Ice-cream cake.
- 1 liter of ice cream (it would be good to take red)
- 100 grams of chocolate
- 150 g macaroons
- 200 ml cream
- 1 package of cream fixative for
- The berries for decoration, cookies or chocolate chips
1. Form a diameter of 20 cm or 1 liter is lined with cling film, soft ice cream to put in shape, smooth and send in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.
2. Melt chocolate in a water bath, cookie crumble and mix with chocolate. Mass even layer put on ice cream and put on 30 minutes in the refrigerator.
3. Whip cream with a fixative, ice cream overturn on a dish, carefully remove the tape and form. Lubricate all sides cream, put on 10 minutes in the refrigerator before serving decorate.