It saved his life — he cured cancer at stage 4! An incredible story of healing
The doctors told Danny Mac Donald, who lives in Ireland that he was sick of stomach cancer and probably will not live more than 3 months...
He decided to ignore their advice and refused treatment with chemotherapy and started saving his life natural, natural means.
Four years later, Danny feels great, because it includes in its daily diet, this healthful drink!
Take care of yourself, use natural remedies! TO BE HEALTHY IT'S EASY TO WISH!
Danny became aware of his condition during an exacerbation of the ulcer, after he was taken to hospital where doctors fought to stop the bleeding and thus discovered that Danny actually has a severe form of cancer in the terminal stage and that the cancer has metastasized throughout the body.
They warned him that the only way to escape from cancer to start urgent treatment with chemotherapy and radiation.
Unlike most people, Danny decided to explore other methods of treatment. He later told his doctors that he decided on home treatment, which includes the sprouted wheat and the juice from the stems of this plant.
How he healed your cancer?
"I stopped using pills and from that day until now I do not take any pills. A month later, the pain disappeared and I knew I was on the road to recovery. Treatment of wheat worked for me. I had made the right decision to refuse treatment with chemotherapy and radiation." — Danny Said.
I started out with 28 ml of wheat juice per day. Danny successfully beat cancer, and his case is living proof of the regenerative force of young wheat sprouts.
It's a young green wheat, I cut her when she was 15 to 20 cm in height in order to optimally use drugs.
When grown in good conditions, young wheat contains from 82 to 92 minerals present in the earth, and it is assumed that one teaspoon of powder young wheat (3 grams) contains the same amount as 450 grams of organic fruits and vegetables.
The treatment begins with 3 grams powder young wheat in a day, then gradually increase the dose to 6 grams per day.
When the wheat is gathered, it needs to be dried, and finally crushed to obtain a powder. It should dissolve in warm water and drink. Water should not be hot because if she's hot, some of the nutrients can be destroyed.
You can also use the fresh juice of young green wheat.
Modern research has shown that Wheatgrass juice is a unique natural source of health.
It includes proteins, carbohydrates, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, vanadium, etc., plus all known vitamins, and in large quantities.
SENSATION! Now to grow teeth, it will be possible at any age9 rituals that will restore your sight five years ago
For example, here of vitamin C seven times more than in oranges, five times more iron than spinach, ten — calcium and protein than milk. In addition, the sprout juice is rich in enzymes, amino acids and has a complete set of proteins. But it is important not only that.
Wheatgrass juice contains is truly priceless substance, such as chlorophyll. published
Remember, self-life-threatening, for advice about the use of any medication, contact your doctor.
Source: makataka.ru/life/14900-eto-spaslo-emu-zhizn-on-vylechil-rak-na-4-stadii-byt-zdorovym-legko-dostatochno-prosto-zahotet.html
He decided to ignore their advice and refused treatment with chemotherapy and started saving his life natural, natural means.
Four years later, Danny feels great, because it includes in its daily diet, this healthful drink!
Take care of yourself, use natural remedies! TO BE HEALTHY IT'S EASY TO WISH!

Danny became aware of his condition during an exacerbation of the ulcer, after he was taken to hospital where doctors fought to stop the bleeding and thus discovered that Danny actually has a severe form of cancer in the terminal stage and that the cancer has metastasized throughout the body.
They warned him that the only way to escape from cancer to start urgent treatment with chemotherapy and radiation.
Unlike most people, Danny decided to explore other methods of treatment. He later told his doctors that he decided on home treatment, which includes the sprouted wheat and the juice from the stems of this plant.
How he healed your cancer?
"I stopped using pills and from that day until now I do not take any pills. A month later, the pain disappeared and I knew I was on the road to recovery. Treatment of wheat worked for me. I had made the right decision to refuse treatment with chemotherapy and radiation." — Danny Said.

I started out with 28 ml of wheat juice per day. Danny successfully beat cancer, and his case is living proof of the regenerative force of young wheat sprouts.
It's a young green wheat, I cut her when she was 15 to 20 cm in height in order to optimally use drugs.
When grown in good conditions, young wheat contains from 82 to 92 minerals present in the earth, and it is assumed that one teaspoon of powder young wheat (3 grams) contains the same amount as 450 grams of organic fruits and vegetables.
The treatment begins with 3 grams powder young wheat in a day, then gradually increase the dose to 6 grams per day.
When the wheat is gathered, it needs to be dried, and finally crushed to obtain a powder. It should dissolve in warm water and drink. Water should not be hot because if she's hot, some of the nutrients can be destroyed.
You can also use the fresh juice of young green wheat.
Modern research has shown that Wheatgrass juice is a unique natural source of health.

It includes proteins, carbohydrates, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, vanadium, etc., plus all known vitamins, and in large quantities.
SENSATION! Now to grow teeth, it will be possible at any age9 rituals that will restore your sight five years ago
For example, here of vitamin C seven times more than in oranges, five times more iron than spinach, ten — calcium and protein than milk. In addition, the sprout juice is rich in enzymes, amino acids and has a complete set of proteins. But it is important not only that.
Wheatgrass juice contains is truly priceless substance, such as chlorophyll. published
Remember, self-life-threatening, for advice about the use of any medication, contact your doctor.
Source: makataka.ru/life/14900-eto-spaslo-emu-zhizn-on-vylechil-rak-na-4-stadii-byt-zdorovym-legko-dostatochno-prosto-zahotet.html
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