A dozen parents, fans, trolling their kids

Well, when parents have a sense of humor! But sometimes they come in their jokes too far, forcing children to shame. The website invites the reader to explore ten parents who can't resist to patrolling beloved sons and daughters!

Our parents said that we were supposed to be another brother, but he became a mushroom due to the fact that he did not take a bath every day. They even pasted a photo of him in our album!

Photo source: Boredpanda.the Somme daddy glued Googly eyes to all the products in our fridge

My friend went to Disneyland and sent this photo. His mom and dad found something to answer!

"We are fine going without you, son!" — I wrote to my parents and sent this photo

When I went to College, dad said that he intends to give my room our dog

Dad drilled me for about 5 minutes until I finally looked down at the plate

I was without electricity for a few days. When I wrote about it to father, he sent a picture with the caption "the rescue Team to the rescue,"

A very caring daddy

Parents today sent me your selfie... In the mail!

I asked the pack for the things in school...

My parents thought it would be really funny to give IT to me for Christmas...

via factroom.ru