About. Would you meet?
READ CAREFULLY! FIRST, BECAUSE IT REALLY is interesting. And secondly that then do not be offended ...
From the virgin forest has escaped terrible beast - saber-toothed squirrel.
Funny, but bitchiness.
A clever and precocious (see. The knowledge of foreign languages - and it perfectly!).
Competent and angrily transports the mockery of the Russian language.
Witty and climbing his words of confidence and not a damn thing in this life is not afraid.
It feeds exclusively by men, devouring them without bread and salt directly into the shoes.
Wishes to meet and talk to remember a few rules nemudrenyh.
1. The list of prohibited QUESTIONS:
eleven. How are you?
12. How's life?
13. How are you?
14. How was your day?
15. Why (why) so many photos on the site?
16. Not if I want nuts?
1.7. Do not freeze, photographed in the snow?
18. What (a hr ...) such a successful woman doing on this site?
For these questions - get. They are good for those who do not like to think. And there I do not like. They are good for people living side by side and are in the know of each other. And asked when we first met give a pronounced mental handicap master. Well, why should I among friends and morons downs, judge for yourself? ..
2. insider answer the most frequently asked questions (FAQ).
2.1. Write all this I was not lazy.
2.2. I did not write "at least someone," and many more. I can even say - a lot. Another thing is that even worthy interlocutors (not to mention larger) - a tiny amount. To my deep regret.
2.3. I do not think that I will find someone here. Since at least the wonderful companions and have found good friends.
2.4. I go to the doctor is not necessary. Because it has a sound mind, memory and sober unalloyed consciousness (unlike many defining this question).
2.5. I do not have a webcam. And I'm absolutely not interesting to watch how you waving his stump and drooling, wank. Moreover, the coordinates of these web sufferers I pass in the Department of Internal Affairs, which deals with sexual predators.
2.6. I do not know whether held in Lyakhovo unlimited vydelenku. But judging by the majority send me a message, this issue has been resolved, not only in the closed medical facility, but also in the central - the name of Serbia and Kashchenko.
2.7. At the moment, I do not have a boyfriend. (And this question, in my opinion, pretty much tells the story of its target, as a minimum, evidence of its morals, allowed to have a loved one and walk around on the dating site with similar goals).
2.8. Currently (and in life too) I was doing that before notbuki sit and read your message. We hope that it is not illiterate nonsense, stream of consciousness inflamed or finely ground wounded pride.
2.9. I worked as a guide (even amateur) and do not intend to brighten dreary evening all sorts of business travelers and guest workers.
2.10. I'm very happy fact of presence you have any photographic equipment - ranging from "change-8M." And almost happy in the knowledge that you already know almost exactly where it should be "finger pressure to clicked." But it does not mean that I should immediately give up everything and all knocking on the way to rush you to pose. To your brilliant talent and unmatched work to replace those cheap, gray, miserable and disgusting pictures that are now in my photo album.
2.11. Anyone hungry from me for their money sex immediately offer for the same amount suck my dog.
2.12. Incoherent cries, zapoloshnye cries, moans and sighs, rumbling and bellowing, as well as context-free prepositions, conjunctions and interjections invitation to dialogue is not considered, all unfinished in his childhood on the fences go to the ... garden.
2.13. I literally melt on your ability to rhyme "love" - the "blood" and "boots" - "shoes." But I urge you not to confuse me with a core exam in Literary Institute, and throw verses of his own. Do not own too ...
3. Dear Sirs!
If after reading pp 1 and 2, you fell into a spiritual stupor, not knowing what to write - do not write anything better. Walk past. Anyway nothing good from such communication will not work by definition. Because of incompatible differences in upbringing, education and the mind.
Especially for computer geeks: the standard drivers do not fit me!
4. winks achieve control shot into the scrotum. That is, go straight to the "Remote" without right of appeal.
