Gothic manor Khrapovitsky
Khrapovitsky Manor, which is located in Vladimir region in the village Muromtsevo was built in the late XIX century by the order of Vladimir Khrapovitsky. Now this unique facility, as well as many historical monuments of our country completely abandoned. Learn about the history of the castle and see what it has become possible under the cut.
Rare family estate "," Gothic castle in the Vladimir region, "" unique object of Russian history "- what only the definitions were not given this place numerous authors of publications. And surprisingly - they are not a bit exaggerated.
The fate of the estate affects everything from its inception to death.
A retired colonel of the hussars Vladimir Semenovich Khrapovitsky manor was inherited from his grandfather in 1884. She was in such a neglected and overgrown state, which gave him the idea to start selling timber. He hired the service of the best foresters, Khrapovitsky so successful in this business, that together a good condition and even won a medal of the Ministry of Agriculture.
Instead of the old manor house Vladimir Semenovich decided to build a magnificent palace and castle ensemble. Design of the estate he ordered the famous architect Peter Boytsov, which specialized in making estates in the style of "Gothic Revival».
By 1889, fighters raised in Muromtsevo mansion in the spirit of medieval castles, surrounding him with a cascade of ponds and outbuildings - hunting lodges and coach house.
Revenues lumberman were so high that the forest to transport it to the proper names summed railway line overgrown infrastructure. There appeared stationmaster house, post office, telegraph office, school, bath and station "Khrapovitsky." In 1906, to the aristocratic house it was attached another wing with a massive tower blend in with the original Gothic plan.
The project was implemented by the estate, taking into account all the technological advances of the time: in the castle are equipped with water supply and sewerage, own telegraph station, central heating, all the buildings and the park lit by electricity, and in greenhouses grow palm trees and boxwood.
Manor buildings were located in a vast park. In the shadow of fir, cypress and pine trees located area for sports. Curved alley decorated with magnificent statues, and along the tracks was fashionable garden furniture - chairs and benches. Marble, furniture, weapons, porcelain, all the decoration Khrapovitsky ordered exclusively at the king's suppliers.
Near the manor house built Khrapovitsky temple, which was decorated with murals school students Vasnetsov.
Tradition says that the idea of a stylized medieval manor Khrapovitsky have emerged after a trip to France, where Vladimir Semenovich was fascinated by the beauty of ancient castles.
In response to the French official that Russia is nothing like that, Khrapovitsky made a bet that will build your own castle.
A little away from the manor house Vladimir Semenovich raised farmyard, which, according to legend, the castle looked like a scaled-down copy of the Frenchman pride zadevshego Khrapovitsky. When the French arrived in the abuser-Muromtsevo, Khrapovitsky led him to the farmyard.
After listening to delight the foreign visitor, who took the building stables for Castle, the landowner laughed in response: "Thank you! But here live my horses and my estate is a little further ».
"When was the revolution Khrapovitsky was injured, he crawled through the underground passage and crawled to the station, which sat on a train to France, where he died in a nursing home in poverty»
Do not be put off by a sharp change of style of the story. This is deduced from the recorder phrase boy-guide. They are there huge number, it's kind of a local business. I would say almost a small racket. The tour will hold for "how much you give, someone gives 500, one thousand».
We bargained for 250 rubles and did not regret it. We stayed stunning audio. Nine minutes and 13 seconds of selected drivel. Questions to ask meaningless, all information was told, "older kids and even some book was».
I mean at first I was still trying to understand why the room for prayers made access to the kennel. And questioned the mahogany slats, they are all the same then plastered. But after the Soviet government, seized the estate, but has forgotten to take it to the train station in France, ceased to look for logic in the story of the boy.
But the guide showed us a lot of things which we did not pay attention. Fragments of the preserved tiles, clips, which descended "chandelier made of pure crystal" and floors, giving beautiful reflections on the walls "when they were doused with water».
The basement, where he kept old books, a room with a goldfish in the floor under the desyatisantimetrovyh glass, fireplaces and the same underground passage to the church and the station to which the wounded crawled Khrapovitsky.
Not really. Trying to save the estate from looting, Khrapovitsky described all their valuables and belongings, handed them over to the new government and with almost empty hands he emigrated to France. After that, the castle was plundered.
In Soviet times, the castle was located in Forest College and the building was in a more or less normal. But after his move in 1977, it had been abandoned. No protection was not, who want to come in. The pair completed the fires his case.
Alley Park thickets, much of the park of the estate was given to the private sector for development, the structure is almost completely destroyed, miraculously survived only some of them.
The fate of the owner of the castle no less tragic - 1928 VS Khrapovitsky died in a nursing home in the French town of Menton.
History has an amazing conversation Elizabeth Ivanovna, the wife of former peasants Khrapovitsky. Letters to the USSR had a few, but they recently decided to answer.
Letter E.I.Hrapovitskoy
Dear farmers!
I appeal to you to: collect as you can and send the money to me. You own the land my husband Khrapovitsky Vladimir Semenovich, who died in poverty. I was left alone now without any means to the very poor life. I am already 68 years old and I'm sick, I can not work.
I am happy now that you own the land, but we did not have children: the desire of her husband still had to leave the land to the peasants.
I appeal to the good in your heart, please help me, God will not abandon you. I enclose an envelope with my address.
Yes, God save you all.
Elizabeth I. Khrapovitsky.
Tell us what happened to our name Muromtsevo. Write to me at length about this, I am with you with all my heart.
Ms. Khrapovitsky France
Extract from the minutes of the general meeting of the citizens of the village parish Sudogodsky Likino Vladimir county and the province of 26 May 1928 meeting there of 120 people, including 27 women. Heard: I received a letter from the French by EI Khrapovitsky (former landowner) to the citizens of the village Likino on providing financial assistance. Resolved: to send the following letter.
Your letter we received. After discussing it at a general meeting of citizens Likino village, give the following answer, "your honor».
Ten and a half years have passed since that moment, when we expelled you, and you like in our country. During this time we have learned enough to run the state, and how to build their lives. Where previously reigned tyranny and oppression of the landlords and their henchmen, we have a former estate Muromtsevo (which did not admit a mile peasants). There has been a few years opened an agricultural college, which trains children of workers and peasants.
It seemed strange to your appeal to us asking about sending money. The question is, for what?
Because you are many years sitting on our necks, exhausting the last of us forces were celebrating the life of parasites, rolling on abroad and littering money originating in the blood and sweat of the peasants? Because in the old days, we were flogged whip and whips for the fact that our wives and children were driven with whips from the forest for gathering berries and mushrooms, for the fact that in 1905 our request to exchange the land illegally from us selected by you, We had to summon the guards, the sergeant and your orders for our appeal - flogged with whips and imprisoned; because after the fire to our request for leave forests for a fee we expelled?
Yes, everything and you name it, for you, Mrs. Khrapovitsky should help. We can not even define, and simply say, "valites us to ... (profanity)»
Only such unscrupulous people like you as you are able to shed crocodile tears at times.
Regarding the fact that your late husband, as you write, you still want to bequeath their land to the peasants, we say, "Cool story, so hard to believe».
These lands we have extracted themselves without your blessing will. A bit late to write your husband it.
We also inform you that your letter revived memories of the oppression and abuse of all committed by you and the likes of you.
We recommend that you ask for help from those to whom you ran, kicked out of the October revolution of our country to seek protection.
We were no longer contact.
On behalf of the general meeting of the citizens of the village Likin: Bystrov, Gurov Gurov, Kalinin, Ivanova.
05/26/1928 of
Photos of the Soviet era and now.
Source: ottenki-serogo.livejournal.com

