Exotic fruits, of which you have not eaten (15 photos)
In this post I will tell you about the fruit that you are not only eating, but not even heard of them!
Aki or Bligh tasty
This fruit is sometimes called "vegetable marrow" - because of the shape of its yellowish edible pulp, hiding under the skin. Originally this fruit from the tropics of West Africa, but over time it moved and began to grow in Jamaica, Haiti and Cuba. It comes in many Caribbean dishes. They say tastes like a walnut. Rambutan
Homeland Rambutan - Malay Archipelago, and the name is derived from the Malay word meaning "hairy", and it is hardly necessary to explain why. And under the strange hairy appearance at this fruit is tender, juicy and extremely tasty flesh. Those who have tried it, describe it tastes like sweet and sour, reminiscent of grapes.
This fruit grows in an unusual, resembling a flashlight casing. It belongs to the family Solanaceae, and thus is a relative of the tomato. Its soft, refreshing, sour taste, too, resembles tomato and properly used.
The singularity of this fruit is that it does not grow on the branch, each fruit as it should be, but directly on the bark of a tree, on the trunk. When the tree begins to bear fruit, it seems as if its trunk covered with purple warts. Use these fruits as well as grapes, that is cooked wine and liqueurs (the taste becomes quite exquisite), or eaten fresh.
African horned cucumber
In America, this fruit is called "puffers fruit." His yellow skin is covered with thorns, and the interior of his green and lush. The taste of this fruit is very unusual. Most of all it looks like a mixture of cucumber zucchini, and it contains a huge amount of vitamin C and other nutrients. African horned cucumber homeland is Africa, but now it is grown in many countries, including New Zealand, Australia and Chile.
In southeast Asia, the durian is revered as the "king of fruits". The famous British naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace (who, irrespective of Darwin formulated his theory of natural selection) described the taste of its flesh as "something like a thick custard with lots of almonds." But durian is famous not only taste, but also the smell, which is compared with sweaty socks and rotten onions. That does not sound very appetizing, but lovers of durian is quite confusing.
Miracle berry
Miracle berry grows in West Africa. Such naming it deserves thanks to its ability to change the taste of acidic foods (such as lemons and limes). The berry contains a substance called "miraculin," which at the time of "disconnects" the taste buds responsible for the perception of sour and bitter taste, so all that you have not eaten since it will seem as sweet as candy.
Fragrant flesh mangosteen has a sweet, tart, citrus and peach flavor. His homeland - the tropics of Southeast Asia. At the time this taste so impressed Queen Victoria that she has announced a reward of 100 pounds to anyone who will give it a fresh fruit. Makoto mangosteen defends pretty tough skin, which first need to split a knife.
These small, semi-spherical shape of the fruit growing, mainly in Southeast Asia, India and Bhutan, not so long ago they began to grow, and in Hawaii. Immature fruits can be quite sour, but when ripen and become sweet, reminiscent of grapefruit.
Mark Twain called the cherimoya "the most delicious fruit known to man." Its taste some describe as a cross between a banana and pineapple, while others argue that most of all he recalls the taste of chewing gum. Homeland cherimoya are the Andes, but it feels good, and in the Mediterranean climate, it is now grown in Spain, Italy, California and many other places.
These unusual fruits are covered with reddish scales that need to clear to get to the edible pulp. Aguahe popular in the Amazon jungle, it can serve as an invaluable source of vitamins A and C, and even treatment for burns. From aguahe turns out delicious exotic wine.
A relative of the breadfruit tree, which grows the largest fruit in the world. Weight per fruit can exceed 35 kg. It is considered the national fruit of Bangladesh, but even 6000 years ago it began to grow in India. Pulp from jackfruit oily, rich in fiber and starchy. Usually it is cut into slices and fry, getting crispy chips.
Monstera delicacy
Monstera delicacy native to Central America and to the mind is like a half-open ear of corn. To fully ripe, this fruit takes about a year, and it has an immature dangerous - it can be very toxic. Ready fruits have a banana-pineapple flavor.
Cupuaçu grows in the forests of the Amazon. The flesh of the fruit flavored with chocolate-pineapple flavor is often used for desserts and all sorts of confectionery. The cupuaçu contains a huge variety of nutrients, so it is often referred to as "superfruits". Furthermore, oily flesh of the fruit is often used as a moisturizing cosmetic agent.
Taste Pepino is a cross between a melon and pear. This fruit - a relative of Solanaceae such as tomato and eggplant. Pepino grows mainly in South America, but is now grown in New Zealand, Turkey and some other regions.
Aki or Bligh tasty