5. comrades from the Caucasus and the way to put it mildly, black ... OKIMO! Adequate (writing "Devishka"), partially adequate (writing «Devishka») and completely insane (writing «A pachamu ya churka, da?»)! Please just go on. In order their manhood - wah! - I have not been trampled cynically. Since most polite word in dealing with them will be exactly the word "chock" (which translated into all Caucasian, Turkic and Arabic means "big planed wood" and is fully consistent with their literacy, as well as internal content). And let me go to jail for inciting national hatred, but even there I will kindle it ...
Turkish, Muslim men and other Camelfuckers go to ass!
6. God of Israel! The ones that are here in Russia all his life had been "a Jewish face", and there, in the Promised Land suddenly became a "stinking Russian." Nostalgia - a thing, of course, good. But I ask you not to be confused with my application to the Wailing Wall ...
7. Do not send, please, all of stylized hearts and roses. This causes a sincere respect for the ability of the respondent to own virtuosity menu item «Copy» and «Paste», and ... nothing else.
8. I urge you not to start telling me in his first statement that you feel at the sight of my application. Firstly because when it appears, it is accepted to be baptized. Secondly, the sin of this poor menagery subsidiarity and other misery. And thirdly, you still get a finger to the sky and crash into my eyes below the city sewer.
9. I consider transliteration most vicious and cynical form of abuse of Russian language. Which, as we know, "the greatness and moguk." I remind you that in any Windows-XP, there are Cyrillic and a virtual keyboard that allows victuals comrades can do without exhausting label papers with bukovkami for imported keyboard
10. Your hysterical screams and uterine wail that in my profile de identified a host of burning complexes shows only one. The fact that at least one, if not at once, and a few points of my application landed just at. The nail and into the eye. What makes me quietly thrilled by his own sagacity.
11. The officers of the army and navy, current and former - especially welcome. There are some truly life-pin male and the necessary bit of healthy cynicism - and do not care about their income! The main thing that this fraction does not go beyond civilized framework. In general, as he wrote in his decree of Peter I: & quot; ... officers of the regiment of infantry at the disposal of parts of the horse is riding a ban put. For they are planting their vile, like a dog on a fence, officer ranks exceedingly repairing damage ... & quot;
Gentlemen, do not repair the damage themselves exceedingly in my eyes !. :-)
All this did not apply to our valiant police. After all, only our captain viscera able to write in his report (spelling preserved): & quot; ... and udarel Sergeant Konopleva foot in the area of the body polavovo kripleniya body otchevo with posledneva cap flew off ... & quot; In general, correctly say: "From the car" UAZ "gray, popularly called" goat ", came out in the form of people, called by the people the same word ...»
12. Your thoughts and, especially tips, whom should I look for, where to look and how to look, as well as how to live and to whom to build his life, roll, please, into a tube and shove me ... I did not need them !. .
What is terrible? And you think to conquer and subjugate a woman easily ?! And it is - just the beginning. Whether more will be when "Self Portrait" will glance ...
- Meet
Male or Female
I want to find:
At first.
I was not too interested in the appearance of a man and his family situation. Of course, we would like the tall, slender, muscular, singles and secured brunet, but more important than the contents of his wallet or not the body and the head. He has won me over. His wit, originality, humor, burlesque nature. Ability to start and maintain a conversation on any topic - from the issues and problems of linguistics introduction of Christianity in Russia before, pardon the expression, the issues of routing IP. In general, you want to find a companion that could not wait to come tearing to the computer to share my soul, genuinely laugh and relax. To longed to hear his voice on the phone and see him waiting with a bouquet of flowers.
But gentlemen, beginning with the second and third sentences with the tenacity of the paver to beg my phone or to call for a date, just to be among the downtrodden. The same applies to the Lord, who will try to convince me that it is only on the Internet are clumsy, inarticulate and write the word "even" with the five mistakes (who does not know that so it is possible, show - "istcho"), but in real life they are so shake my mind and gallantry that I will scream with joy and write (with the accent on the first syllable) steam. Hot assurances linked mother and other relatives, beating his fist, as well as a foot in the chest, and tearing in two upper and lower items of clothing as evidence of the breadth of mind and eccentricity of nature will not be accepted.
