Be careful, these fun labels have a very loud laugh!
Thirty six million one hundred forty nine thousand three hundred eighty two
Sometimes on the packaging of the ponapishut such that the eyes on the forehead climb. Even well-known manufacturers of typos and errors in descriptions of products, to say nothing about small companies! And sometimes even the impression that the inscription was made a three year old child. Site decided to please the reader fresh collection of funny ads, labels, and signage that will be able to make you laugh till you drop!
All to stop! Sixty two million three hundred thirty seven thousand eight hundred sixty nine
Interesting products, interesting...
I'm sorry, from the province?! Thirty one million five hundred eighty five thousand four hundred sixty seven
In case the hike will be delayed...
Beautiful Russian name
I think they missed the word "eats"
Oh, and if I don't want to make a child here? Forty four million nine hundred forty nine thousand two hundred ninety one
All people
In addition the Black hammer had to give
Something very big woman required
Thank you, and I the first time do not understand
This is clearly Jim's had problems with the Russian language
So how are shorts
One large pasta, almost a kilogram weighs
Excuse me, but the blades of the demon you don't? Thirty six million sixty five thousand seven hundred forty eight
Why are you doing this with a soldier? Eighty four million three hundred forty six thousand two hundred thirty two
Wait, but it's a closet! Four million sixty eight thousand nine hundred sixty nine
Dream, she is in yogurt
Mind you, not Russia, and Moscow
Small, but very proud Barber
Beautiful and competent the abbreviation for
via factroom.ru
Sometimes on the packaging of the ponapishut such that the eyes on the forehead climb. Even well-known manufacturers of typos and errors in descriptions of products, to say nothing about small companies! And sometimes even the impression that the inscription was made a three year old child. Site decided to please the reader fresh collection of funny ads, labels, and signage that will be able to make you laugh till you drop!
All to stop! Sixty two million three hundred thirty seven thousand eight hundred sixty nine
Interesting products, interesting...
I'm sorry, from the province?! Thirty one million five hundred eighty five thousand four hundred sixty seven
In case the hike will be delayed...
Beautiful Russian name
I think they missed the word "eats"
Oh, and if I don't want to make a child here? Forty four million nine hundred forty nine thousand two hundred ninety one
All people
In addition the Black hammer had to give
Something very big woman required
Thank you, and I the first time do not understand
This is clearly Jim's had problems with the Russian language
So how are shorts
One large pasta, almost a kilogram weighs
Excuse me, but the blades of the demon you don't? Thirty six million sixty five thousand seven hundred forty eight
Why are you doing this with a soldier? Eighty four million three hundred forty six thousand two hundred thirty two
Wait, but it's a closet! Four million sixty eight thousand nine hundred sixty nine
Dream, she is in yogurt
Mind you, not Russia, and Moscow
Small, but very proud Barber
Beautiful and competent the abbreviation for
via factroom.ru
Who is this child?! As legendary rock musicians looked in the beginning
A very amusing anecdote with an unexpected ending about the doctor and the patient