People have different understandings of the word "love"
Due to the fact that people have different understandings of the word "love", there is a lot of confusion and a lot of drama. Here and popular Board cushion psychologists "you Have to love yourself!" seems contradictory.
First, raised in the spirit of "we love you and want the good, you love yourself not necessarily eat what you give".
Second, we would have to explain first what is meant by this "love", and then he would chew, as it relates to "buy yourself" and "forget it", then came the enlightenment. And so...
The problem of the verb "to love" in that it means multiple things. For example, conveys the emotional state.
I came to you with greetings,
To tell that the sun was up,
It is a hot light
The leaves trembled.
Totally irrational impulse to go and Wake the innocent man the story that the lyrical hero is in a state of exaltation, inexplicable elation.
Even the ordinary, the everyday, the home planet rotation around a star of class G type yellow dwarf causes him delight. A bit like the manic phase of bipolar disorder, right? But everything falls into place if we assume that the lyrical hero, who came with greetings.
However, "love" means not only the state, but also the process. In the same poem we find these lines:
To tell that with the same passion
Yesterday, I came again
That the soul is still happiness
And you are ready to serve.
So the character, though touched slightly with my mind, but ready not only to retell the weather forecast. To serve happiness and you he is ready too. "Serve" usually means "to perform some action for the benefit and for the benefit of the object of service."
Benefit and the benefits usually are that the object, at least not getting worse, and at best, the prettier and blooming from such worries by the day.
The soul of the lyric hero, however, ready to serve not only the object of passion, but happiness. And this is an important distinction of the service of love-service life. The public service does not necessarily bring happiness. Enough material income. Butlove is actions on the simultaneous application of the use of the object, and of causing thereby of happiness itself.
The word "love" can have many meanings, but two of these is enough to take in prostration. In the context of self-love is enjoyed exclusively by the second value. Love of self equates to quality maintenance and sewing slipcovers luxury.
If you like, buy the best, privacy, luxury, drink, exotic, eat, organic. That's great in itself, if the budget allows. But if does not, then, according to the same advertising, you do not love yourself. Using a cheap makeup instead of our nanoparticles of silver? You spat in my face. Use for daily shaving plastic razor instead of our titanium blades? Dude, you hate yourself.
That is, even at the level of daily service to self is problematic to decide whether this Ministry is. With should love?
However, if you focus on other people's opinions and own experience, starting something to make sense. Nothing wrong with the maintenance there. If it takes place on the principle of reasonable care and leads to the enhancement of personal resources, not to exhaustion.
Twenty years ago, a neighbor's man — husband, father and officer who died was said to be from an excess of self-love. Really loved himself, he very specifically. If left on will run in any weather every morning, loved. But if missed, then so themselves are not loved that much to drink started. That morning, when he died, was particularly vile weather, after a heavy thaw the frost had struck and for a run out especially not wanted. But what does "not like" if every missed run is a step toward heart attack? Heart attack he escaped. Stroke due to spasm of the vessels was fatal yet due to the fact that there are very few people who are so like himself to run at five thirty in the morning on a snowy street.
And what to say about such a delicate matter, as feelings? What does it mean to feel love for yourself? To experience pleasant feelings in the company itself? Remember yourself apart with the warmth and tenderness? Miss if long seen himself and spread out into a smile, he reached a mirror?
Questions, questions. Whom can I ask them? Except that people who love themselves. And how to find them? Looked around. Sitting one next. Sees himself in the mirror — laughing, to embrace the reflection of the climbs. If you make something particularly good - himself applauds. Full-adoration. It's hard not to love yourself when you're eleven months and you're mom and dad's kukusik. But it is only the part of love that feeling. All actions on the enhancement of welfare Kukushka committed parents.
In the next room live Teens. Completely Autonomous in the sense of samoobsluzhivaniya and is even able to earn his pasture. Asked the eldest daughter:
— You love myself?
— In General — Yes. Sometimes a disgruntled.
— How do you feel that you love yourself?
— I feel that I want to make a nice. Means - love. And sometimes I do nice to others. And then love myself even more than doing nicely yourself. Strange, but I love when my team or the people around me something good to do. Even without me. And when I do that I'm scared or gesture as unusual, but overcome that and do what's necessary to make me respect and love themselves just to horror.Only this rarely happens.
And you just love yourself?
— You know, when I feel good, the question of self-love arises. But when it is bad — it is very difficult to do yourself good. Well, and love yourself hard.
— What you need to do when you feel bad?
— Just do not tell me "Love yourself!" or "You're good". It is better for me not to speak.
— And what to talk about?
— Tell me about yourself. Well, at worst, about any movie or book.
And tea with chocolate to bring?
Bring it.
The characteristics that give the lonely woman
The person with whom you are well ..