The interest in you as a person, good gentlemen, begins in communion here. And only here! ..
Lord lovers Manan from Armenian joke (Who does not know - the story. The lesson of physical education in Armenian schools. All the girls twist wrap. Only Manana did not cool - in the hoop, it does not fit. The teacher looks at her futile attempts to squeeze, finally stand up and exclaims, "Wah! Manana! persik! Ida home, ne spoil figure! .."). Of course, I realize that I have "no skin, no faces" and to your canons of female beauty to me as to China on all fours. But this does not mean that it is necessary to express their opinion solely in my profile and will certainly expletives ...
And finally, in the third.
I am able to work and earn money, I have my own business and so the level of my ability is quite high. Under him and become the level of my claims.
Therefore, poor students and miserable menageram with a ridiculous salary of $ 1,000, I certainly sympathize, but the couple did not make out exactly. Not because I care about his purse - in wartime, I nourish such a regiment, and maybe a whole division. I am very concerned about the soul and the psychological state of a man whose woman is not only younger but much more successful in all respects, than himself. There are men's systems begin grandfather Freud in his grave becomes like a propeller. And I pay attention - in normal, quite adequate man. In slugs and gigolos just do not have any complexes, they are themselves in such circumstances feel great, that's just me cause disgust.
And I ... I struggled with these complexes, struggled, trying to tug on your level, and finally tired - and I want to just live. Therefore, I am looking for myself exactly in every respect - including in respect of financial capacity ...
Looking for:
Regular sex
Having Children
Relax the soul in communion with intelligent and extraordinary people. So like me. First - virtual. And then we'll see ...
Financial Support:
Not looking for a sponsor and not willing to become
Marital status:
- Description
Height: 165
Fashion model, with a perseverance worthy of a better drag his case.
Weight: 45
High income /
Body type:
(Rented or own)
Hair color:
Daily Diet:
I - "owl" (go to bed late)
Priorities in life:
I was lucky. I took a good school life and learned to cope with all the problems itself. I have all that many girls and women my age can only dream of. I do not need a strong man's shoulder, especially because of the shoulders is almost gone. As men. Some two-legged pants. But, hell, how do you want to meet a real man who will be able to assess all passed and I made ...
- Interests
What will I do in my spare time:
I read at home
Stay alone
Do sport
Play computer
Surf the Internet
Surely something has come up, if only someone would explain to me what is a "free day»?
But in the main mode both eyes in the morning and running, cross-country - Aki wounded in the anus lynx - during working hours. For the rest just do not have time ...
My interests:
Computer and Internet
Jobs and careers
Language, Linguistics, History of Russia and from ...
Do not smoke
Drinking habits:
Social drinker
- Sexual
Orientation: Bi
My turn-ons:
Clever man. Use your head, not the head - even in bed. The rest - will do! ..
Sexually, I enjoy:
male perspective, I am the perfect woman for the bed: 1. I finish quickly, vigorously and often, even sexual zadohlikov turns (in their eyes) in the genital Hercules. 2. I am one of those 15 percent of women who have orgasms during anal sex. And I love this thing. 3. I know that they love and how to love the man. And to his men, I will do everything without any problem - whether it is his desire to finish me or stop an act of blowjob. 4. I have no complexes bedding. On the contrary, some of my suggestions and innovations became complex for my former men. The exception is unless absolutely odious things on my mind - BDSM, and other perversions. From this largely I suffer today, because my ex can not forget and I hope to come back all the time. At least another time. And it does not happen ...
Homosexual experience:
Yes, only sex
I would like to have sex:
Several times a week
Have heterosexual experience:
Yes, lived together
Breast size:
Read up to the end of the questionnaire, I'll shoot myself www.2ya.ru/belochka__84
READ CAREFULLY! FIRST, BECAUSE IT REALLY is interesting. And secondly that then do not be offended ...
