The wise old parable of the donkey, which will support your strength and show the right path

Sometimes problems are piled all at once, here was buried under a... the Website knows what to do. Read this story to the end. One day a donkey a farmer fell into a deep well. While the owner thought what he should do, the unfortunate animal began to emit a mournful sound. Finally the farmer decided that the donkey was already old, and the well still had to dig anyway.
And it seemed to him that it is not necessary to spend many efforts in order to pull out old donkey. He invited his fellow villagers to help him dig a well. They all took up a shovel and began vigorously to throw the earth into the well. The donkey immediately realized what was going and started a terrible scream.
Then, to everyone's surprise, the screeching stopped. After a few regular servings of the earth, thrown into the well, the farmer decided to check and see how down there. And he was extremely astonished by what he saw there.
With each new shovel of earth that fell on his back, the donkey was doing something absolutely incredible — he shook off and was dropped over land. While the neighbors continued to throw earth into the well, the animal every time he shook himself and stood on top falling on top of the ground.
Soon enough, everyone was surprised because he saw the donkey went upstairs, jumped over the edge of the well and sped off into the distance, like crazy!
In life you will meet a lot of good dirt, and life will send you all the new and the new portion. But whenever you drop a new piece of land, shake yourself and rise up, and the only way you can get out of the life of the well. If you don't stop and don't give up, you can get out of the deep well.
Shake off and rise up!
via bibo.kz/anekdoti/1042255-odnazhdy-osel-odnogo-krestyanina-provalilsya-v-glubokiy-kolodec.html
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