Красота не спасет мир

The truth is not in guilt. There is no healthy spirit in a healthy body. But there are winged expressions, the meaning of which we do not really know. There is an opinion that a truly educated person is distinguished by the ability to choose the right words in any situation. This is extremely difficult to do if you do not know the meaning of certain words. The same thing happens with well-known catchphrases: some of them are so replicated in false meanings that few people remember their original meaning.
Website We need to use the right words in the right contexts. The most common misconceptions are gathered in this material.
“Work is not a wolf, it will not run into the forest.”
- Wrong context: Work's not going anywhere, let's put it off.
- The right context: The work will have to be done anyway.
"In a healthy body a healthy mind"
- Wrong context: Keeping the body healthy, a person retains mental health.
- The right context: We must strive for harmony between body and spirit.
"Beauty will save the world"
- The Wrong Context: Beauty Will Save the World
- The right context: Beauty will not save the world.
“Life is short, art is eternal.”
- Wrong context: True art will live on even after the death of the author.
- The right context: Life is not enough to master all art.
"And you, Brutus?"
- Wrong context: Surprise, appeal to a traitor who was trusted.
- The right context: Threat, "you're next."
"Thinking through a tree"
- Incorrect Context: Speaking/writing is confusing and lengthy; going into unnecessary detail without limiting your thought.
- The right context: Look from every angle.
"The people are silent"
- Wrong context: People are passive, indifferent to everything.
- The right context: People refuse to accept what is imposed on them.
“Masalski: People! Mary Godunova and her son Fyodor poisoned themselves with poison. Why are you silent?
Cry: Long live Tsar Dimitri Ivanovich!
The people are silent.”
“Man was made for happiness like a bird for flight.”
- The Wrong Context: Man was born to be happy.
- The right context: Happiness is impossible for man.
"Truth in Wine"
- Incorrect Context: The person who drinks is telling the truth.
- The right context: In wine may be truth, but health is in water.
The Moor has done his job, the Moor may go.
- The Wrong Context: Of Shakespeare's Othello.
- The right context: Cynical about a man whose services are no longer needed.
Let a hundred flowers bloom.
- Wrong context: The richness of options and diversity is a good thing.
- The right context: Let the critics criticize.