From the virgin forest has escaped terrible beast - saber-toothed squirrel.
Funny, but bitchiness.
A clever and precocious (see. The knowledge of foreign languages - and it perfectly!).
Competent and angrily transports the mockery of the Russian language.
Witty and climbing his words of confidence and not a damn thing in this life is not afraid.
It feeds exclusively by men, devouring them without bread and salt directly into the shoes.
Wishes to meet and talk to remember a few rules nemudrenyh.
1. The list of prohibited QUESTIONS:
eleven. How are you?
12. How's life?
13. How are you?
14. How was your day?
15. Why (why) so many photos on the site?
16. Not if I want nuts?
1.7. Do not freeze, photographed in the snow?
18. What (a hr ...) such a successful woman doing on this site?
For these questions - get. They are good for those who do not like to think. And there I do not like. They are good for people living side by side and are in the know of each other. And asked when we first met give a pronounced mental handicap master. Well, why should I among friends and morons downs, judge for yourself? ..
2. insider answer the most frequently asked questions (FAQ).
2.1. Write all this I was not lazy.
2.2. I did not write "at least someone," and many more. I can even say - a lot. Another thing is that even worthy interlocutors (not to mention larger) - a tiny amount. To my deep regret.
2.3. I do not think that I will find someone here. Since at least the wonderful companions and have found good friends.
2.4. I go to the doctor is not necessary. Because it has a sound mind, memory and sober unalloyed consciousness (unlike many defining this question).
2.5. I do not have a webcam. And I'm absolutely not interesting to watch how you waving his stump and drooling, wank. Moreover, the coordinates of these web sufferers I pass in the Department of Internal Affairs, which deals with sexual predators.
2.6. I do not know whether held in Lyakhovo unlimited vydelenku. But judging by the majority send me a message, this issue has been resolved, not only in the closed medical facility, but also in the central - the name of Serbia and Kashchenko.
2.7. At the moment, I do not have a boyfriend. (And this question, in my opinion, pretty much tells the story of its target, as a minimum, evidence of its morals, allowed to have a loved one and walk around on the dating site with similar goals).
2.8. Currently (and in life too) I was doing that before notbuki sit and read your message. We hope that it is not illiterate nonsense, stream of consciousness inflamed or finely ground wounded pride.
2.9. I worked as a guide (even amateur) and do not intend to brighten dreary evening all sorts of business travelers and guest workers.
2.10. I'm very happy fact of presence you have any photographic equipment - ranging from "change-8M." And almost happy in the knowledge that you already know almost exactly where it should be "finger pressure to clicked." But it does not mean that I should immediately give up everything and all knocking on the way to rush you to pose. To your brilliant talent and unmatched work to replace those cheap, gray, miserable and disgusting pictures that are now in my photo album.
2.11. Anyone hungry from me for their money sex immediately offer for the same amount suck my dog.
2.12. Incoherent cries, zapoloshnye cries, moans and sighs, rumbling and bellowing, as well as context-free prepositions, conjunctions and interjections invitation to dialogue is not considered, all unfinished in his childhood on the fences go to the ... garden.
2.13. I literally melt on your ability to rhyme "love" - the "blood" and "boots" - "shoes." But I urge you not to confuse me with a core exam in Literary Institute, and throw verses of his own. Do not own too ...
3. Dear Sirs!
If after reading pp 1 and 2, you fell into a spiritual stupor, not knowing what to write - do not write anything better. Walk past. Anyway nothing good from such communication will not work by definition. Because of incompatible differences in upbringing, education and the mind.
Especially for computer geeks: the standard drivers do not fit me!
4. winks achieve control shot into the scrotum. That is, go straight to the "Remote" without right of appeal.
