"To be happy, all is well": the honest insights to 30 years
There are times when it accumulates so many questions that need somehow to give them out. Writer, journalist, blogger and traveler Olesya Novikova share his life insights, which came at the age of 32.
We are happy to present you these amazingly simple and wise thoughts that we think are suitable for any age.
Ninety six million one hundred forty three thousand three hundred twelve
1. Scary to all.
And those who are financially independent. And those who are talented. And those who unconditionally good. And those who are smart and worldly savvy. And those born in a happy family. And those who live by the ocean. Both young. Both old. And those who are recognized in their field. And to those who have understanding partner. And those who are engaged in yoga. And martial arts. And meditation. And those who are just starting. And for those who have a great experience. And those who have seemingly completely all right.
Scary to all.
To start a new. Out of the usual circle. Risk. To do something what was not used. Fear for loved ones. For the cause. For his life, when the going gets tough. And a lot more.
Fear will continue. No matter how much experience, practice, confidence, recognition, money, talent, but every time aiming at a new height, each time coming on the scene every time, turning on close — to one degree or another is fear. This is normal. This means that you're still alive. And so, we need to go forward. Through fear. Not trying to get rid of it.
2. Life without change does not exist.
Stability is illusory. The state of the "plateau" is absurd. We are constantly in motion. But it's certainly tolerant of banality, because we are constantly getting old. And we can say even tougher, but it is the patrimony of Pelevin. Will not come back.
We are constantly changing externally and internally, these processes do not stop for a second. And seconds as measure a even a lot. Processes are going on every moment. This many seconds. The question "change or not to change?"the sensible person can not stand. Only: "do I Have the attitude to these changes and to what extent?".
3. Fast — it's slowly but without interruption.
Words of Japanese folklore.
Don't need fast, intense, cool, very powerful. Just regularly. The most important thing is to keep the rhythm. Little by little, but with a stable consistency. And after some time, from the outside, it will look like quickly, intensely, abruptly and very powerfully.
4. Create more than you consume.
Otherwise, all. The hopeless life of the consumer, ornate intertwining in a significant conclusion: "All is well, but nothing good."
Man needs something to do. Voluntarily and with love. This is the formula of his mental health. As a bonus, curiously, is the only way to enjoy the pleasure of consumption that will not be to destroy it. It is possible to consider this process as a healthy mental metabolism.
5. Today is what you did and thought yesterday, and tomorrow is what you do and think today.
This phrase need to be repeated, like a mantra, until, until you reach that your parents have nothing to do with your adult problems. In any case, they are not to blame, that no one can change the record in your head, which has stuck since childhood — they are there in any case, do not enter.
For those who understand everything about my parents and the past as such, it makes sense to continue to be repeated until it will cover what the causes of failures do not have such a large value as accepted and the question "why?"by itself, not very valuable, but pulls energy to complete the program. Change your actions today can and does without answers.
6. There are no guarantees.
A basic rule of the universe, through which must pass all their decisions and plans.
Sixteen million four hundred fifty two thousand nine hundred sixty two
7. The era of secret knowledge that can make a change over. It is the era of information hygiene.
For five years, as knowledge is not the main currency in the matter of achievements and any meaningful existence. Internet they devalued their affordability. Replaced by concentration. Ability to hold attention on the task and not to spill interest — who is right here. And this skill is directly dependent on the noise that is everywhere today. The more verbal garbage around, the less focus. The more of other people's thoughts, the quieter voice. The constant presence in the online thread killing the ability to self-awareness, replacing the essence of concepts about what it is.
8. Joy and pleasure are not one and the same.
We never get the joy of chocolate cake, glass of wine or a cigarette. We don't get the joy of new boots or perfume. It is important to call a spade a spade — we get the pleasure. And here's another chemistry. The nature of this feeling is very fleeting and inextricably linked with the subsequent dissatisfaction, boredom, satiety and desire a new portion.
Not afraid to deny themselves the pleasures of scary not to know joy.