This fruit is sometimes called "vegetable marrow" - because of the shape of its yellowish edible pulp, hiding under the skin. Originally this fruit from the tropics of West Africa, but over time it moved and began to grow in Jamaica, Haiti and Cuba. It comes in many Caribbean dishes. They say tastes like a walnut. Rambutan

Homeland Rambutan - Malay Archipelago, and the name is derived from the Malay word meaning "hairy", and it is hardly necessary to explain why. And under the strange hairy appearance at this fruit is tender, juicy and extremely tasty flesh. Those who have tried it, describe it tastes like sweet and sour, reminiscent of grapes.

This fruit grows in an unusual, resembling a flashlight casing. It belongs to the family Solanaceae, and thus is a relative of the tomato. Its soft, refreshing, sour taste, too, resembles tomato and properly used.

The singularity of this fruit is that it does not grow on the branch, each fruit as it should be, but directly on the bark of a tree, on the trunk. When the tree begins to bear fruit, it seems as if its trunk covered with purple warts. Use these fruits as well as grapes, that is cooked wine and liqueurs (the taste becomes quite exquisite), or eaten fresh.
African horned cucumber

In America, this fruit is called "puffers fruit." His yellow skin is covered with thorns, and the interior of his green and lush. The taste of this fruit is very unusual. Most of all it looks like a mixture of cucumber zucchini, and it contains a huge amount of vitamin C and other nutrients. African horned cucumber homeland is Africa, but now it is grown in many countries, including New Zealand, Australia and Chile.

In southeast Asia, the durian is revered as the "king of fruits". The famous British naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace (who, irrespective of Darwin formulated his theory of natural selection) described the taste of its flesh as "something like a thick custard with lots of almonds." But durian is famous not only taste, but also the smell, which is compared with sweaty socks and rotten onions. That does not sound very appetizing, but lovers of durian is quite confusing.
Miracle berry

Miracle berry grows in West Africa. Such naming it deserves thanks to its ability to change the taste of acidic foods (such as lemons and limes). The berry contains a substance called "miraculin," which at the time of "disconnects" the taste buds responsible for the perception of sour and bitter taste, so all that you have not eaten since it will seem as sweet as candy.

Fragrant flesh mangosteen has a sweet, tart, citrus and peach flavor. His homeland - the tropics of Southeast Asia. At the time this taste so impressed Queen Victoria that she has announced a reward of 100 pounds to anyone who will give it a fresh fruit. Makoto mangosteen defends pretty tough skin, which first need to split a knife.

These small, semi-spherical shape of the fruit growing, mainly in Southeast Asia, India and Bhutan, not so long ago they began to grow, and in Hawaii. Immature fruits can be quite sour, but when ripen and become sweet, reminiscent of grapefruit.

Mark Twain called the cherimoya "the most delicious fruit known to man." Its taste some describe as a cross between a banana and pineapple, while others argue that most of all he recalls the taste of chewing gum. Homeland cherimoya are the Andes, but it feels good, and in the Mediterranean climate, it is now grown in Spain, Italy, California and many other places.

These unusual fruits are covered with reddish scales that need to clear to get to the edible pulp. Aguahe popular in the Amazon jungle, it can serve as an invaluable source of vitamins A and C, and even treatment for burns. From aguahe turns out delicious exotic wine.

A relative of the breadfruit tree, which grows the largest fruit in the world. Weight per fruit can exceed 35 kg. It is considered the national fruit of Bangladesh, but even 6000 years ago it began to grow in India. Pulp from jackfruit oily, rich in fiber and starchy. Usually it is cut into slices and fry, getting crispy chips.
Monstera delicacy

Monstera delicacy native to Central America and to the mind is like a half-open ear of corn. To fully ripe, this fruit takes about a year, and it has an immature dangerous - it can be very toxic. Ready fruits have a banana-pineapple flavor.

Cupuaçu grows in the forests of the Amazon. The flesh of the fruit flavored with chocolate-pineapple flavor is often used for desserts and all sorts of confectionery. The cupuaçu contains a huge variety of nutrients, so it is often referred to as "superfruits". Furthermore, oily flesh of the fruit is often used as a moisturizing cosmetic agent.

Taste Pepino is a cross between a melon and pear. This fruit - a relative of Solanaceae such as tomato and eggplant. Pepino grows mainly in South America, but is now grown in New Zealand, Turkey and some other regions.