5. comrades from the Caucasus and the way to put it mildly, black ... OKIMO! Adequate (writing "Devishka"), partially adequate (writing «Devishka») and completely insane (writing «A pachamu ya churka, da?»)! Please just go on. In order their manhood - wah! - I have not been trampled cynically. Since most polite word in dealing with them will be exactly the word "chock" (which translated into all Caucasian, Turkic and Arabic means "big planed wood" and is fully consistent with their literacy, as well as internal content). And let me go to jail for inciting national hatred, but even there I will kindle it ...
Turkish, Muslim men and other Camelfuckers go to ass!
6. God of Israel! The ones that are here in Russia all his life had been "a Jewish face", and there, in the Promised Land suddenly became a "stinking Russian." Nostalgia - a thing, of course, good. But I ask you not to be confused with my application to the Wailing Wall ...
7. Do not send, please, all of stylized hearts and roses. This causes a sincere respect for the ability of the respondent to own virtuosity menu item «Copy» and «Paste», and ... nothing else.
8. I urge you not to start telling me in his first statement that you feel at the sight of my application. Firstly because when it appears, it is accepted to be baptized. Secondly, the sin of this poor menagery subsidiarity and other misery. And thirdly, you still get a finger to the sky and crash into my eyes below the city sewer.
9. I consider transliteration most vicious and cynical form of abuse of Russian language. Which, as we know, "the greatness and moguk." I remind you that in any Windows-XP, there are Cyrillic and a virtual keyboard that allows victuals comrades can do without exhausting label papers with bukovkami for imported keyboard
10. Your hysterical screams and uterine wail that in my profile de identified a host of burning complexes shows only one. The fact that at least one, if not at once, and a few points of my application landed just at. The nail and into the eye. What makes me quietly thrilled by his own sagacity.
11. The officers of the army and navy, current and former - especially welcome. There are some truly life-pin male and the necessary bit of healthy cynicism - and do not care about their income! The main thing that this fraction does not go beyond civilized framework. In general, as he wrote in his decree of Peter I: & quot; ... officers of the regiment of infantry at the disposal of parts of the horse is riding a ban put. For they are planting their vile, like a dog on a fence, officer ranks exceedingly repairing damage ... & quot;
Gentlemen, do not repair the damage themselves exceedingly in my eyes !. :-)
All this did not apply to our valiant police. After all, only our captain viscera able to write in his report (spelling preserved): & quot; ... and udarel Sergeant Konopleva foot in the area of the body polavovo kripleniya body otchevo with posledneva cap flew off ... & quot; In general, correctly say: "From the car" UAZ "gray, popularly called" goat ", came out in the form of people, called by the people the same word ...»
12. Your thoughts and, especially tips, whom should I look for, where to look and how to look, as well as how to live and to whom to build his life, roll, please, into a tube and shove me ... I did not need them !. .
What is terrible? And you think to conquer and subjugate a woman easily ?! And it is - just the beginning. Whether more will be when "Self Portrait" will glance ...
- Meet
Male or Female
I want to find:
At first.
I was not too interested in the appearance of a man and his family situation. Of course, we would like the tall, slender, muscular, singles and secured brunet, but more important than the contents of his wallet or not the body and the head. He has won me over. His wit, originality, humor, burlesque nature. Ability to start and maintain a conversation on any topic - from the issues and problems of linguistics introduction of Christianity in Russia before, pardon the expression, the issues of routing IP. In general, you want to find a companion that could not wait to come tearing to the computer to share my soul, genuinely laugh and relax. To longed to hear his voice on the phone and see him waiting with a bouquet of flowers.
But gentlemen, beginning with the second and third sentences with the tenacity of the paver to beg my phone or to call for a date, just to be among the downtrodden. The same applies to the Lord, who will try to convince me that it is only on the Internet are clumsy, inarticulate and write the word "even" with the five mistakes (who does not know that so it is possible, show - "istcho"), but in real life they are so shake my mind and gallantry that I will scream with joy and write (with the accent on the first syllable) steam. Hot assurances linked mother and other relatives, beating his fist, as well as a foot in the chest, and tearing in two upper and lower items of clothing as evidence of the breadth of mind and eccentricity of nature will not be accepted.
