Container-on the garden terrace, on the balcony of the apartment!

Container garden - an interesting topic with which I have faced. With container gardening, I know for a long time, but on the cultivation of vegetables and herbs in containers, I somehow did not think, considering horticulture prerogative of the owners of land.
But no, everything is not so categorical! Even those who have a loggia or a very small terrace can afford to grow up to the table, "vegetables from the garden" with the aid of a simple container vegetable gardens. There is an opportunity to do even gardening on the windowsill!

There are special techniques for growing vegetables in boxes and for owners of land plots - a vegetable facilitates the cultivation of the soil, treatment beds and increases crop yields
. One of the techniques popularized by growing vegetables in containers - is growing vegetables in boxes on Mittlayderu. This method is suitable for people with a plot of land, a large balcony or loggia (about growing vegetables on the windowsill will be discussed later)
Recommendations on-site boxes (containers)
Boxes with plants should be installed in the solar field. In the shadows of the buildings, the trees in the lowlands (where there may be problems with drainage) containers with vegetable plants should not be set. Vegetable plants growing under trees or in the shade of the houses will be bad fruit. It is not necessary to put the boxes in places where dripping rainwater and stagnates.
Container garden - growing vegetables in containers (on the terrace, on the balcony of the apartment)
Boxes can be made of different materials: wood, brick, concrete, cinder blocks. You can even make boxes out of old railway sleepers in which creosote has already lost its toxicity (fresh can not be done!).

Containers for growing vegetables at home
The most simple and available capacity to grow vegetables on the windowsill or on the balcony - it's pots. This may be ceramic and plastic bowls and other containers, for example metal.
Pots for growing greens, onion, lettuce can be a depth of 5 centimeters! For plants with extensive root system - tomatoes, cucumbers, bell pepper containers are not required smaller 20 centimeters deep
. Oddly enough, the simple capacity for growing vegetables - a plastic bag to the ground! It is enough to fill a few folded into each other garbage bags and tie the substrate edges, cut holes for the seeds or seedlings, and they can grow a good crop of tomatoes!
Keep in mind - in a small 30-liter garbage bag you can put 3 or 5 of the bush tomato strawberry bushes. Do not forget to make holes in them to drain excess moisture, they should be at the bottom of the package.
Recommendation on the composition of substrate for the cultivation of vegetables and herbs in containers
For the filling of containers recommended this nutrient mixture: 2, 5 parts compost, 2 - humus, 2 - turf ground, 1, 5 - peat, 1 - perlite, expanded clay, slag wool or crushed foam and 1 - fertilizer (10 kg of a mixture of 30 g superphosphate and 10 g of urea and the potassium salt).
Growing cucumbers on the balcony
Cucumber can be grown on the balcony on a trellis. The essence of this method - nazdemnaya part of the plant is attached to the vertical support, on which the plant will curl. You can use any device, withstand the weight of the plant with the fruits.
Greater ability to create a length of poles is not necessary: just plug in the container in which are planted cucumbers, pegs and a half meters long, and pull three rows of wire at a distance of fifty centimeters. Then, with the top row of wire went down to the cucumber seedlings twine or rope and tie it to the bottom two wires, and the bottom edge of the twine or rope to secure the ground at the base of the seedling hook made of wire. You also need to seedlings caught tendrils of twine or rope.
One of the main advantages of growing cucumbers on a trellis is that the terrestrial part of the cucumber is longer purged, which will contribute to a smaller temperature difference, which contributes to a stable vlagostnomu regime that prevents the appearance of cucumber downy mildew. Also, experience shows that the cultivation of cucumbers on a trellis prolongs and increases fruiting cucumber simplifies the process of care for the plantings.