Well, when there's enough kids and chocolate. It's much easier to make nice to yourself and others successfully overcome their passion for chocolate. published
Author: Svetlana Panina
Source: svetlana-panina.livejournal.com/554391.html
First, raised in the spirit of "we love you and want the good, you love yourself not necessarily eat what you give".
Second, we would have to explain first what is meant by this "love", and then he would chew, as it relates to "buy yourself" and "forget it", then came the enlightenment. And so...

The problem of the verb "to love" in that it means multiple things. For example, conveys the emotional state.
I came to you with greetings,
To tell that the sun was up,
It is a hot light
The leaves trembled.
Totally irrational impulse to go and Wake the innocent man the story that the lyrical hero is in a state of exaltation, inexplicable elation.
Even the ordinary, the everyday, the home planet rotation around a star of class G type yellow dwarf causes him delight. A bit like the manic phase of bipolar disorder, right? But everything falls into place if we assume that the lyrical hero, who came with greetings.
However, "love" means not only the state, but also the process. In the same poem we find these lines:
To tell that with the same passion
Yesterday, I came again
That the soul is still happiness
And you are ready to serve.
So the character, though touched slightly with my mind, but ready not only to retell the weather forecast. To serve happiness and you he is ready too. "Serve" usually means "to perform some action for the benefit and for the benefit of the object of service."
Benefit and the benefits usually are that the object, at least not getting worse, and at best, the prettier and blooming from such worries by the day.
The soul of the lyric hero, however, ready to serve not only the object of passion, but happiness. And this is an important distinction of the service of love-service life. The public service does not necessarily bring happiness. Enough material income. Butlove is actions on the simultaneous application of the use of the object, and of causing thereby of happiness itself.
The word "love" can have many meanings, but two of these is enough to take in prostration. In the context of self-love is enjoyed exclusively by the second value. Love of self equates to quality maintenance and sewing slipcovers luxury.
If you like, buy the best, privacy, luxury, drink, exotic, eat, organic. That's great in itself, if the budget allows. But if does not, then, according to the same advertising, you do not love yourself. Using a cheap makeup instead of our nanoparticles of silver? You spat in my face. Use for daily shaving plastic razor instead of our titanium blades? Dude, you hate yourself.
That is, even at the level of daily service to self is problematic to decide whether this Ministry is. With should love?
However, if you focus on other people's opinions and own experience, starting something to make sense. Nothing wrong with the maintenance there. If it takes place on the principle of reasonable care and leads to the enhancement of personal resources, not to exhaustion.
Twenty years ago, a neighbor's man — husband, father and officer who died was said to be from an excess of self-love. Really loved himself, he very specifically. If left on will run in any weather every morning, loved. But if missed, then so themselves are not loved that much to drink started. That morning, when he died, was particularly vile weather, after a heavy thaw the frost had struck and for a run out especially not wanted. But what does "not like" if every missed run is a step toward heart attack? Heart attack he escaped. Stroke due to spasm of the vessels was fatal yet due to the fact that there are very few people who are so like himself to run at five thirty in the morning on a snowy street.
And what to say about such a delicate matter, as feelings? What does it mean to feel love for yourself? To experience pleasant feelings in the company itself? Remember yourself apart with the warmth and tenderness? Miss if long seen himself and spread out into a smile, he reached a mirror?

Questions, questions. Whom can I ask them? Except that people who love themselves. And how to find them? Looked around. Sitting one next. Sees himself in the mirror — laughing, to embrace the reflection of the climbs. If you make something particularly good - himself applauds. Full-adoration. It's hard not to love yourself when you're eleven months and you're mom and dad's kukusik. But it is only the part of love that feeling. All actions on the enhancement of welfare Kukushka committed parents.
In the next room live Teens. Completely Autonomous in the sense of samoobsluzhivaniya and is even able to earn his pasture. Asked the eldest daughter:
— You love myself?
— In General — Yes. Sometimes a disgruntled.
— How do you feel that you love yourself?
— I feel that I want to make a nice. Means - love. And sometimes I do nice to others. And then love myself even more than doing nicely yourself. Strange, but I love when my team or the people around me something good to do. Even without me. And when I do that I'm scared or gesture as unusual, but overcome that and do what's necessary to make me respect and love themselves just to horror.Only this rarely happens.
And you just love yourself?
— You know, when I feel good, the question of self-love arises. But when it is bad — it is very difficult to do yourself good. Well, and love yourself hard.
— What you need to do when you feel bad?
— Just do not tell me "Love yourself!" or "You're good". It is better for me not to speak.
— And what to talk about?
— Tell me about yourself. Well, at worst, about any movie or book.
And tea with chocolate to bring?
Bring it.
The characteristics that give the lonely woman
The person with whom you are well ..
Well, when there's enough kids and chocolate. It's much easier to make nice to yourself and others successfully overcome their passion for chocolate. published
Author: Svetlana Panina
Source: svetlana-panina.livejournal.com/554391.html