9. Suffering exist.
The Buddha was right after all. Suffering exist. All suffer. And those who have nothing and those who have everything. And who exactly at this moment is not suffering, leave the pain in the next, as soon as you change the dollar, the attack will occur, will receive the answer that it don't like see the dirty staircase, not wait for the response to a message will not receive money or any other breeze. Suffering exist. And always for no reason, if you recall the ending of any human being.
10. To be happy, all is well.
This is a surprisingly simple thing for so long I refused to see. Too strong in our belief in a miracle with a happy ending, on the occasion of its own unparalleled uniqueness. But is every person can run 42-km running marathon? In theory, Yes, human resources can do this, but in practice it is available only to the trained man.
Of course, the untrained can train. But the chain is lengthened, and its important to see. Right now untrained person cannot.
Every person can be happy? Yes, of course! But it is in theory. In practice, consistently happy, that is peaceful, balanced, blissful, if you want to be the only ones who can discipline the mind. Whose minds are capable (trained) not to twitch, for all the many reasons that surround it. Who can stay in balance joy is not only in calm but also in a burst of unpleasant situations. Otherwise, all the endless reasons from scratch on your auto will throw you in the pain, irritation and anxiety. And it's just a car, and there is the same situation more serious. This is samsara, baby. Happy to be a hunted mind reacting to any incident can be called only in the status of instagram.
11. Joy is balance of mind.
Tell me it is because 5 years ago, I would have twisted his temple. When you day and night dreamed of a big and bright love, happy family, interesting profitable business, the opportunity to work on themselves and not on the other, rich travel life, it seems that still you have some ideas about joy, at least on its own. Yes, you're largely not satisfied; Yes, something can bring you out of yourself; Yes, you suffer. So it's understandable. But you know, something to strive for. Do you know where your tangible lasting joy, looking at their enticing dreams.
Joy is a state of complete equilibrium of peace of mind which is achieved when the exemption for the blind (automatic) reactions of the mind. Healthy, perhaps the only, way to learn (and develop) such a state in adulthood is a profound meditation of observation.
12. Fruit is not acidic, and alkaline food.
If scientific, fresh ripe fruit and almost all vegetables cause the body alkaline and help to neutralize the excess acid in it, and starch, sugar, meat, fats, oils, dairy products, on the contrary, the body acidification. A full description is in the table N. Walker and R. Pope, which is available through Google.
13. "My body itself knows that it is better" is one of the most treacherous traps of the mind.
The body of the alcoholic wants to drink, the body of the smoker dreams about cigarette, our body craves chocolate and French fries. What kind of "knows better" everyone says? Just as the mind lives on automatic reaction, not giving the man time to do the basic shifts in your life and body subject to the habits and chaotic impulses of desire.
14. Food not only affects our body but also our minds.
Like alcohol, which significantly changes our consciousness, blunting it, some products bear a similar effect, but less pronounced and often unconscious form. Food can slow down and rastushevyvaet the head, weakening the control power of awareness and clarity of perception. Slightly "blurred" state becomes the norm, allowing the person to forget what it means lightness and clarity really is. Most "free" food is fresh vegetables and fruit as well as plant foods and cereals, cooked in a simple way with minimum oil content, seasoning and salt.
Fifteen million five hundred seventy five thousand two hundred seventy one
15. Money need enough to not to think about them.
Money does not solve the main issue of humanity — they make their owner happy. But the opportunity not to think about them, at least in the home, greatly releases energy for other processes.
16. We are all the same much more than different.
The value of the personal uniqueness is greatly exaggerated and does not allow us to quickly solve their problems. All the answers and solutions have long existed, and preoccupation with their own uniqueness do not allow a person to push your ego to where it would be useful to be always and without interference to perceive the reality around him with all the answers and tips.
17. Dependence can be treated only 100% failure.
You can't drink one glass of wine, if you're an alcoholic. Sometimes it is impossible to smoke if trying to quit. You would roll constantly. The UPS and downs. Disruptions. In matters psychic "hooks" no semitones. And this rule is firm for dependency of all types.
18. Condition inner 100% readiness for change does not exist.
We always end up not ready for the twists and changes. There are always good "but" and there a little put off until a more favorable situation. It is useless to expect a definite inner harmony, you need to decide, based more on "time" than on ephemeral readiness.
