Gathered at the cottage a basket full of physalis in order to turn the house into a fairy tale!
When green , the pericarp of physalis in autumn turn orange, garden miraculously transformed. Bright boxes stand out against other plants!
There is a beautiful legend about the physalis. One day a terrible dragon swallowed the sun, came eternal darkness, and all life began to die. But he was a brave man who wanted to defeat the dragon and restore to the world the sun. To find monster in the darkness, he took a flashlight.
The dragon he is found and killed, and the sun began again to rise. The light was so bright that the young man covered his face with his hand, dropping the flashlight on the ground. The flashlight not only didn't crash (although he was already seasoned), and it turned into a whole bunch of bright red boxes-lamps attached to the stalk... So appeared on the earth physalis.
And due to its natural ability to survive long periods without water, physalis yavlyaetsya excellent Foundation for decor!
Ideas decorating
Wow, how much beauty you can create with physalis... Maybe your imagination will tell you a couple more options of decor with this wonderful plant? Rather brag about how it turned out!
The author
Marina Artemova Loves to photograph the beauty of nature, enjoys handmade. Son Vanya had taught the mother to cope with any household tasks effortlessly: Marina knows how to get the most stubborn stains and to clean the house in minutes. Interested in the most acute, various life issues, never remain aloof from what actually matters! Favorite book Marina — "gone with the wind" by M. Mitchell.

There is a beautiful legend about the physalis. One day a terrible dragon swallowed the sun, came eternal darkness, and all life began to die. But he was a brave man who wanted to defeat the dragon and restore to the world the sun. To find monster in the darkness, he took a flashlight.
The dragon he is found and killed, and the sun began again to rise. The light was so bright that the young man covered his face with his hand, dropping the flashlight on the ground. The flashlight not only didn't crash (although he was already seasoned), and it turned into a whole bunch of bright red boxes-lamps attached to the stalk... So appeared on the earth physalis.
And due to its natural ability to survive long periods without water, physalis yavlyaetsya excellent Foundation for decor!
Ideas decorating
- A few sprigs in a vase already look elegant.
- A simple idea for decorating the candle.
- A wreath of physalis for decoration front door.
- Topiary of orange boxes will be a great gift...
- As the basket is made using natural materials.
- A hanging cage with candles looks so original!
- We immediately see that the owners of the house — the people are welcoming and creative.
- Physalis better than other natural materials suitable for scheletrone. The finished product fascinating beauty.
- Garland of physalis looks magical! High quality LEDs emit nearly zero heat, so safe to use.
- Bouquet with lights no less than spectacular!
- Do not have to invent something: a branch, thread and a box of physalis. And the view is fantastic.
Wow, how much beauty you can create with physalis... Maybe your imagination will tell you a couple more options of decor with this wonderful plant? Rather brag about how it turned out!
The author

Marina Artemova Loves to photograph the beauty of nature, enjoys handmade. Son Vanya had taught the mother to cope with any household tasks effortlessly: Marina knows how to get the most stubborn stains and to clean the house in minutes. Interested in the most acute, various life issues, never remain aloof from what actually matters! Favorite book Marina — "gone with the wind" by M. Mitchell.
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