Boy every day wear to school 2 lunch, until my mom found out the reason

From the beginning of the school year the boy Dylan asked his mother to give him to school with you two sandwiches instead of one. Josette Durand of Albuquerque (USA) didn't ask questions, thinking that my son just has a good appetite. But one still could not resist and asked: "Honey, you don't eat?" The son answered: "It's for a boy. He brings nothing with him for lunch, I think they have no money."

Josette was surprised and touched by the compassion of Dylan. It turned out that the family of his friend the great difficulties: the mother is raising the boy alone, besides she's recently lost his job and now barely making ends meet. This story has resonated in the heart of Josette, who a few years ago was in a terrible situation. A single mother, she too was left without a job and could no longer rent an apartment. Then she some time had to sleep in the car and wash son in the sinks of public toilets.

Questions she never asked, and just continued every day to collect her son from school lunch. And then one morning she got a call from school and was invited to the Director. There she met the mother of a friend of Dylan. She learned about good deeds and with tears in his eyes came to say thank you. "I know that you fed my son, and I am really grateful to you. And now I found a job," and the boy's mother suggested Josette.

Note from mom in the lunch box: "Great dinner, boys!"
But the money is not taken. Moreover, the good deed of the son who took care of the other, told Josette that she can do more. Together with friends from the volleyball team, they collected $ 400 and paid for the Lunches in the school cafeteria to children whose families cannot afford it.

"I love you, son! Very proud of you! Always do the right thing! Your fan".
About the act Josette learned of the media, and the roller with its participation are splattered all over the Internet. We at the Site believe — deservedly so. Because in order to change the world for the better, not necessarily to move mountains. Enough to help someone who is nearby.
Photos on the preview Josette Duran / Facebook.com
According to the materials littlethings, Josette Duran / Facebook.com
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