19. Life is a book, the first chapters of which were written not by you.
And the next too often.
We are composed of beliefs and models of the world around us, and this world is not an abstract planet Earth, and a concrete staircase, office, home — the place where we spend time. They are friends, colleagues, parents, sales people, facing every night. This tape is in social networks and so-called friends from Facebook. We absorb the views, positions, point of view, just automatically, and we inhale them with the air and be the same or, on the contrary, the opposite, which is also automatic time of denial. In childhood this process is completely out of control. The essence of our personality has gathered other people and a conscious parent contribution (if it ever was) there is not predominant. What we believe about ourselves, and what we need to be afraid to lose according to some psychologists, just in varying degrees of mosaic beauty from our environment. With nothing to lose. In my opinion, great news. You can redraw everything in any sort of way.
20. The result is the number of attempts.
And not one good shot. And certainly not a success in the long term.
21. What helped you at one stage, it may be a brake for the exit to the next.
Ability to profound changes, characterized by the possibility to refuse. But not only that's stopping you. Sometimes it is very important to abandon what helped you in the past. A simple example: the rules of small business don't work on average. To grow without abandoning some of them, even if they raised the process yesterday, is impossible. Also with human personality, its attitudes and plans.
22. Beyond the comfort zone is the area of discomfort.
Not a box of chocolates.
23. Life without a purpose does not exist.
Same as no change. The only question is: do you put these goals give yourself or at the mercy of the instincts (unconscious goals).
24. Laziness does not exist.
There is the hated classes, lack of energy and lack of large-scale vision that was breathtaking from the opening prospects. But laziness is not.
Eighty two million three hundred seventy eight thousand three hundred sixteen
25. Yourself you cannot find yourself, only create.
Look for nothing and nobody. You always have here and now. And your path is what you have under your feet in this particular second, no more. The same "a" has a different path from what it is not only the fact of awareness going, which paves albeit small, but tangible goals. When these goals are set by other people or they germinate erratically through the word "should" — no way, there is a set of disparate misfits episodes.
26. Alcohol is not needed.
27. Unrealized potential hurts.
And it is useless to hide from this fact to the chosen level of comfort or a beautiful philosophical concept, the same story about womanhood, motherhood, and more.
For every talent with us demand.
28. Banks should be paying you, not you them. This is the only possible financial health.
Never, never, never worth buying something that is not earned. Never. Anyway, if you dream about a serious change. We pay the Bank not only money, but their free energy. Space for risk and adventurous movements. A breakthrough from this state (especially a new financial level) is hardly possible.
29. Two abilities that you need to master as early as possible: the ability to strain and the ability to relax.
Any movement requires the exertion of force at one time or another. If you go to it reluctantly, out of necessity — will be spent two times more energy. Part of the effort, and the rest to mental stress. On internal struggle. Hence the need to learn to tense desire, to love their effort. While the ability to strain voluntarily, seeing it as solely a positive aspect, the amount of wasted effort will be reduced significantly. Will be better and easier.
And the ability to relax is to accept reality for what it is, let go of your own expectations, unleashing the internal nodes, and removing bodily tension through yoga techniques and breathing, for example, the second wing, without which one voltage will not move far.
30. Two answers you should learn as early as possible: "Yes" and "no".
To say "Yes" to situations and people, despite the lack of guarantees, the full internal readiness and external circumstances. And to say "no" first and foremost to yourself — your weaknesses, fears and promiscuity. Only far and then other people.
31. Cool stuff different from doing good ability to forget yourself.
The Creator is different from the person who something bad does, that puts the matter above itself, in the process of dissolving his ego. And doing it consciously and with love, not by lack of choice or sense of duty. For example, one marketer might be a true musician in the profession, and a musician so for life and remains the one dealing with music.
Envy — my life
New year's resolutions
32. Each met on the road sign always has at least 3 interpretations.
1. Maybe it really is a sign!
2. Maybe you're delusional and attract the facts behind the ears.
3. Maybe this test — the phenomenon of opposite sign, — an attempt to divert from the chosen path, as a test of the sincerity of your decision and the power of intention. published
Author: Olesya Novikova
Source: lady.tut.by/news/relationship/524029.html?utm_source=lady.tut.by&utm_medium=bottom_news&utm_campaign=recirculation
We are happy to present you these amazingly simple and wise thoughts that we think are suitable for any age.
