Food human flesh are you sure it's not in your diet?
The user does not even realize that buying the instant coffee Nescafe, Nesquick cocoa, seasoning Maggie, baby food or other products of brands owned by Nestle, it retrieves the product with the addition of "human flesh".
In 2012, on cinema screens out the picture "Cloud Atlas", based on the eponymous book by David Mitchell, sisters Wachowski. You heard right, the sisters Wachowski, those famous brothers starred in the cult trilogy "the Matrix", and later changed your gender...But the topic of this article is not that.
Returning to the idea of the film "Cloud Atlas", it is worth noting that in one of the parallel storylines of the film talks about Korean city of Seoul in the days of the distant future.
Describes the work of the restaurant of the fast food chain, which employs only young and attractive waitresses, specially selected and trained for this work. Their working life could be described as rising, washing, and fitting of the work form that day, receiving nutritional energomira that helps to sleep well, and, of course, night sleep.
What is this Energomera is that helps you sleep like a baby and why this company employs only young girls? Further development of the plot tells the audience about a certain ceremony that accompanies the workers in catering, has reached the level of maturity, and move them to a better world, i.e. getting a honored enhancement.
The duration of the film is 172 minutes and is almost at the very end, we learn another important detail about the activities of this fast food chain. One of the young workers of the institution are able to penetrate into the room, which take away the newly promoted partners, and in fact is the processing plant have not yet quite faded in energomira bodies, via decapitation, and further cooking of the carcasses.
Someone will say "what nonsense!?", someone will say that it is a delirium of a sick imagination, and someone will say "big deal, big deal, well, such was the author's idea, anyway what can you expect from a film made by filmmakers who succeeded in consequence of the floor?".
I admit, I would not have given this episode a lot of attention because modern cinema is teeming with all sorts of perversions and mindless psychedelic scenes. It was as if not one information that made me think.
May I present the American biotech company Senomyx Co Ltd, which basic profile is production of various food additives for the food and cosmetic industries. If we visit the English-language Wikipedia, we find that by НЕК293 is the pride of the company mentioned above.
In turn, if we ask the question of what it means НЕК293, the same as Wikipedia will give us the answer that the NECK stands for Human Embryonic Kidney, have a kidney of an aborted human embryo.
Take a short break to allow more time to scroll in the head with a decryption component and go from there. For those who Wikipedia is not the authority propose to look at the links above, including the organization of ATCC, the site where you can see not only the certificates of conformity of the product, but also buy it for just 575 Euros.
Further more. Visit the company website www.senomyx.com we learn about the partners of this company-processor aborted human embryos. The list of partners is far from complete and still a few familiar names we will be able to make out: Pepsi Co, and Nestle.
If you continue to study this issue and find additional sources confirming the use of specified supplements, SOME 293 in their products, the fact finder will inevitably face with sources pointing to protest the attitude of the public, not just in American States but also in Russia.
The Senomyx website in the FAQ section (frequently asked questions) on the issue of labelling of food additives on food products States that the manufacturer has the legal right not to specify what type/code food additives or dye is used, referring to a trade secret manufacturing process.
All this suggests that consumers did not even realize that buying the instant coffee Nescafe, Nesquick cocoa, seasoning Maggie, baby food or other products of brands owned by Nestle, it retrieves the product with the addition of "human flesh".
20 hard truths that no one wants to admit60 facts that is useful to know everyone
This may sound awful, but actually it is. I suggest to search the Internet for information about pickets activists around the office of Nestle in Russia.
Dear readers, be careful and don't let yourself be fooled. Beautiful packaging and bright advertising of the product is secured to the high demand, but not a guarantee of fair relations between the producer of his work. I wish you and your families good health and longevity. published
Author: Goncharov, Viktor
Source: hmatveychev-oleg.livejournal.com/3401607.html
In 2012, on cinema screens out the picture "Cloud Atlas", based on the eponymous book by David Mitchell, sisters Wachowski. You heard right, the sisters Wachowski, those famous brothers starred in the cult trilogy "the Matrix", and later changed your gender...But the topic of this article is not that.
Returning to the idea of the film "Cloud Atlas", it is worth noting that in one of the parallel storylines of the film talks about Korean city of Seoul in the days of the distant future.
Describes the work of the restaurant of the fast food chain, which employs only young and attractive waitresses, specially selected and trained for this work. Their working life could be described as rising, washing, and fitting of the work form that day, receiving nutritional energomira that helps to sleep well, and, of course, night sleep.
What is this Energomera is that helps you sleep like a baby and why this company employs only young girls? Further development of the plot tells the audience about a certain ceremony that accompanies the workers in catering, has reached the level of maturity, and move them to a better world, i.e. getting a honored enhancement.
The duration of the film is 172 minutes and is almost at the very end, we learn another important detail about the activities of this fast food chain. One of the young workers of the institution are able to penetrate into the room, which take away the newly promoted partners, and in fact is the processing plant have not yet quite faded in energomira bodies, via decapitation, and further cooking of the carcasses.
Someone will say "what nonsense!?", someone will say that it is a delirium of a sick imagination, and someone will say "big deal, big deal, well, such was the author's idea, anyway what can you expect from a film made by filmmakers who succeeded in consequence of the floor?".
I admit, I would not have given this episode a lot of attention because modern cinema is teeming with all sorts of perversions and mindless psychedelic scenes. It was as if not one information that made me think.
May I present the American biotech company Senomyx Co Ltd, which basic profile is production of various food additives for the food and cosmetic industries. If we visit the English-language Wikipedia, we find that by НЕК293 is the pride of the company mentioned above.
In turn, if we ask the question of what it means НЕК293, the same as Wikipedia will give us the answer that the NECK stands for Human Embryonic Kidney, have a kidney of an aborted human embryo.
Take a short break to allow more time to scroll in the head with a decryption component and go from there. For those who Wikipedia is not the authority propose to look at the links above, including the organization of ATCC, the site where you can see not only the certificates of conformity of the product, but also buy it for just 575 Euros.
Further more. Visit the company website www.senomyx.com we learn about the partners of this company-processor aborted human embryos. The list of partners is far from complete and still a few familiar names we will be able to make out: Pepsi Co, and Nestle.
If you continue to study this issue and find additional sources confirming the use of specified supplements, SOME 293 in their products, the fact finder will inevitably face with sources pointing to protest the attitude of the public, not just in American States but also in Russia.
The Senomyx website in the FAQ section (frequently asked questions) on the issue of labelling of food additives on food products States that the manufacturer has the legal right not to specify what type/code food additives or dye is used, referring to a trade secret manufacturing process.
All this suggests that consumers did not even realize that buying the instant coffee Nescafe, Nesquick cocoa, seasoning Maggie, baby food or other products of brands owned by Nestle, it retrieves the product with the addition of "human flesh".
20 hard truths that no one wants to admit60 facts that is useful to know everyone
This may sound awful, but actually it is. I suggest to search the Internet for information about pickets activists around the office of Nestle in Russia.
Dear readers, be careful and don't let yourself be fooled. Beautiful packaging and bright advertising of the product is secured to the high demand, but not a guarantee of fair relations between the producer of his work. I wish you and your families good health and longevity. published
Author: Goncharov, Viktor
Source: hmatveychev-oleg.livejournal.com/3401607.html
Mistakes: to appreciate what you have, and those who are with us
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