How to stop attract malicious thoughts
The first thing to do is start to cut herself from Fear and Anxiety. Frightening thoughts — the cause of many unhappiness and many failures. You've said it not once, not twice, but many do from this point? Fear is a habit entrenched in you as a result of the negative flow of thoughts, but it can be cleared thanks to the personal efforts and persistence.
A strong desire is a powerful magnet. People, a desire which is strong and inflexible, has attracted something that should help him to get what you want, people, things and circumstances, provided that he wishes, with hope, trust, confidence, and tranquility.
And it is true that a person who is experiencing fear of something, as a rule, sets in motion forces that will lead to him what he's afraid of. Don't you see that he who fears really expects what is he afraid of? But from the point of view of the law of Attraction in the world of thought is the same as if he wanted or wished for. This Law applies in both cases — the principle is the same.
The best way to overcome the habit of Fear is to mentally set yourself up for Courage, as well as the best way to get rid of the darkness in the room to draw the curtains and let in the light.
To deal with habitual negative thoughts, trying Herculean effort to get used to the light, is a waste of time. There is a better way, safer, easier, and faster, namely, to allow the balls to hold in your consciousness a place of Fear and constantly turning to her to give her the opportunity to Express themselves in objective reality.
Instead of repeating "I'm not afraid," firmly tell yourself: "I am Brave". To convince yourself "I'm not afraid" is to deny the reality of the frightening object and nothing more; it will not help you to get rid of Fear itself.
To overcome fear, you need to be mentally tuned firmly on Courage. We need to think boldly, speak boldly and act boldly. Throughout the day hold in their minds a mental image of Courage, let this mental installation you become. Keep a mental image of Courage directly in front of you and you will gradually grow into it.
Let the word "Courage" to settle into your consciousness and focus on it until it was not secured. Think of yourself as a brave man — imagine how you act boldly in difficult situations. Understand that there is nothing to fear and that Anxiety and Fear never helped and will never help. Fear paralyzes effort, and Courage pushes to action.
Confident, fearless, and striving steadily toward their goal of people tuned for the "Can and will Do it," a powerful magnet. It attracts what it needs for success. Saying he's "lucky". What nonsense! The so-called "luck" has nothing to do with it. The whole thing in a Mental Setting. There is no secret. And exactly the same Mental tuning "can't" or "Fear" dooms a person to failure.
To verify the veracity of the above, it is enough to look around. Have you ever seen a successful person was not configured to "May Make"? Losers should be looked for among people who "Can't", although the latter is quite likely, features a lot more.
The first Mental tuning to bring out our hidden talents and draws to us the help from the outside, while the second is a Mental setting does not manifest abilities of the person and attracts negative circumstances. I, like many others, was convinced of the correctness of this assertion on my own experience, and the number of people possessing this knowledge, is growing every day.
Don't squander the power of their Thoughts, use it for the benefit of the business.
Stop trying to attract failure, unhappiness, disharmony and sorrow. Let your main thought is "I Can and I will". Think tuning into "Can and will Do;" dream, tuning in to "I Can and I will", say, tuning the "Can and will Do;" take action by tuning into "Can and will Do."
Living at the level of "Can Do"; you will feel a new vibration in your life, you will see the results of their actions, understand that see things differently than before and realize that close to him. You will feel better, act better, and to better understand everything that is happening to you. Joining a team of people who "Can and Do", you BECOME better in every sense of the word.
Fear is the parent of Anxiety, Hate, Greed, Evil, Anger, Discontent and Failure. Man, get rid of Fear, you will see that all of the above, the family also disappeared. The only way to be Free is to get rid of Fear, so pry it from the root. I think the victory over Fear is the most important step that you want to make someone who wants to practice using the Power of Thought. While you're ruled by your Fear, you are able to achieve success in the world of Thought.
That is why I insist that you immediately removed from their path this obstacle. You CAN do it — if you act sincerely. Getting rid of such low quality, like Fear, you will see life differently and become happier, freer, stronger, more positive and more successful in his every endeavor.
Today, make the decision that Fear, the impostor must GO! Don't go with him on a compromise, insisting on complete surrender. First, this task will be hard for you. However, as you will confront your Fear, it will weaken, and you become stronger.
Stop feed it, we starve him out — he can't exist in the mental atmosphere of Fearlessness. So start to fill your mind with good, strong, Fearless thoughts — occupy yourself with them, think Fearlessly, and Fear will die. Fearlessness is positive. Fear is a negative. Be sure that the positive is always stronger!
While you roam around the Fear with their "but", "if", "afraid", "I can't", "what if" and other cowardly doubts, you can not fully use your Power of Thought. It is necessary to remove it from the road and facing the goal will be easily achievable, every inch of your mental sails filled with wind. Fear is the biblical Jonah. Throw him overboard! (Sorry for the whale that will swallow this production.)
Here's what I advise: do not wait, do a few things that you, as you seem to have tried to do, if not feared. You'll be surprised how this new Mental tuning to the Courage to remove from your path all obstacles. Exercises this kind of wonderful will train you and you will be richly rewarded by the results.
The force of attractionGestures of uncertainty: what I can tell the hands of the interlocutor
Before you — a variety of things you could do, if only you'd cast aside the yoke of Fear, if just refused to give in to his promptings, and firmly asserted the power of your true higher self. The best way to conquer Fear is to stop thinking about him and affirm Courage. In accordance with this plan, accustom your mind to think in a new way So you'll uproot the old negative thoughts that drag you down and back. Make the word "Courage" as its motto and act in accord with it.