Rare family estate "," Gothic castle in the Vladimir region, "" unique object of Russian history "- what only the definitions were not given this place numerous authors of publications. And surprisingly - they are not a bit exaggerated.

The fate of the estate affects everything from its inception to death.

A retired colonel of the hussars Vladimir Semenovich Khrapovitsky manor was inherited from his grandfather in 1884. She was in such a neglected and overgrown state, which gave him the idea to start selling timber. He hired the service of the best foresters, Khrapovitsky so successful in this business, that together a good condition and even won a medal of the Ministry of Agriculture.

Instead of the old manor house Vladimir Semenovich decided to build a magnificent palace and castle ensemble. Design of the estate he ordered the famous architect Peter Boytsov, which specialized in making estates in the style of "Gothic Revival».

By 1889, fighters raised in Muromtsevo mansion in the spirit of medieval castles, surrounding him with a cascade of ponds and outbuildings - hunting lodges and coach house.

Revenues lumberman were so high that the forest to transport it to the proper names summed railway line overgrown infrastructure. There appeared stationmaster house, post office, telegraph office, school, bath and station "Khrapovitsky." In 1906, to the aristocratic house it was attached another wing with a massive tower blend in with the original Gothic plan.

The project was implemented by the estate, taking into account all the technological advances of the time: in the castle are equipped with water supply and sewerage, own telegraph station, central heating, all the buildings and the park lit by electricity, and in greenhouses grow palm trees and boxwood.

Manor buildings were located in a vast park. In the shadow of fir, cypress and pine trees located area for sports. Curved alley decorated with magnificent statues, and along the tracks was fashionable garden furniture - chairs and benches. Marble, furniture, weapons, porcelain, all the decoration Khrapovitsky ordered exclusively at the king's suppliers.

Near the manor house built Khrapovitsky temple, which was decorated with murals school students Vasnetsov.

Tradition says that the idea of a stylized medieval manor Khrapovitsky have emerged after a trip to France, where Vladimir Semenovich was fascinated by the beauty of ancient castles.

In response to the French official that Russia is nothing like that, Khrapovitsky made a bet that will build your own castle.

A little away from the manor house Vladimir Semenovich raised farmyard, which, according to legend, the castle looked like a scaled-down copy of the Frenchman pride zadevshego Khrapovitsky. When the French arrived in the abuser-Muromtsevo, Khrapovitsky led him to the farmyard.