The interest in you as a person, good gentlemen, begins in communion here. And only here! ..
Lord lovers Manan from Armenian joke (Who does not know - the story. The lesson of physical education in Armenian schools. All the girls twist wrap. Only Manana did not cool - in the hoop, it does not fit. The teacher looks at her futile attempts to squeeze, finally stand up and exclaims, "Wah! Manana! persik! Ida home, ne spoil figure! .."). Of course, I realize that I have "no skin, no faces" and to your canons of female beauty to me as to China on all fours. But this does not mean that it is necessary to express their opinion solely in my profile and will certainly expletives ...
And finally, in the third.
I am able to work and earn money, I have my own business and so the level of my ability is quite high. Under him and become the level of my claims.
Therefore, poor students and miserable menageram with a ridiculous salary of $ 1,000, I certainly sympathize, but the couple did not make out exactly. Not because I care about his purse - in wartime, I nourish such a regiment, and maybe a whole division. I am very concerned about the soul and the psychological state of a man whose woman is not only younger but much more successful in all respects, than himself. There are men's systems begin grandfather Freud in his grave becomes like a propeller. And I pay attention - in normal, quite adequate man. In slugs and gigolos just do not have any complexes, they are themselves in such circumstances feel great, that's just me cause disgust.
And I ... I struggled with these complexes, struggled, trying to tug on your level, and finally tired - and I want to just live. Therefore, I am looking for myself exactly in every respect - including in respect of financial capacity ...
Looking for:
Regular sex
Having Children
Relax the soul in communion with intelligent and extraordinary people. So like me. First - virtual. And then we'll see ...
Financial Support:
Not looking for a sponsor and not willing to become
Marital status:
- Description
Height: 165
Fashion model, with a perseverance worthy of a better drag his case.
Weight: 45
High income /
Body type:
(Rented or own)
Hair color:
Daily Diet:
I - "owl" (go to bed late)
Priorities in life:
I was lucky. I took a good school life and learned to cope with all the problems itself. I have all that many girls and women my age can only dream of. I do not need a strong man's shoulder, especially because of the shoulders is almost gone. As men. Some two-legged pants. But, hell, how do you want to meet a real man who will be able to assess all passed and I made ...
- Interests
What will I do in my spare time:
I read at home
Stay alone
Do sport
Play computer
Surf the Internet
Surely something has come up, if only someone would explain to me what is a "free day»?
But in the main mode both eyes in the morning and running, cross-country - Aki wounded in the anus lynx - during working hours. For the rest just do not have time ...
My interests:
Computer and Internet
Jobs and careers
Language, Linguistics, History of Russia and from ...
Do not smoke
Drinking habits:
Social drinker
- Sexual
Orientation: Bi
My turn-ons:
Clever man. Use your head, not the head - even in bed. The rest - will do! ..
Sexually, I enjoy:
male perspective, I am the perfect woman for the bed: 1. I finish quickly, vigorously and often, even sexual zadohlikov turns (in their eyes) in the genital Hercules. 2. I am one of those 15 percent of women who have orgasms during anal sex. And I love this thing. 3. I know that they love and how to love the man. And to his men, I will do everything without any problem - whether it is his desire to finish me or stop an act of blowjob. 4. I have no complexes bedding. On the contrary, some of my suggestions and innovations became complex for my former men. The exception is unless absolutely odious things on my mind - BDSM, and other perversions. From this largely I suffer today, because my ex can not forget and I hope to come back all the time. At least another time. And it does not happen ...
Homosexual experience:
Yes, only sex
I would like to have sex:
Several times a week
Have heterosexual experience:
Yes, lived together
Breast size:
Read up to the end of the questionnaire, I'll shoot myself www.2ya.ru/belochka__84