The art of giving
Truly we give only when they do not share, and give. When You give, this could be lots of reasons – I give to gain, I give below I felt good, I give, because it is necessary...
But the GIFT, in contrast of giving– is a process, not appreciated by the mind. Gift – giving is such as when You want to do in order to help someone fix something, and because I feel – now we have it to give. You know that from the heart.
The desire to give arises only from the excess, when You are filled with happiness.
Previously, we had to be very vigilant to ensure that we, first and foremost, given the resource itself, and then from its full pitcher is poured into someone's glass. Because it was a time of games, when we had clear track to "sacrifice oneself" not become the norm, which is the light and heat we generate irritation and dissatisfaction with others.
Then at some point we saw with amazement that we are willing to give, but our gifts are not good. Because of our desire to be good violates the elections of other people, their commitment to their subject.
But now the games have passed, and we no longer need to fear that we can do something to Rob: of emotional energy or action... Because our happiness is inside us and only we – its creators. So when Your heart begins to open and You feel the impulse that motivates You to do good cause its close to give him warmth and kindness – it is very important to realize this impulse.
This is to bypass the mind. Once You start to think, to analyze, to compare – this condition disappears. Because the mind is only a tool in the analysis of the external illusion, and the Soul is outside of the illusion, and the body that LOVES is not the mind and heart.
Happiness overwhelms You and an impulse to pour it on people through absolutely simple steps: someone sneaker to bring someone a glass of water to pour, someone approvingly Pat on the back, someone to compliment... And sometimes costs no actions and words, and just poured out a smile or warm eyes. It is a completely natural process. Because the Soul is the sun. A basic property of the sun is to exude.
I urge You not to be afraid of this condition. It has no relation neither to the control nor to care, nor to education nor to understand... This property of the heart that initially You. It is not necessary to earn, to win, he should be allowed to occur. In every moment You do have inner harmony, do not spare, do not fear – derivate the World.
Now our strength consists in the fact that we are generous. So in those moments when You without any reason I want to be generous to others — be not bothered where it will lead. Just give, just sow.
Make a spontaneous gift to your friend, if You suddenly had such a desire; or clean in the room daughters (for himself, kicks); or mentally heartily give my son the opportunity to make the mistake that he's doing now...
Of course, if in Your giving there is an ulterior motiveexpectations of fair exchange, You will receive an unpleasant the return line. But if You do give from abundance, it will never be a violation of the energy exchange with the Universe and not be a reason to manipulate You.
Many of us are quite can afford the donation is as Vasilisa the Beautiful: waved – the lake appeared, waved the other swans on the lake swam... And Vasilisa went on, without expecting anything. Allow your heart to shed Amrita of immortality out and go further, without expecting anything in return. After all, every such donation opens the flow in Your heart of love to flow from Your Soul.
Of course, this momentum is unstable. You can be in a situation of irritation, anger, discouragement, helplessness, etc. Because while we are in body, we can't be perfect. And here and make a choice that does not solve the situation, and do what allows You to quickly return ourselves to harmony, to feel again like not a "shell", and the dimensionless Soul that You are.
The reasons for this is, because now every moment of choice allows you to discard the lingering doubts of the mind, suffering, the ego, the karmic records, birth program and make a step towards your Soul, which is Love. Literally at any moment You can say: I want to be happy, I know I am the Light! you will be supported in this.
Look in the moment "here and now" the pleasure of staying in this body, enjoy living in it. In fact right now one thing is important – it is important to feel in itself dimensionless. To feel placed in the body, the heart, in the inner space. And then this inner space Divine lights Light Your current outdoor space.
We are moving to a completely new reality, and access to it is through Love, through heart, through the warmth and tenderness that is available to us. So take care of yourself, take care of your miraculous body and amazed the beauty of its path.published
Author: Svetlana Dobrovolskaya
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: obreteniesili.ru/preobrazhenie-sebia/pozvolte-sebe-luchitsya.html
But the GIFT, in contrast of giving– is a process, not appreciated by the mind. Gift – giving is such as when You want to do in order to help someone fix something, and because I feel – now we have it to give. You know that from the heart.
The desire to give arises only from the excess, when You are filled with happiness.

Previously, we had to be very vigilant to ensure that we, first and foremost, given the resource itself, and then from its full pitcher is poured into someone's glass. Because it was a time of games, when we had clear track to "sacrifice oneself" not become the norm, which is the light and heat we generate irritation and dissatisfaction with others.
Then at some point we saw with amazement that we are willing to give, but our gifts are not good. Because of our desire to be good violates the elections of other people, their commitment to their subject.
But now the games have passed, and we no longer need to fear that we can do something to Rob: of emotional energy or action... Because our happiness is inside us and only we – its creators. So when Your heart begins to open and You feel the impulse that motivates You to do good cause its close to give him warmth and kindness – it is very important to realize this impulse.
This is to bypass the mind. Once You start to think, to analyze, to compare – this condition disappears. Because the mind is only a tool in the analysis of the external illusion, and the Soul is outside of the illusion, and the body that LOVES is not the mind and heart.
Happiness overwhelms You and an impulse to pour it on people through absolutely simple steps: someone sneaker to bring someone a glass of water to pour, someone approvingly Pat on the back, someone to compliment... And sometimes costs no actions and words, and just poured out a smile or warm eyes. It is a completely natural process. Because the Soul is the sun. A basic property of the sun is to exude.
I urge You not to be afraid of this condition. It has no relation neither to the control nor to care, nor to education nor to understand... This property of the heart that initially You. It is not necessary to earn, to win, he should be allowed to occur. In every moment You do have inner harmony, do not spare, do not fear – derivate the World.
Now our strength consists in the fact that we are generous. So in those moments when You without any reason I want to be generous to others — be not bothered where it will lead. Just give, just sow.
Make a spontaneous gift to your friend, if You suddenly had such a desire; or clean in the room daughters (for himself, kicks); or mentally heartily give my son the opportunity to make the mistake that he's doing now...
Of course, if in Your giving there is an ulterior motiveexpectations of fair exchange, You will receive an unpleasant the return line. But if You do give from abundance, it will never be a violation of the energy exchange with the Universe and not be a reason to manipulate You.
Many of us are quite can afford the donation is as Vasilisa the Beautiful: waved – the lake appeared, waved the other swans on the lake swam... And Vasilisa went on, without expecting anything. Allow your heart to shed Amrita of immortality out and go further, without expecting anything in return. After all, every such donation opens the flow in Your heart of love to flow from Your Soul.
Of course, this momentum is unstable. You can be in a situation of irritation, anger, discouragement, helplessness, etc. Because while we are in body, we can't be perfect. And here and make a choice that does not solve the situation, and do what allows You to quickly return ourselves to harmony, to feel again like not a "shell", and the dimensionless Soul that You are.
The reasons for this is, because now every moment of choice allows you to discard the lingering doubts of the mind, suffering, the ego, the karmic records, birth program and make a step towards your Soul, which is Love. Literally at any moment You can say: I want to be happy, I know I am the Light! you will be supported in this.
Look in the moment "here and now" the pleasure of staying in this body, enjoy living in it. In fact right now one thing is important – it is important to feel in itself dimensionless. To feel placed in the body, the heart, in the inner space. And then this inner space Divine lights Light Your current outdoor space.

We are moving to a completely new reality, and access to it is through Love, through heart, through the warmth and tenderness that is available to us. So take care of yourself, take care of your miraculous body and amazed the beauty of its path.published
Author: Svetlana Dobrovolskaya
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: obreteniesili.ru/preobrazhenie-sebia/pozvolte-sebe-luchitsya.html