively, and also the fact that these steps you can make several, and almost simultaneously and without distraction on a minor.

Exercise "brain Training"assume a comfortable position, relax, close your eyes.

Now imagine your brain inside your skull where it is, what it looks like, where it originates. Then imagine a mental finger or some small object, which you can use to massage your brain and remove tension.

Using his or a mental finger touch the outer layer of the brain, gradually moving on. Try to focus on relaxation, resulting from the action of the finger or "massager".

No need to rush – the voltage should decrease gradually, and the energy released needs to gradually move toward the center of the brain.

In a few minutes you will feel a feeling of warmth inside the head and maybe a light ringing in my ears. It does not need to be afraid – on the contrary – continue the massage by repeating the above sequence of actions.

If the process in my experience extraneous thoughts, do not give them values, and take for granted. After follow several approaches, form the idea that you can always influence your brain, its cells and blood vessels, relax them and relieve tension.

Once gymnastics is over (usually takes about 10-15 minutes), you will be in a state of relaxation and positivity and will feel better and your brain will receive more resources for active activities, for example, for the development of thinking.

Exercise "Liberation of consciousness"the Most effective way to liberate the mind is to understand that it takes place in current time.

To perform exercises you need to prepare a pen and paper and write everything you are really concerned about now. These may be plans and goals for the near and distant future, ideas that require reflection, next purchase, and other things.

Just keep in mind that you need to write as briefly as possible, but trying not to miss anything. At this stage to describe the details is not necessary. The main thing – to write as much as possible of their worries, because it depends on the result of the exercise.

Upon completion of the first stage proceed to the second – truncate written language. Minimize them in order from each source phrase was left with just a few words.Simply put, cut to the moment when there is nothing that requires record.

Writing this list will allow you to throw out of your head trash and confusion, because when the list is ready, you will be able only one eye to cover all his work and plans that need to be implemented, and all the thoughts that occupy your consciousness, and hence to deal with them.

Also remember, choosing what you need to think, no need to rush and fuss. Writing, appreciate all that is on a 10-point scale, and begin to run cases according to their importance and keeping in mind the whole picture.

Your task – to put your mind in the position of the present – the here and now. As you apply this exercise, try each time to improve the perception their own feelings. However, you do not need to bring themselves up to a frenzy – give yourself time to unload.

Achieving efficiency, you will notice how energy is released that is more active and work, including on yourself. Your brain will be less concerned about the solution to the endless flow of tasks. This brain training will increase your personal productivity and ability to solve problems.

Exercise "Pulse"the Final exercise, for which you will need a pencil and a sheet of paper.

You need to put the pencil on the sheet and begin to slowly draw the line, fully focused on the point of its beginning.Try to look after themselves, and whenever the attention is distracted, fix on a piece of this moment, making the curl. When the line reaches the edge of the sheet, start a new one, but in the other direction.

During this activity, evaluate your line – the best will be the one on which will be the least of curls.

This brain fitness will train your ability to concentrate, and ability to relax, and simultaneous manipulation of physical objects (try it, by the way, to do the job with both hands, attaching the leaf to the table). A nice bonus is the overall development of thinking.

Excellent exercises for the brain is performing familiar tasks with the other hand (for left – right for right-handers – left), crossword puzzles and crossword puzzles, solving puzzles and logic problems, playing chess, reading, vocabulary, learning foreign languages and, of course, exercise that improves blood circulation and extend the vessels.

So develop, train mentally and physically, educate yourself – and your brain will be in a constant state of development. But do not forget to relax!



Source: 4brain.ru/blog/%D1%83%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B6%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F-%D0%B4%D0%BB%D1%8F-%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%8F-%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%B7%D0%B3%D0%B0/