Here's how to treat road boors! Brilliant idea
Thirty eight million four hundred fifty thousand six hundred fourteen
Site learned about the awesome in every sense of the invention. Chinese drivers have declared war on the fans to cuddle up on the road and blinding headlights. Ninety three million two hundred ninety two thousand eight hundred sixty four
Photo source: Bigpicture.Genovese weapons in this kind of traffic conflicts — an eerie reflective stickers on the rear glass, pattern glass, which is visible only when caught from behind, the driver will include a blinding light.
Forty seven million four hundred eight thousand five hundred twenty one
These spooky prints go like hot cakes, plus they are quite inexpensive — from 3 to 18 dollars.
Ninety six million three hundred twenty six thousand five hundred sixty eight
Traffic police in China have noted the emergence of new car tags. In Beijing said that the law is not allowed to glue stickers on glass mirrors, but such driver would be liable if the cause of the accident will be the fear of another driver.
Eight million seven hundred sixty thousand one hundred five
But the police of Shandong thinks differently: here the medium stickers on the rear window will be fined 100 yuan ($15).
Twenty seven million two hundred fifty four thousand three hundred sixty three
Thirty one million seven hundred twenty three thousand three hundred seven
Thirty nine million eighty seven thousand nine hundred fourteen
Fifty three million three thousand four hundred sixty three
Seventy two million eight hundred forty six thousand six hundred seventy two
via bigpicture.ru/?p=828792
Site learned about the awesome in every sense of the invention. Chinese drivers have declared war on the fans to cuddle up on the road and blinding headlights. Ninety three million two hundred ninety two thousand eight hundred sixty four
Photo source: Bigpicture.Genovese weapons in this kind of traffic conflicts — an eerie reflective stickers on the rear glass, pattern glass, which is visible only when caught from behind, the driver will include a blinding light.
Forty seven million four hundred eight thousand five hundred twenty one
These spooky prints go like hot cakes, plus they are quite inexpensive — from 3 to 18 dollars.
Ninety six million three hundred twenty six thousand five hundred sixty eight
Traffic police in China have noted the emergence of new car tags. In Beijing said that the law is not allowed to glue stickers on glass mirrors, but such driver would be liable if the cause of the accident will be the fear of another driver.
Eight million seven hundred sixty thousand one hundred five
But the police of Shandong thinks differently: here the medium stickers on the rear window will be fined 100 yuan ($15).
Twenty seven million two hundred fifty four thousand three hundred sixty three
Thirty one million seven hundred twenty three thousand three hundred seven
Thirty nine million eighty seven thousand nine hundred fourteen
Fifty three million three thousand four hundred sixty three
Seventy two million eight hundred forty six thousand six hundred seventy two
via bigpicture.ru/?p=828792
Delightful paintings of Thomas kinkade, drenched in sunshine and warmth
15 impossible funny jokes that will make you cry from laughter!