I want to unbutton all the buttons and let the these thoughts fresh flow
The author of the famous book "Eat, pray, love" by Elizabeth Gilbert with the completion of the novel has not ceased to look for happiness and to see the light at the actions of other people.
The website publishes her story, like the touch of the warm hand of a friend in a difficult moment.
A few years ago I was stuck in new York traffic with a bus full of tired and irritable passengers. On the street gushing rain. In the bus men growled at each other — who started the altercation and for some reason, I didn't know. No one thought to give place to a pregnant woman. The air sparkled with resentment.
On Seventh Avenue, the driver made an announcement: "Friends! I know we all had a hard day. I can't do anything with the weather and traffic jams. But I can do something. I suggest everyone of you go through the front door. I hold out my hand. As a go past, put her worries and upset, okay? I'll be going back across the Hudson and throw all that stuff right into the water. Will you go?"
"Yes, he's a wizard", I thought. The passengers laughed. Their faces cleared. These people last an hour pretending to not see my neighbors, now began to look them in the eye: is he serious?
And he meant it.
At the next stop the driver stuck his hand through the window for tickets and waited. One by one the passengers left through the front door and pretended to put something in his palm. Someone laughed, someone wept, but each one touched the hand of the driver. At the next stop the driver again stretched his hand. And so it was for each — down to the river.
Are disgusting days. Sometimes those days stretch on for several years. Are you trying to change the situation, but nothing comes out. You lose your job, money, friends, faith and love. You look at the terrible events in the news. You're scared. You close all the buttons.
Sometimes all of us, darkness descends. You need light, but you can't find it. But what if you have a light? What if you can become a light source?
As the driver of the bus, which was not a famous person or a spiritual teacher. He didn't want to take their knowledge to the people. A regular employee of the service industry is one of the most invisible people. But the strength of an ordinary man is huge, and the driver was able to send it to help all of us.
Of course, I can't stop global warming, end wars, to convert people. But I can influence those you meet, even if we are officially strangers.
My behavior matters, because I don't live on a desert island. Contagious worries and fears, but also contagious, patience and generosity. Each of us has much more influence than he knows.
Moreover, I think that's the only way of lighting the world: one stop after the other, down to the river.
Source oprah
Translation of Summer in my head
Author Elizabeth Gilbert
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