Ninety six million one hundred forty three thousand three hundred twelve
1. Scary to all.
And those who are financially independent. And those who are talented. And those who unconditionally good. And those who are smart and worldly savvy. And those born in a happy family. And those who live by the ocean. Both young. Both old. And those who are recognized in their field. And to those who have understanding partner. And those who are engaged in yoga. And martial arts. And meditation. And those who are just starting. And for those who have a great experience. And those who have seemingly completely all right.
Scary to all.
To start a new. Out of the usual circle. Risk. To do something what was not used. Fear for loved ones. For the cause. For his life, when the going gets tough. And a lot more.
Fear will continue. No matter how much experience, practice, confidence, recognition, money, talent, but every time aiming at a new height, each time coming on the scene every time, turning on close — to one degree or another is fear. This is normal. This means that you're still alive. And so, we need to go forward. Through fear. Not trying to get rid of it.
2. Life without change does not exist.
Stability is illusory. The state of the "plateau" is absurd. We are constantly in motion. But it's certainly tolerant of banality, because we are constantly getting old. And we can say even tougher, but it is the patrimony of Pelevin. Will not come back.
We are constantly changing externally and internally, these processes do not stop for a second. And seconds as measure a even a lot. Processes are going on every moment. This many seconds. The question "change or not to change?"the sensible person can not stand. Only: "do I Have the attitude to these changes and to what extent?".
3. Fast — it's slowly but without interruption.
Words of Japanese folklore.
Don't need fast, intense, cool, very powerful. Just regularly. The most important thing is to keep the rhythm. Little by little, but with a stable consistency. And after some time, from the outside, it will look like quickly, intensely, abruptly and very powerfully.
4. Create more than you consume.
Otherwise, all. The hopeless life of the consumer, ornate intertwining in a significant conclusion: "All is well, but nothing good."
Man needs something to do. Voluntarily and with love. This is the formula of his mental health. As a bonus, curiously, is the only way to enjoy the pleasure of consumption that will not be to destroy it. It is possible to consider this process as a healthy mental metabolism.
5. Today is what you did and thought yesterday, and tomorrow is what you do and think today.
This phrase need to be repeated, like a mantra, until, until you reach that your parents have nothing to do with your adult problems. In any case, they are not to blame, that no one can change the record in your head, which has stuck since childhood — they are there in any case, do not enter.
For those who understand everything about my parents and the past as such, it makes sense to continue to be repeated until it will cover what the causes of failures do not have such a large value as accepted and the question "why?"by itself, not very valuable, but pulls energy to complete the program. Change your actions today can and does without answers.
6. There are no guarantees.
A basic rule of the universe, through which must pass all their decisions and plans.
Sixteen million four hundred fifty two thousand nine hundred sixty two
7. The era of secret knowledge that can make a change over. It is the era of information hygiene.
For five years, as knowledge is not the main currency in the matter of achievements and any meaningful existence. Internet they devalued their affordability. Replaced by concentration. Ability to hold attention on the task and not to spill interest — who is right here. And this skill is directly dependent on the noise that is everywhere today. The more verbal garbage around, the less focus. The more of other people's thoughts, the quieter voice. The constant presence in the online thread killing the ability to self-awareness, replacing the essence of concepts about what it is.
8. Joy and pleasure are not one and the same.
We never get the joy of chocolate cake, glass of wine or a cigarette. We don't get the joy of new boots or perfume. It is important to call a spade a spade — we get the pleasure. And here's another chemistry. The nature of this feeling is very fleeting and inextricably linked with the subsequent dissatisfaction, boredom, satiety and desire a new portion.
Not afraid to deny themselves the pleasures of scary not to know joy.
9. Suffering exist.
The Buddha was right after all. Suffering exist. All suffer. And those who have nothing and those who have everything. And who exactly at this moment is not suffering, leave the pain in the next, as soon as you change the dollar, the attack will occur, will receive the answer that it don't like see the dirty staircase, not wait for the response to a message will not receive money or any other breeze. Suffering exist. And always for no reason, if you recall the ending of any human being.
