Tips 25-year-old from the richest man in China
At the conference in Seoul, the young man asked Jack MA, founder of Alibaba Group, whose fortune is estimated at $ 22.2 billion, what would he do if he was now 25 years old and he just started his business.
Website learned how said Creator of the most expensive Internet company in Asia, that when I couldn't get the job "even assistant Manager in a restaurant chain Kentucky Fried Chicken":
Opportunities are everywhere. All now say that the Internet is the future. 10 years ago the Internet was great because of him, no one knew. Now the Internet becomes difficult because there went all the smart people. Therefore, you should get in the real sector.
If you want to open a restaurant — use technology to make it unique. If you want to open a Barber shop — use IT technology and data, be different from everyone. Works not only hi-tech technology can be applied everywhere.
Think "in the opposite direction". When everyone agrees with something, think a minute: is it right? Whether so it actually? When all together against something too think about. Maybe they are wrong? And maybe there are opportunities?
If you're 25 — don't worry. Any perfect of your problem is a huge value to you.
I identified the following "scheme", which tell the younger generation:
- Up to 20 years — be student. Hold your entrepreneurship, you may learn something.
- Up to 30 — follow someone. Work in a small company. Large companies — it is also good practice to learn the process, you will be part of a larger system. But in a small company you learn to cheer for their cause and to dream, and to perform many tasks. Up to 30 it's not in the company what title you worked, and then, what kind of boss you have, it is very important. A good boss will teach you important things.
- From 30 to 40 years — you work for yourself, if you really want to be an entrepreneur.
- From 40 to 50 years — do what you're good at, don't try to cross somewhere else, to new areas already too late. Focus on their best achievements.
- From 50 to 60 years — work for young people. They can do much better than you, so teach them, invest in them.
- After 60 years — spend time, the beach and the sun.
My advice to 25-year-old people make mistakes. Don't worry. You fall and rise, fall and rise. Enjoy it, enjoy your youth and life.
Source Ahnjin Yoo
According to the materials of Rusbase
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