How to grow Cape gooseberries
This plant, which has many types, but in our country widely three of them. This ornamental, vegetable and strawberry physalis.
Decorative physalis "blooms" in the fall of red lanterns and looks great in winter bouquets. The plant is a perennial.
Cold-resistant plant, an annual, fast growing, fruitful, has healing properties, unpretentious. The fruit can be pickled, cooking winter salads, to dry, to make a spicy condiment based on them. Good boards by self-seeding. Not afraid of a little frost. Well kept.
More thermophilic than vegetable. The fruits are small, like berries and sweet, can be eaten fresh. Suitable for jam, jam, and marmalade. Dried like dried apricots.
Features of vegetable growing physalis
Decorative physalis alkekengi propagated by seeds and rhizomes, it is enough to put him away once and for many years he will grow. But the plant is very aggressive, so you need to constantly weed out the extra seedlings or to dig limiters. Throughout the rest of the planting and care is similar to vegetable physalis.
1. Preparation of seed
The small seeds physalis, therefore, to choose the best, you need to pour it into the beaker with 5% salt solution and stir. Those that POPs out, and settled on the bottom, the best seeds, washed and dried. They are ready for sowing.
Well before sowing the seeds to hold a little pink potassium permanganate.
2. How to prepare zemliu
Land for seedlings should be light, fertile. The earth in the vegetable garden dig two weeks before planting seedlings with the addition of humus and ash. Fresh manure need not be added!
Place choose a light, Sunny. The shadow and the lowlands physalis loves! As with acidic soil. Best predecessors can be cabbage or cucumbers. In the second place any other culture. Can not be planted after eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, the physalis, as they have the same diseases.
Although I must say that physalis is almost not damaged by any pests and diseases.
3. Sowing nonseedlings way
Physalis vegetable is not afraid of the cold and perfectly regenerates. Because it can be easily sown before winter or early spring in the open ground. The seedlings obtained stronger, healthier, hardened home, but the beginning of fruiting is delayed for the later stages. So, if you want to get an early harvest, it is necessary to use seedling method.
How to grow physalis seedlings, timeline
It grows quickly, age of seedlings ready for planting in the ground 30 days. Therefore, the planned sowing seedlings in early April to the second half of may to plant in the garden. These are temporary recommendations for the South Urals and the Middle band.
Of course, you need to look at the weather. Physalis vegetable can be planted early tomatoes for two weeks, here's a guide to determine the time of planting in open ground. But strawberry physalis better planted along with tomatoes, he likes the heat.
The cultivation of seedlings of physalis looks like a planting of tomato seedlings. You can first sow the seeds in a small bowl of seeds and raspikirovat in the emergence of two true leaves. Or sow seeds shallowly at once in individual cups, so less to damage the root system when transplanting. Watered abundantly, but not often.
Seedlings can be sown in the greenhouse or under the film on the ridge. In any case, the seedlings need to be hardened, to make the street, gradually accustomed to the sun. Young plants can get burned in a dramatic shift from the premises to the sun. When the air temperature is above 13°C it is possible to leave the seedlings on the street at night.
Fertilizing seedlings and planted plants is carried out every three weeks, a solution of mullein (1: 10) or bird droppings (1: 20). Water with the fertilizer water the roots, not to burn the leaves.
6. How to plant in the open ground, care
Approximately 30 days after germination the plants will grow 5-6 leaves, and they will be ready to plant in the open ground. Physalis strongly branched and grows, so it needs to be planted in a staggered pattern with a distance of 50 cm between rows and plants. If the variety is tall, then you need to tie to the support.
When planting physalis abundantly watered and then watered in dry weather. Over mulch planting and many of the procedures you will do much less – hoeing, weeding, watering. When pouring the fruit is better to stop watering so that they are not cracked.
Pasynkovat physalis is not necessary, as the fruits are growing in the axils of the twigs. The more branching the plant, the better the harvest. This can prischipnut top at the end of June.
7. Maturation, harvesting
First ripen the lower fruit. They can start to fall to the ground. Nothing wrong, collect them and recycle! Unripe fruits are well stored and dostavayte home. But for long-term storage (4-5 months) they removed to the cellar with a temperature of +2 to+3°C, placing the boxes in two or three layers.
Collected for storage until frost in dry weather and always with a shaped case. Then the fruit remains intact wax plaque, through which they stored for so long. The ripeness of physalis depends on the specific characteristics of the variety. Some are painted in yellow or purple color, shaped case can be more fruit or burst when growing up, but when it becomes dry and lighter – physalis ripe.