10. To be happy, all is well.
This is a surprisingly simple thing for so long I refused to see. Too strong in our belief in a miracle with a happy ending, on the occasion of its own unparalleled uniqueness. But is every person can run 42-km running marathon? In theory, Yes, human resources can do this, but in practice it is available only to the trained man.
Of course, the untrained can train. But the chain is lengthened, and its important to see. Right now untrained person cannot.
Every person can be happy? Yes, of course! But it is in theory. In practice, consistently happy, that is peaceful, balanced, blissful, if you want to be the only ones who can discipline the mind. Whose minds are capable (trained) not to twitch, for all the many reasons that surround it. Who can stay in balance joy is not only in calm but also in a burst of unpleasant situations. Otherwise, all the endless reasons from scratch on your auto will throw you in the pain, irritation and anxiety. And it's just a car, and there is the same situation more serious. This is samsara, baby. Happy to be a hunted mind reacting to any incident can be called only in the status of instagram.
11. Joy is balance of mind.
Tell me it is because 5 years ago, I would have twisted his temple. When you day and night dreamed of a big and bright love, happy family, interesting profitable business, the opportunity to work on themselves and not on the other, rich travel life, it seems that still you have some ideas about joy, at least on its own. Yes, you're largely not satisfied; Yes, something can bring you out of yourself; Yes, you suffer. So it's understandable. But you know, something to strive for. Do you know where your tangible lasting joy, looking at their enticing dreams.
Joy is a state of complete equilibrium of peace of mind which is achieved when the exemption for the blind (automatic) reactions of the mind. Healthy, perhaps the only, way to learn (and develop) such a state in adulthood is a profound meditation of observation.
12. Fruit is not acidic, and alkaline food.
If scientific, fresh ripe fruit and almost all vegetables cause the body alkaline and help to neutralize the excess acid in it, and starch, sugar, meat, fats, oils, dairy products, on the contrary, the body acidification. A full description is in the table N. Walker and R. Pope, which is available through Google.
13. "My body itself knows that it is better" is one of the most treacherous traps of the mind.
The body of the alcoholic wants to drink, the body of the smoker dreams about cigarette, our body craves chocolate and French fries. What kind of "knows better" everyone says? Just as the mind lives on automatic reaction, not giving the man time to do the basic shifts in your life and body subject to the habits and chaotic impulses of desire.
14. Food not only affects our body but also our minds.
Like alcohol, which significantly changes our consciousness, blunting it, some products bear a similar effect, but less pronounced and often unconscious form. Food can slow down and rastushevyvaet the head, weakening the control power of awareness and clarity of perception. Slightly "blurred" state becomes the norm, allowing the person to forget what it means lightness and clarity really is. Most "free" food is fresh vegetables and fruit as well as plant foods and cereals, cooked in a simple way with minimum oil content, seasoning and salt.
Fifteen million five hundred seventy five thousand two hundred seventy one
15. Money need enough to not to think about them.
Money does not solve the main issue of humanity — they make their owner happy. But the opportunity not to think about them, at least in the home, greatly releases energy for other processes.
16. We are all the same much more than different.
The value of the personal uniqueness is greatly exaggerated and does not allow us to quickly solve their problems. All the answers and solutions have long existed, and preoccupation with their own uniqueness do not allow a person to push your ego to where it would be useful to be always and without interference to perceive the reality around him with all the answers and tips.
17. Dependence can be treated only 100% failure.
You can't drink one glass of wine, if you're an alcoholic. Sometimes it is impossible to smoke if trying to quit. You would roll constantly. The UPS and downs. Disruptions. In matters psychic "hooks" no semitones. And this rule is firm for dependency of all types.
18. Condition inner 100% readiness for change does not exist.
We always end up not ready for the twists and changes. There are always good "but" and there a little put off until a more favorable situation. It is useless to expect a definite inner harmony, you need to decide, based more on "time" than on ephemeral readiness.
19. Life is a book, the first chapters of which were written not by you.
And the next too often.
