12 vegetables that are easy to grow at home

sometimes I want to go to the balcony, like Jamie Oliver, dial own grown vegetables and herbs and stir one Smasher. And the balcony, by the way, looks much nicer if there is not stored the old piece of iron that it is time to scrap, and aromatic herbs and vegetables.
Website has selected some interesting plants, which are well acclimatized to the window sill or on the balcony.

On the windowsill can grow hot pepper pizza Diablo. For it will require a warm bright place and varieties suitable for home cultivation, "Carmen", "Flint", "Ogonyok", "Ryabinushka", "bride", "Indian Summer" and others.
Bush is very nice and do not require large pots. One plant can tie up to 50 fruits. The optimum temperature - 25-27 degrees.

For the cultivation of carrots at home is better to take a mini-type varieties "Parmeks," "Sophie", "granddaughter." They grow for 80-90 days and do not require much space - they are quite satisfied with a pot or container. You can also take a fun round sort of "round baby".
The soil for carrots should be light and well-drained. Vegetables can be grown in plastic bottles circumcision. The optimum temperature - within 13-24 degrees.

Mint - nekapriznoe and undemanding plant. It can grow on your windowsill or on the balcony, even in winter, if you arrange additional illumination. You can grow it from cuttings and seeds. If you can dig up the stalk the country at or friends, it is better to use this method. Peppermint grown from seeds taken not as active, and have to wait for the harvest longer.
It is important to remember that the plant likes a well-moistened soil. And when you choose a place for it, please note that the lighting should be good, but direct sunlight should be avoided. The optimum temperature for mint - 20-25 degrees with a plus sign.
Green luk

To grow green onions at home, a special skill is required. Still, it is worth considering some of the nuances: a bulb that you plant must be round, dense to the touch and free from rot, root cup - well-formed.
Immediately after landing is to put onions in a cool dark place, to better develop the root system, and then the pen will need a lot of light. The optimum temperature - 18-20 degrees, overheating is not worth it, because then the growth will stop by greenery.

Any variety of basil grows well in pots and boxes. He is better to allocate a sunny place, well watered, keep warm and provide good drainage. It can be used for planting cuttings and seeds. This cuttings quickly give the first crop, but will last for long, as quickly blossom. The harvest from the seeds have to wait longer and longer serve a bush.
The optimum temperature for the basilica - 20-25 degrees. In winter, you want to highlight about 3-4 hours to increase daylight hours.

To grow on the windowsill or on the balcony cucumbers, should pay attention to self-pollinated varieties, which are marked with an icon F1. If the plant has all the conditions, it can give 3-4 dozen fruits. There will have to tinker a bit with the seedlings, but after transplant into boxes only need to be watered and trimmed mustache.
Planted plants in a container of not less than 5 liters. It is important to remember that the cucumber - big vodohleby and land must always be moist. The optimum temperature - 21-24 degrees of heat.

As the home of tomatoes usually choose dwarf varieties "Minibel", "Petite Florida," "Balcony miracle" and others. This is a miracle, you will need to take the most illuminated place in the apartment. It will be necessary to start seedlings and then planted in containers, tie, feed and protect from the cold. This is one of the most troublesome balcony crops but to harvest included pride in their work and horticultural talent.
It is important to remember that the tomato, like all plants, like water, but they are easy to fill. Therefore, caution should be watered. The optimum temperature - 23-25 degrees.

Sorrel except remarkable taste different in that quietly transfers shaded places. To grow from rhizomes can be 2-4-year-old plants with buds or seeds of such varieties as "Maikop", "Altai", "broad-Odessa».
Grow it can and at 5 and at 20 degrees of heat, and can withstand even minor frosts. So, on the balcony you can keep up to the last, and if the balcony holds heat well, then do not clean for the winter. The leaves are cut at a height of 8-10 cm, this should be done carefully so as not to damage the kidney growth.

Ginger not only delicious condiment, but also a beautiful plant. If you put it at home, germs can vymahal up to a meter in height. Put slices of ginger root, consisting of at least a couple of sections with living kidney. If the root is dried up, you can hold in warm water a few hours, woke up to the kidneys.
Planting roots should not be very deep, and until the first sprouts, watering should be very moderate. Hold the ginger should be in the light, but away from direct sunlight. The optimum temperature - 20-25 degrees.

To grow a pineapple at home, you need to be patient and find the right fruit - bought in the warmer months and tail intact. The tail is cut with a knife, preferably without the pulp is dried for 3-4 days in the light, and then germinated in a clean river sand. When will the roots, about a month, it can be transplanted into a pot with soil.
Pineapple loves light, heat and spraying. The fruit appears somewhere after 2 years after planting. The optimum temperature - 23-30 degrees.

Strawberries can be grown at home all year round, winter will need to arrange a backlight. To do this, choose remontant strawberry varieties that bear fruit more than once in a season, and consistently, such as "Yellow miracle", "Queen Elizabeth", "Mount Everest". You can grow strawberries from seed, but the easiest way to buy a ready-made seedlings. After 3-4 months a couple of bushes will provide new outlets, and increase your plantation times 3. Meanwhile, as with the germination of seeds, will have to tinker.
Strawberry afraid of the cold, so the balcony it is imposed only when the warm weather. The optimum temperature - 18-24 degrees of heat. It is important to remember that because the house is not insects, you may have to pollinate the flowers brush.

Thyme - a wonderful herb. It is very fragrant, tasty and very unpretentious. In the wild thyme growing in arid areas with poor soil. Why ruin it at home is not easy. The most important thing is that he loves - is light. Not afraid of direct sunlight, and it is possible to put even where other plants would die. The only difficulty - watering: the sun in a small volume of soil pots dry out quickly, and the thyme is not fond of waterlogging.
Also, it makes no sense to overdo it with fertilizer - thyme did not appreciate. Grow as a possible from cuttings and seed.
And what goodies grow in your home?
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