As I fought with the neighbors and their extended repair
Oh, this man is a neighbor that is sure to have everyone! Sometimes I want to go and complain about drilling the walls in the morning and saying something about the sound of a hammer... But the character stories on the Website went completely unusual way! Take on arms!
A couple of years ago, I have replaced the neighbors above, and immediately began to make repairs. Well, a good thing. However, repair was somewhat delayed and died around November.
I was glad for neighbors, and for yourself, what is really there, and calmed down. However, my joy was premature. In the new year, my new neighbors decided to renew the arrangement of the apartment, and almost a month I listened to the Symphony of hammer and punch.
By February, my nerves have passed. The reason for this was the lack of a home a loved one a spouse, and the endless hammering knocked out of me last nerve, and by coiling himself to the limit, I went to kill...
I opened the door the owner with the proverbial hammer in his hand, only instead of the phrase "Zadolbali you, woodpecker!" I blurted out completely different:
— Artem! Hello, Artem! You do repair, right? Let me help you! Well, there impaled or what hole punch do?
It should be noted, accompanied by my fiery speech shining crazy eyes, the smile of the Joker and just dried hair sticking out in all directions. In General, the look is quite appropriate that nonsense, which I carried under inspiration.
The neighbor turned pale, nervously gulped and gasped:
— I... It... U-u-understand!.. Over-wrap it up!..
Then the whole evening in the apartment above stood entrancing silence.
via just-story.ru/story/5907

A couple of years ago, I have replaced the neighbors above, and immediately began to make repairs. Well, a good thing. However, repair was somewhat delayed and died around November.
I was glad for neighbors, and for yourself, what is really there, and calmed down. However, my joy was premature. In the new year, my new neighbors decided to renew the arrangement of the apartment, and almost a month I listened to the Symphony of hammer and punch.
By February, my nerves have passed. The reason for this was the lack of a home a loved one a spouse, and the endless hammering knocked out of me last nerve, and by coiling himself to the limit, I went to kill...
I opened the door the owner with the proverbial hammer in his hand, only instead of the phrase "Zadolbali you, woodpecker!" I blurted out completely different:
— Artem! Hello, Artem! You do repair, right? Let me help you! Well, there impaled or what hole punch do?
It should be noted, accompanied by my fiery speech shining crazy eyes, the smile of the Joker and just dried hair sticking out in all directions. In General, the look is quite appropriate that nonsense, which I carried under inspiration.
The neighbor turned pale, nervously gulped and gasped:
— I... It... U-u-understand!.. Over-wrap it up!..
Then the whole evening in the apartment above stood entrancing silence.
via just-story.ru/story/5907
When 3 days in a row was late for work, and the authorities demanded an explanation
Hilarious joke about the bartender and the customer who could not find a common language