We are composed of beliefs and models of the world around us, and this world is not an abstract planet Earth, and a concrete staircase, office, home — the place where we spend time. They are friends, colleagues, parents, sales people, facing every night. This tape is in social networks and so-called friends from Facebook. We absorb the views, positions, point of view, just automatically, and we inhale them with the air and be the same or, on the contrary, the opposite, which is also automatic time of denial. In childhood this process is completely out of control. The essence of our personality has gathered other people and a conscious parent contribution (if it ever was) there is not predominant. What we believe about ourselves, and what we need to be afraid to lose according to some psychologists, just in varying degrees of mosaic beauty from our environment. With nothing to lose. In my opinion, great news. You can redraw everything in any sort of way.
20. The result is the number of attempts.
And not one good shot. And certainly not a success in the long term.
21. What helped you at one stage, it may be a brake for the exit to the next.
Ability to profound changes, characterized by the possibility to refuse. But not only that's stopping you. Sometimes it is very important to abandon what helped you in the past. A simple example: the rules of small business don't work on average. To grow without abandoning some of them, even if they raised the process yesterday, is impossible. Also with human personality, its attitudes and plans.
22. Beyond the comfort zone is the area of discomfort.
Not a box of chocolates.
23. Life without a purpose does not exist.
Same as no change. The only question is: do you put these goals give yourself or at the mercy of the instincts (unconscious goals).
24. Laziness does not exist.
There is the hated classes, lack of energy and lack of large-scale vision that was breathtaking from the opening prospects. But laziness is not.
Eighty two million three hundred seventy eight thousand three hundred sixteen
25. Yourself you cannot find yourself, only create.
Look for nothing and nobody. You always have here and now. And your path is what you have under your feet in this particular second, no more. The same "a" has a different path from what it is not only the fact of awareness going, which paves albeit small, but tangible goals. When these goals are set by other people or they germinate erratically through the word "should" — no way, there is a set of disparate misfits episodes.
26. Alcohol is not needed.
27. Unrealized potential hurts.
And it is useless to hide from this fact to the chosen level of comfort or a beautiful philosophical concept, the same story about womanhood, motherhood, and more.
For every talent with us demand.
28. Banks should be paying you, not you them. This is the only possible financial health.
Never, never, never worth buying something that is not earned. Never. Anyway, if you dream about a serious change. We pay the Bank not only money, but their free energy. Space for risk and adventurous movements. A breakthrough from this state (especially a new financial level) is hardly possible.
29. Two abilities that you need to master as early as possible: the ability to strain and the ability to relax.
Any movement requires the exertion of force at one time or another. If you go to it reluctantly, out of necessity — will be spent two times more energy. Part of the effort, and the rest to mental stress. On internal struggle. Hence the need to learn to tense desire, to love their effort. While the ability to strain voluntarily, seeing it as solely a positive aspect, the amount of wasted effort will be reduced significantly. Will be better and easier.
And the ability to relax is to accept reality for what it is, let go of your own expectations, unleashing the internal nodes, and removing bodily tension through yoga techniques and breathing, for example, the second wing, without which one voltage will not move far.
30. Two answers you should learn as early as possible: "Yes" and "no".
To say "Yes" to situations and people, despite the lack of guarantees, the full internal readiness and external circumstances. And to say "no" first and foremost to yourself — your weaknesses, fears and promiscuity. Only far and then other people.
31. Cool stuff different from doing good ability to forget yourself.
The Creator is different from the person who something bad does, that puts the matter above itself, in the process of dissolving his ego. And doing it consciously and with love, not by lack of choice or sense of duty. For example, one marketer might be a true musician in the profession, and a musician so for life and remains the one dealing with music.
Envy — my life
New year's resolutions
32. Each met on the road sign always has at least 3 interpretations.
1. Maybe it really is a sign!
2. Maybe you're delusional and attract the facts behind the ears.
3. Maybe this test — the phenomenon of opposite sign, — an attempt to divert from the chosen path, as a test of the sincerity of your decision and the power of intention. published
Author: Olesya Novikova
Source: lady.tut.by/news/relationship/524029.html?utm_source=lady.tut.by&utm_medium=bottom_news&utm_campaign=recirculation