IMPACT ON HUMAN WELL-BEING OF DAILY listening to Mozart - phenomenal!

It is known that in the mid-60's Gerard Depardieu was absolutely tongue-tied young man, not able to force more and stuttering to finish a single sentence. Students work actor explain the situation family problems, personal setbacks, low self-esteem and problems with access to education. The only thing that at that time no doubt distinguished Depardieu - a passionate desire to become an actor
. Mentor Depardieu in acting Gerard sent to Paris to a very well-known physician Alfred Tomatis - Doctor of Medical Sciences, has devoted many years studying the healing effects of music and especially the works of Mozart. Tomatis found that the cause of disruption of voice and memory problems in Depardieu lies deeper than his purely physiological difficulties - in the emotional sphere, and promised to help him. Depardieu said that will be included in a course of treatment: surgery, drugs or psychotherapy. Tomatis said, "I want you to come to me in the hospital every day for two hours for a few weeks and listened to Mozart»
. "Mozart?" - Asked puzzled
Depardieu. "Mozart" - confirmed Tomatis
. The next day, Depardieu came to the center Tomatis, to put on the headphones and listen to the music of the great composer. After a few "musical procedures," he felt a significant improvement in his condition. He had been got up appetite and sleep, he felt a surge of energy. Soon after his speech has become very clear. Several months later, Depardieu has returned in a new confident in acting school in itself and, having finished it, has become one of the actors expressed their generation.
"Before Tomatis, - says Depardieu - I could not finish a single sentence. He helped to give finality to my thoughts, taught me the synthesis and understanding of the process of thinking. " Practice again and again urged Tomatis is that, whatever the personal tastes and the attitude to the composer of each individual listener, Mozart's music is always soothed patient, improves his spatial representation and allowed to express themselves more clearly.
Why Mozart? Why not Bach, Beethoven is not without the Beatles? Mozart did not create stunning effects, which was capable of a mathematical genius of Bach. His music is not vzmetaet wave of emotions like Beethoven. She relaxes the body like the folk melodies and sets it in motion under the influence of music "stars" of rock. So what's the deal? Perhaps that Mozart remains enigmatic, and affordable. His mind, charm and simplicity make us wiser.
Many of Mozart's music helps to find peace of mind. If it restores energy balance and harmony in the body, it performs the function to which all medical systems. Acupuncture, herbal medicine, nutrition, and other techniques aimed at restoring the energy balance which we call health. Music by Mozart, not too smooth, not too fast, not too quiet, not too loud - for some reason, "it is what we need»
. According to Tomatis, Mozart is a perfectly balanced musical "dish", which contains all the necessary components.
The monks from the monastery of Brittany discovered that cows getting together with feed more and the music of Mozart, give more milk.
In Canada, the string quartets of Mozart are performed directly on the urban areas, to streamline traffic.
The power of Mozart's music was in the spotlight mainly as a result of a pioneering study, University of California in the mid 90s. Then, a number of researchers have studied the effect of Mozart's works on the mental capacity of students and increase their ability to absorb the program material.
"Mozart's music is able to" warm up "the brain," - says one of the researchers. He believes that Mozart's music has undoubtedly a positive impact on the processes of higher brain activity.
Your life becomes that, in what you most believe in.
The power of thought. SPEED OF THOUGHT EXCEEDS the speed of light.