Depardieu refused to live in Russia
Ahahah ...
Beautifully prokinul he Russian and Chechens
Gerard Depardieu, who in recent protagonist of the news, apparently devoured by homesickness. To live in Russia, he will not. Do not helped either handed personally by the President of the Russian Federation passport or donated apartment in Grozny and Saransk, no promise of employment.
The actor said that he loves Russia and France, but is going to live in Belgium. He said this in a TV channel Notele.
"Today in France sadly inert country, citizens in a very delicate situation, and the government does not have the experience to correct the situation", - quotes the actor "Echo of Moscow". Depardieu also said that the soul will always be a Frenchman and love their country will not cease. According to the actor, a trip to Russia helped him to better understand the people who live there.
Depardieu decided to settle in a small town in the south of Neshene Belgium, near the French border. By the way, there lies the high-speed railway, which offers fast access to Paris.
Beautifully prokinul he Russian and Chechens
Gerard Depardieu, who in recent protagonist of the news, apparently devoured by homesickness. To live in Russia, he will not. Do not helped either handed personally by the President of the Russian Federation passport or donated apartment in Grozny and Saransk, no promise of employment.
The actor said that he loves Russia and France, but is going to live in Belgium. He said this in a TV channel Notele.
"Today in France sadly inert country, citizens in a very delicate situation, and the government does not have the experience to correct the situation", - quotes the actor "Echo of Moscow". Depardieu also said that the soul will always be a Frenchman and love their country will not cease. According to the actor, a trip to Russia helped him to better understand the people who live there.
Depardieu decided to settle in a small town in the south of Neshene Belgium, near the French border. By the way, there lies the high-speed railway, which offers fast access to Paris.