Usually in September, Bush is still a lot nedospaty fruit. That they are not ruined frost, dig up the shrub by the roots from the earth shake and hang in the shed for ripening.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/rodnaya_dacha?w=wall-92403104_9333
Decorative physalis "blooms" in the fall of red lanterns and looks great in winter bouquets. The plant is a perennial.
Cold-resistant plant, an annual, fast growing, fruitful, has healing properties, unpretentious. The fruit can be pickled, cooking winter salads, to dry, to make a spicy condiment based on them. Good boards by self-seeding. Not afraid of a little frost. Well kept.
More thermophilic than vegetable. The fruits are small, like berries and sweet, can be eaten fresh. Suitable for jam, jam, and marmalade. Dried like dried apricots.
Features of vegetable growing physalis
Decorative physalis alkekengi propagated by seeds and rhizomes, it is enough to put him away once and for many years he will grow. But the plant is very aggressive, so you need to constantly weed out the extra seedlings or to dig limiters. Throughout the rest of the planting and care is similar to vegetable physalis.

1. Preparation of seed
The small seeds physalis, therefore, to choose the best, you need to pour it into the beaker with 5% salt solution and stir. Those that POPs out, and settled on the bottom, the best seeds, washed and dried. They are ready for sowing.
Well before sowing the seeds to hold a little pink potassium permanganate.
2. How to prepare zemliu
Land for seedlings should be light, fertile. The earth in the vegetable garden dig two weeks before planting seedlings with the addition of humus and ash. Fresh manure need not be added!
Place choose a light, Sunny. The shadow and the lowlands physalis loves! As with acidic soil. Best predecessors can be cabbage or cucumbers. In the second place any other culture. Can not be planted after eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, the physalis, as they have the same diseases.
Although I must say that physalis is almost not damaged by any pests and diseases.
3. Sowing nonseedlings way
Physalis vegetable is not afraid of the cold and perfectly regenerates. Because it can be easily sown before winter or early spring in the open ground. The seedlings obtained stronger, healthier, hardened home, but the beginning of fruiting is delayed for the later stages. So, if you want to get an early harvest, it is necessary to use seedling method.

How to grow physalis seedlings, timeline
It grows quickly, age of seedlings ready for planting in the ground 30 days. Therefore, the planned sowing seedlings in early April to the second half of may to plant in the garden. These are temporary recommendations for the South Urals and the Middle band.
Of course, you need to look at the weather. Physalis vegetable can be planted early tomatoes for two weeks, here's a guide to determine the time of planting in open ground. But strawberry physalis better planted along with tomatoes, he likes the heat.
The cultivation of seedlings of physalis looks like a planting of tomato seedlings. You can first sow the seeds in a small bowl of seeds and raspikirovat in the emergence of two true leaves. Or sow seeds shallowly at once in individual cups, so less to damage the root system when transplanting. Watered abundantly, but not often.
Seedlings can be sown in the greenhouse or under the film on the ridge. In any case, the seedlings need to be hardened, to make the street, gradually accustomed to the sun. Young plants can get burned in a dramatic shift from the premises to the sun. When the air temperature is above 13°C it is possible to leave the seedlings on the street at night.
Fertilizing seedlings and planted plants is carried out every three weeks, a solution of mullein (1: 10) or bird droppings (1: 20). Water with the fertilizer water the roots, not to burn the leaves.
6. How to plant in the open ground, care
Approximately 30 days after germination the plants will grow 5-6 leaves, and they will be ready to plant in the open ground. Physalis strongly branched and grows, so it needs to be planted in a staggered pattern with a distance of 50 cm between rows and plants. If the variety is tall, then you need to tie to the support.
When planting physalis abundantly watered and then watered in dry weather. Over mulch planting and many of the procedures you will do much less – hoeing, weeding, watering. When pouring the fruit is better to stop watering so that they are not cracked.
Pasynkovat physalis is not necessary, as the fruits are growing in the axils of the twigs. The more branching the plant, the better the harvest. This can prischipnut top at the end of June.
7. Maturation, harvesting
First ripen the lower fruit. They can start to fall to the ground. Nothing wrong, collect them and recycle! Unripe fruits are well stored and dostavayte home. But for long-term storage (4-5 months) they removed to the cellar with a temperature of +2 to+3°C, placing the boxes in two or three layers.
Collected for storage until frost in dry weather and always with a shaped case. Then the fruit remains intact wax plaque, through which they stored for so long. The ripeness of physalis depends on the specific characteristics of the variety. Some are painted in yellow or purple color, shaped case can be more fruit or burst when growing up, but when it becomes dry and lighter – physalis ripe.
Usually in September, Bush is still a lot nedospaty fruit. That they are not ruined frost, dig up the shrub by the roots from the earth shake and hang in the shed for ripening.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/rodnaya_dacha?w=wall-92403104_9333