Don't go on about the Fear and not be afraid of him — fortunately, he's small and cowardly runs away when it encounters a big fight.published
Atkinson W.... the Law of attraction and the power of thought. 2008
Source: xn--80ahc0abogjs.com/56_gendernaya-psihologiya_816/kak-perestat-privlekat-sebe-vredonosnyie-64105.html
A strong desire is a powerful magnet. People, a desire which is strong and inflexible, has attracted something that should help him to get what you want, people, things and circumstances, provided that he wishes, with hope, trust, confidence, and tranquility.

And it is true that a person who is experiencing fear of something, as a rule, sets in motion forces that will lead to him what he's afraid of. Don't you see that he who fears really expects what is he afraid of? But from the point of view of the law of Attraction in the world of thought is the same as if he wanted or wished for. This Law applies in both cases — the principle is the same.
The best way to overcome the habit of Fear is to mentally set yourself up for Courage, as well as the best way to get rid of the darkness in the room to draw the curtains and let in the light.
To deal with habitual negative thoughts, trying Herculean effort to get used to the light, is a waste of time. There is a better way, safer, easier, and faster, namely, to allow the balls to hold in your consciousness a place of Fear and constantly turning to her to give her the opportunity to Express themselves in objective reality.
Instead of repeating "I'm not afraid," firmly tell yourself: "I am Brave". To convince yourself "I'm not afraid" is to deny the reality of the frightening object and nothing more; it will not help you to get rid of Fear itself.
To overcome fear, you need to be mentally tuned firmly on Courage. We need to think boldly, speak boldly and act boldly. Throughout the day hold in their minds a mental image of Courage, let this mental installation you become. Keep a mental image of Courage directly in front of you and you will gradually grow into it.
Let the word "Courage" to settle into your consciousness and focus on it until it was not secured. Think of yourself as a brave man — imagine how you act boldly in difficult situations. Understand that there is nothing to fear and that Anxiety and Fear never helped and will never help. Fear paralyzes effort, and Courage pushes to action.
Confident, fearless, and striving steadily toward their goal of people tuned for the "Can and will Do it," a powerful magnet. It attracts what it needs for success. Saying he's "lucky". What nonsense! The so-called "luck" has nothing to do with it. The whole thing in a Mental Setting. There is no secret. And exactly the same Mental tuning "can't" or "Fear" dooms a person to failure.
To verify the veracity of the above, it is enough to look around. Have you ever seen a successful person was not configured to "May Make"? Losers should be looked for among people who "Can't", although the latter is quite likely, features a lot more.
The first Mental tuning to bring out our hidden talents and draws to us the help from the outside, while the second is a Mental setting does not manifest abilities of the person and attracts negative circumstances. I, like many others, was convinced of the correctness of this assertion on my own experience, and the number of people possessing this knowledge, is growing every day.
Don't squander the power of their Thoughts, use it for the benefit of the business.
Stop trying to attract failure, unhappiness, disharmony and sorrow. Let your main thought is "I Can and I will". Think tuning into "Can and will Do;" dream, tuning in to "I Can and I will", say, tuning the "Can and will Do;" take action by tuning into "Can and will Do."
Living at the level of "Can Do"; you will feel a new vibration in your life, you will see the results of their actions, understand that see things differently than before and realize that close to him. You will feel better, act better, and to better understand everything that is happening to you. Joining a team of people who "Can and Do", you BECOME better in every sense of the word.
Fear is the parent of Anxiety, Hate, Greed, Evil, Anger, Discontent and Failure. Man, get rid of Fear, you will see that all of the above, the family also disappeared. The only way to be Free is to get rid of Fear, so pry it from the root. I think the victory over Fear is the most important step that you want to make someone who wants to practice using the Power of Thought. While you're ruled by your Fear, you are able to achieve success in the world of Thought.

That is why I insist that you immediately removed from their path this obstacle. You CAN do it — if you act sincerely. Getting rid of such low quality, like Fear, you will see life differently and become happier, freer, stronger, more positive and more successful in his every endeavor.
Today, make the decision that Fear, the impostor must GO! Don't go with him on a compromise, insisting on complete surrender. First, this task will be hard for you. However, as you will confront your Fear, it will weaken, and you become stronger.
Stop feed it, we starve him out — he can't exist in the mental atmosphere of Fearlessness. So start to fill your mind with good, strong, Fearless thoughts — occupy yourself with them, think Fearlessly, and Fear will die. Fearlessness is positive. Fear is a negative. Be sure that the positive is always stronger!
While you roam around the Fear with their "but", "if", "afraid", "I can't", "what if" and other cowardly doubts, you can not fully use your Power of Thought. It is necessary to remove it from the road and facing the goal will be easily achievable, every inch of your mental sails filled with wind. Fear is the biblical Jonah. Throw him overboard! (Sorry for the whale that will swallow this production.)
Here's what I advise: do not wait, do a few things that you, as you seem to have tried to do, if not feared. You'll be surprised how this new Mental tuning to the Courage to remove from your path all obstacles. Exercises this kind of wonderful will train you and you will be richly rewarded by the results.
The force of attractionGestures of uncertainty: what I can tell the hands of the interlocutor
Before you — a variety of things you could do, if only you'd cast aside the yoke of Fear, if just refused to give in to his promptings, and firmly asserted the power of your true higher self. The best way to conquer Fear is to stop thinking about him and affirm Courage. In accordance with this plan, accustom your mind to think in a new way So you'll uproot the old negative thoughts that drag you down and back. Make the word "Courage" as its motto and act in accord with it.
Don't go on about the Fear and not be afraid of him — fortunately, he's small and cowardly runs away when it encounters a big fight.published
Atkinson W.... the Law of attraction and the power of thought. 2008
Source: xn--80ahc0abogjs.com/56_gendernaya-psihologiya_816/kak-perestat-privlekat-sebe-vredonosnyie-64105.html