I see that the TA, and the initials, then what?

It was in Media Markt. I stand here in line for clearance of the guarantee. In front of me is a girl, all such fashionable naturally in tights, heels, her lips no longer bounce back from duck facial expressions, eyes stupid and naive ... so typical mn.
Then comes the turn of her and she holds a guy sitting at a table with a box-worker [ta-da!] Certainly an iPhone! He begins to execute the guarantee, that is, hesitates, tries vyglyaden steeper.
Then he asks: "Who do we make out?»
She: "I was."
He said: "Well, obviously. Your Name »
She: "Ulyanov ..." and adds: "TA».
He said: "Well, it's clear. And the name? »
Then he paused, realizing that blurted out. Before the girls came only after half a minute ... Here uninteresting began asking her initials, etc., and it is such that his head will carry her boyfriend, etc.
But in the end we laughed then, have amicably agreed with the rest of the queue, that guy did was right.)))
via Prohorlinna

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