After listening to delight the foreign visitor, who took the building stables for Castle, the landowner laughed in response: "Thank you! But here live my horses and my estate is a little further ».

"When was the revolution Khrapovitsky was injured, he crawled through the underground passage and crawled to the station, which sat on a train to France, where he died in a nursing home in poverty»

Do not be put off by a sharp change of style of the story. This is deduced from the recorder phrase boy-guide. They are there huge number, it's kind of a local business. I would say almost a small racket. The tour will hold for "how much you give, someone gives 500, one thousand».

We bargained for 250 rubles and did not regret it. We stayed stunning audio. Nine minutes and 13 seconds of selected drivel. Questions to ask meaningless, all information was told, "older kids and even some book was».

I mean at first I was still trying to understand why the room for prayers made access to the kennel. And questioned the mahogany slats, they are all the same then plastered. But after the Soviet government, seized the estate, but has forgotten to take it to the train station in France, ceased to look for logic in the story of the boy.

But the guide showed us a lot of things which we did not pay attention. Fragments of the preserved tiles, clips, which descended "chandelier made of pure crystal" and floors, giving beautiful reflections on the walls "when they were doused with water».

The basement, where he kept old books, a room with a goldfish in the floor under the desyatisantimetrovyh glass, fireplaces and the same underground passage to the church and the station to which the wounded crawled Khrapovitsky.

Not really. Trying to save the estate from looting, Khrapovitsky described all their valuables and belongings, handed them over to the new government and with almost empty hands he emigrated to France. After that, the castle was plundered.

In Soviet times, the castle was located in Forest College and the building was in a more or less normal. But after his move in 1977, it had been abandoned. No protection was not, who want to come in. The pair completed the fires his case.

Alley Park thickets, much of the park of the estate was given to the private sector for development, the structure is almost completely destroyed, miraculously survived only some of them.

The fate of the owner of the castle no less tragic - 1928 VS Khrapovitsky died in a nursing home in the French town of Menton.

History has an amazing conversation Elizabeth Ivanovna, the wife of former peasants Khrapovitsky. Letters to the USSR had a few, but they recently decided to answer.
Letter E.I.Hrapovitskoy
Dear farmers!
I appeal to you to: collect as you can and send the money to me. You own the land my husband Khrapovitsky Vladimir Semenovich, who died in poverty. I was left alone now without any means to the very poor life. I am already 68 years old and I'm sick, I can not work.
I am happy now that you own the land, but we did not have children: the desire of her husband still had to leave the land to the peasants.
I appeal to the good in your heart, please help me, God will not abandon you. I enclose an envelope with my address.
Yes, God save you all.
Elizabeth I. Khrapovitsky.
Tell us what happened to our name Muromtsevo. Write to me at length about this, I am with you with all my heart.

Ms. Khrapovitsky France
Extract from the minutes of the general meeting of the citizens of the village parish Sudogodsky Likino Vladimir county and the province of 26 May 1928 meeting there of 120 people, including 27 women. Heard: I received a letter from the French by EI Khrapovitsky (former landowner) to the citizens of the village Likino on providing financial assistance. Resolved: to send the following letter.
Your letter we received. After discussing it at a general meeting of citizens Likino village, give the following answer, "your honor».
Ten and a half years have passed since that moment, when we expelled you, and you like in our country. During this time we have learned enough to run the state, and how to build their lives. Where previously reigned tyranny and oppression of the landlords and their henchmen, we have a former estate Muromtsevo (which did not admit a mile peasants). There has been a few years opened an agricultural college, which trains children of workers and peasants.
It seemed strange to your appeal to us asking about sending money. The question is, for what?
Because you are many years sitting on our necks, exhausting the last of us forces were celebrating the life of parasites, rolling on abroad and littering money originating in the blood and sweat of the peasants? Because in the old days, we were flogged whip and whips for the fact that our wives and children were driven with whips from the forest for gathering berries and mushrooms, for the fact that in 1905 our request to exchange the land illegally from us selected by you, We had to summon the guards, the sergeant and your orders for our appeal - flogged with whips and imprisoned; because after the fire to our request for leave forests for a fee we expelled?
Yes, everything and you name it, for you, Mrs. Khrapovitsky should help. We can not even define, and simply say, "valites us to ... (profanity)»
Only such unscrupulous people like you as you are able to shed crocodile tears at times.
Regarding the fact that your late husband, as you write, you still want to bequeath their land to the peasants, we say, "Cool story, so hard to believe».
These lands we have extracted themselves without your blessing will. A bit late to write your husband it.
We also inform you that your letter revived memories of the oppression and abuse of all committed by you and the likes of you.
We recommend that you ask for help from those to whom you ran, kicked out of the October revolution of our country to seek protection.
We were no longer contact.
On behalf of the general meeting of the citizens of the village Likin: Bystrov, Gurov Gurov, Kalinin, Ivanova.
05/26/1928 of

Photos of the Soviet era and now.

Source: ottenki-serogo.livejournal.com