"Casus Depardieu" was contagious and the predicted
Citizens of the Western and Northern Europe are fleeing to Russia, as foretold in the prophecies of the elders
While emigration can not be called a large-scale or endemic, but the number of immigrants have long gone beyond the limits of statistical error. For example, according to Eurostat, last year received Russian passports 4503 French 1881 Italian 4191 German and nearly two thousand Finns.
If the relocation of the Finns can be loosely explained lively cross-border trade between the two countries, the relocation from Western Europe raises questions. Moreover, the flow of new Russian citizens fairly stable - about the same number of Western Europeans came to us in 2011 - an average of 400 people a month, according to Rosstat. Western analysts explain this process of "protracted economic crisis, which is reeling from Europe."
Perhaps these analysts have never been to Russia, so it is difficult to compare our standard of living and European. Most likely, fleeing Europeans have other reasons - spiritual, moral, ideological, religious. The worst thing in this process - and his predictions of the Apocalypse and the writings of many mestochtimyh Saints - Orthodox and Catholics. And there is one thing in common in these prophecies written in different countries, in different centuries - the sad fate of "rashristanny" of Europe. It seems dire predictions coming true. Judge for yourself:
Prophecy Elder Hieromonk Seraphim Vyritsky (1866-1949):
"... Many countries opolchatsya then to Russia, but it will survive. This war, which tells the Scriptures and the prophets will be the cause of the unification of mankind. Users will select one government - it will be the eve of the reign of the Antichrist. Then in these countries come persecution of Christians, and when there are trains to go to Russia, you have to have time to be among the first, as many of those who remain, will die ».
1. England. The actual ban on the celebration of Christmas appeared at Prime Minister Tony Blair. It all started with the greeting cards to separate Muslims and Christians, and ended the ban on the demonstration of Christian symbolism at work - a claim the company "British Airways" to his employee.
2. In Italy, the Constitutional Court is left crucifix in schools and public institutions. In 2009, the European Court of Human Rights decided that hanging crucifixes in public schools "violates the right of parents to educate their children in conformity with their own convictions».
3. France. The law on secular education has caused the struggle against Christmas trees, which began in 2004 and ended in victory for the opponents of Christianity. The ban on the traditional Christmas concerts in schools.
4. France. "Law 1905" of the non-Christian religions support the state led to the fact that the number of mosques has exceeded the number of Catholic and Protestant churches.
5.Avstriya. In March 2010, the Viennese lawyer Georg Zanger tried to indict members of the Catholic Church that they supposedly consist of a criminal organization.
6. Netherlands. Muslims through the court demanded to remove the cross from the war memorial in Antwerp.
8. Cyprus. Priest in Nicosia condemned conditionally for bell ringing.
9. Germany. 12 crosses were removed from the building of the hospital in the town of Bad Zone at the request of patients atheists and thrown in the trash.
10.Ispaniya. 305 parents of the Christian religion made a complaint to the European Court of Human Rights that the school curriculum is contrary to their moral convictions. The complaint is considered the third year.
The list is endless.
here here
While emigration can not be called a large-scale or endemic, but the number of immigrants have long gone beyond the limits of statistical error. For example, according to Eurostat, last year received Russian passports 4503 French 1881 Italian 4191 German and nearly two thousand Finns.
If the relocation of the Finns can be loosely explained lively cross-border trade between the two countries, the relocation from Western Europe raises questions. Moreover, the flow of new Russian citizens fairly stable - about the same number of Western Europeans came to us in 2011 - an average of 400 people a month, according to Rosstat. Western analysts explain this process of "protracted economic crisis, which is reeling from Europe."

Perhaps these analysts have never been to Russia, so it is difficult to compare our standard of living and European. Most likely, fleeing Europeans have other reasons - spiritual, moral, ideological, religious. The worst thing in this process - and his predictions of the Apocalypse and the writings of many mestochtimyh Saints - Orthodox and Catholics. And there is one thing in common in these prophecies written in different countries, in different centuries - the sad fate of "rashristanny" of Europe. It seems dire predictions coming true. Judge for yourself:
Prophecy Elder Hieromonk Seraphim Vyritsky (1866-1949):
"... Many countries opolchatsya then to Russia, but it will survive. This war, which tells the Scriptures and the prophets will be the cause of the unification of mankind. Users will select one government - it will be the eve of the reign of the Antichrist. Then in these countries come persecution of Christians, and when there are trains to go to Russia, you have to have time to be among the first, as many of those who remain, will die ».
1. England. The actual ban on the celebration of Christmas appeared at Prime Minister Tony Blair. It all started with the greeting cards to separate Muslims and Christians, and ended the ban on the demonstration of Christian symbolism at work - a claim the company "British Airways" to his employee.
2. In Italy, the Constitutional Court is left crucifix in schools and public institutions. In 2009, the European Court of Human Rights decided that hanging crucifixes in public schools "violates the right of parents to educate their children in conformity with their own convictions».
3. France. The law on secular education has caused the struggle against Christmas trees, which began in 2004 and ended in victory for the opponents of Christianity. The ban on the traditional Christmas concerts in schools.
4. France. "Law 1905" of the non-Christian religions support the state led to the fact that the number of mosques has exceeded the number of Catholic and Protestant churches.
5.Avstriya. In March 2010, the Viennese lawyer Georg Zanger tried to indict members of the Catholic Church that they supposedly consist of a criminal organization.
6. Netherlands. Muslims through the court demanded to remove the cross from the war memorial in Antwerp.
8. Cyprus. Priest in Nicosia condemned conditionally for bell ringing.
9. Germany. 12 crosses were removed from the building of the hospital in the town of Bad Zone at the request of patients atheists and thrown in the trash.
10.Ispaniya. 305 parents of the Christian religion made a complaint to the European Court of Human Rights that the school curriculum is contrary to their moral convictions. The complaint is considered the third year.
The list is endless.
here here